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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Console Tutorial Worlds - (TLTM Project) ♥

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Terabiteage's Avatar Terabiteage
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
The Legacy Time Machine Project (1.18.1)

Is a project which I have decided to make as it fulfils everyone's nostalgic meter at their own demand.

WARNING: I may never or have much activity towards for this project but I am happy for other volunteers to finish my work. Reasons why I may not finish is that
1) Prolly ded (jk hopefully not)
2) I'm too lazy
3) Got bored and decided to just stick to playing Xbox 360 Minecraft

INFORMATION: This world is also made with the 'Immersive Portals' mod! So you can appear like you're travelling through time n stuff.. idk I'm way too much into time techy sci-fi stuff don't ask.. and yes Dr. Who is good.... well the older ones.. not the classics....... David Tennant is class.

I also used my own resource pack for this to fully recreate TU11 since that's when I started so here aswell:
) https://www.mediafire.com/file/pbug1zx0j0ki06f/Title+Update+11+Resourcepack.zip/file
**IT ISN'T FINISHED or well I don't think it is idk.. I think that was the right file.. I can't be bothered checking

In addition, to make this I also used MCC Tool Chest V2.0 to transfer Xbox 360 .bin files onto Java (I'M AWARE IT'S OUTDATED CHILL- I AINT PAYING FOR oPryzeLP's CONVERTER. IM BROKE PLUS IT DOESN'T CONVERT PAINTINGS ACROSS EITHER

MCC Tool Chest Version 2.0 has kinda disappeared off the face of the internet so here's an archive:
) https://web.archive.org/web/20210128054900/http://mcctoolchest.com/Download

TROUBLESHOOTING: If for some reason you can't get the world to load properly then it's probably something to do with the mods- so for a list of mods I used to make this includes:

) fabric-api-0.46.1+1.18.jar
) immersive-portals-1.2.5-mc1.18.1-fabric.jar
) Pehkui-3.1.0+1.14.4-1.18.1.jar
) phosphor-fabric-mc1.18.x-0.8.1.jar
) sodium-fabric-mc1.18.1-0.4.0-alpha6+build.14.jar

TLTM - Update 1

I assume it has became clear that I have gone into lazy mode and have stopped contributing to this project. My excuse for this is that this is a project which I intend to add onto in my own time and at my own speed. Most people probably don't want to hear that but here we are.

I created a Modpack for TU0 (still in development) which brings back some old assets and it comes along with my self-made resource pack which replaces most assets from the Xbox 360 version to Java. Sounds have not yet been touched.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Console Tutorial Worlds - (TLTM Project) ♥ Minecraft Map

TROUBLESHOOTING: The Modpack may not run due to conflicts between OptiFabric and the other Fabric mods. Please disable or toggle mods accordingly.

INFORMATION: What's the point of having several conflicting mods? Well fellow user, I have gave you the choice for either sticking with OptiFabric for custom entity models (i.e the old chest models) or either not having it! Primarily it's upto you but I much prefer having everything as close as possible to the old style of minecraft :)

) Legacy MCE Modpack (Fabric)

If you're having difficulties read this:
) Extract the .zip file
) Open CurseForge and import the profile (The .zip file which came out of one you just extracted)
) [​Optional] Change the profile icon to the one of the custom icons I made
Progress10% complete

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04/23/2022 1:20 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
TheHernan64's Avatar
for what version
04/25/2022 9:58 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Terabiteage's Avatar
Currently it is for 1.18.1 :)
Planet Minecraft


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