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[Concept] Soccer / Fussball in Vanilla-Minecraft

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LordRazen's Avatar LordRazen
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Dragon
Soccer in Vanilla-Minecraft

Play Soccer in Vanilla-Minecraft? That's possible if you know how. In this tutorial I explain the basic concept so you can apply the concept to your arena. You can also install this system on a server, plugins like Worldguard and Craftbook make it a lot easier to detect entities and you dont need a clock anymore.

Basic Concept
The concept here is very easy: You create two teams, split all players on the two teams. Then you give them a stick with knockback so they can hit the "ball".

The ball, that's nothing else then a entity which cannot move. In the first version I used simply a sheep, then I used a invisinible baby-zombie with the head of a soccerball. The problem with the zombie was that his hitbox is very small and you can only hardly get him out of the corner.

The actual ball I use is a Grum-Zombie with a soccerhead, riding a cow. The cow got the largt hitbox and the fact that the head of the zombie points down it is still in the right spot.

Detailed Concept
- Create Teams
- Spread players on the teams
- Activate the "Setup"-Modul which teleports the player to the playground, give the Soccer-Stick to the player and start the goal-clock
- Activate the "Countdown"-Module which has a little countdown and then spawn the Soccerball
- The goalclock tests if there's the soccerball in the goal-area via testfor @e. If yes, it kills the soccerball, set the goalcounter to the next goal and start the "Countdown"-Module again
- When the goalcounter reaches it's maximum it stops the game and activate the "Teardown"-Module
- The "Teardown"-Module reset the goalcounter, stops the goalclock, teleports the player from the playground and take the soccersticks.

Improvements via Plugins
- Craftbook-Area: Use it to create a display panel with the actual score. Can be done with the clone-command from Minecraft, too.
- Craftbook IC [1271]S for MOB_HOSTILE + Worldguard: Replace the goalclock - it easily detects the soccerball if it is in the goalregion
- Worldguard deny-spawn-flag: To avoid the spawning of other mobs during the game you can use a flag - only on the spawnpoint of the soccerball in the middle of the playground there has to be another region where mobs can spawn
- Craftbook IC [MC1217]S: With this IC you can give the players speed-effect during the game automatically. Can be dont with the effect-command, too.

Command for Teams
Add teams
/scoreboard teams add blue
/scoreboard teams add red

Add colors to the teams
/scoreboard teams option blue color blue
/scoreboard teams option red color red

Join teams
/scoreboard teams join red @a[.......]
/scoreboard teams join blue @a[.......]

Delete Teams
/scoreboard teams remove red
/scoreboard teams remove blue

@p skull 1 3

Sticks for the players
give @p minecraft:stick 1 0 {ench:[{id:19,lvl:2}],display:{Lore:["(Fussball - Event)"],Name:"Soccer-Stick"},HideFlags:2}

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Grumm",CustomNameVisible:0,Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:skull,Damage:3,Count:1,tag:{SkullOwner:{Id:"b74e58ec-4460-44b9-b0ca-2a1b9f331523",Properties:{textures:{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGU0YTcwYjdiYmNkN2E4YzMyMmQ1MjI1MjA0OTFhMjdlYTZiODNkNjBlY2Y5NjFkMmI0ZWZiYmY5ZjYwNWQifX19"}]}}}}],DropChances:[0.085F,0.085F,0.085F,0.085F,0.0F],Attributes:[{Name:zombie.spawnReinforcements,Base:0.0F}],Invulnerable:1,PersistenceRequired:1,NoAI:1,Silent:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:20000000,ShowParticles:0b}],Riding:{id:"Cow",CustomName:"Fussball",CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:1000000},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0}],Silent:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:20000000,ShowParticles:0b}]}}

Chat - Team X wins
tellraw @a[.....] {"text":"","extra":[{"text":"","color":"gold"},{"text":"Soccer","color":"dark_red"},{"text":"] ","color":"gold"},{"text":"Team Red wins!","color":"green"}]}
tellraw @a[......] {"text":"","extra":[{"text":"","color":"gold"},{"text":"Soccer","color":"dark_red"},{"text":"] ","color":"gold"},{"text":"Team Blue wins!","color":"green"}]}

Title & Subtitle - Team X wins
title @a[.....] title {text:"Team Red wins!",color:red}
title @a[.....] subtitle {color:red,"text":"","extra":[{"selector":"@ateam=red]"}]}

title @a[.....] title {text:"Team Blue wins!",color:blue}
title @a[.....] subtitle {color:blue,"text":"","extra":[{"selector":"@ateam=blue]"}]}
Progress100% complete

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