Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Spooky Mansion - Escape Room

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Miraculixx's Avatar Miraculixx
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Coop Escape Room (2 players)

Can you beat the Mansion? You can only escape if you work together and look closely at everything.

You and your friend want to go on vacation again. You decide on a isolated holiday hotel. However, when you arrive you notice that something is not going right.
While exploring the mansion you will come across more and more extraordinary objects and learn more about the secret locations of the mansion!

You can only find a way out of the mansion through interesting new items and traveling through different places.

Check out the Trailer

- This map also includes a hidden Timer that shows up at the end. So you can see exactly how long it took you.

- This map contains a custom resource pack! It contains self-made models and textures and some base textures from KDesp. (The pack should install itself automatically -> Server packs: prompt - or manualy here)

- 2 Players only | 1.16.x (tested in 1.16.4) You need Optifine!

- Avarage playing time 3 hours

- You are Stuck? Watch a full walkthrough here!

The map was originally created in German. If you know German, play the original version with extra voice lines here!

The map was built in 7 months with countless hours. If you upload a YouTube video of playing the map, please send it in the comments! Good luck!
CreditThis Map was created by Miraculixx & To_Binio
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Map fix #2 : by Miraculixx 02/02/2021 4:40:40 amFeb 2nd, 2021


- TexturePack
- Created a full Walktrough (solution) for all puzzles
- Fixed some spelling mistakes (again)

Thanks for 200 Downloads!

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05/13/2023 8:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Roterlachs_4's Avatar
Guten Abend, ich habe eine Frage, nämlich ist die deutsche Version der Map noch irgendwo verfügbar? Danke im voraus und ebenfalls danke für generel diese Mühe die ihr in die Map rein gesteckt habt. Ansich hat mich die englische Variante schon sehr beeindruckt. Vg Roterlachs_4
04/05/2021 10:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Troff3lxD's Avatar
Hey Ich finde die Map nice Würde trozdem gerne wissen wie ich die mit einem Freund spielen kann
03/01/2021 8:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3465561G's Avatar
Hey Miraculixx,
Wie hast du das mit den türen gemacht ?
Ich mache momentan selber so eine map und versteh das nicht ich hab schon models gemacht für die keys und habe so weit alles technische fertig bis auf das wäre super wenn du mir den command oder allgemein erklären könntest wie das geht.
PS: Deine map ist eine 1+ mit Sternchen!
03/02/2021 8:44 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Miraculixx's Avatar
Im Grunde ist es gar nicht so schwer. Es gibt mehrere Wege es zu machen, aber ich sag dir mal meinen.
Jeder Key hat eine CustomModelData bekommen, für die Textur. Nun prüfe ich ab mit /execute if entity @p[distance=..4,nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:stone_button",tag:{CustomModelData:123456}}}] ab ob der Spieler den button mit DIESEM Tag hat. So kann ich die unterscheiden.
Für solche Sachen kannst du https://mcstacker.net nutzen, das generiert dir solche langen Befehle
02/23/2021 11:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ThunderFoot5525's Avatar
why do you need optifine and also can i play it on 1.16.5?
02/26/2021 2:29 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Miraculixx's Avatar
You need Optifine, because the Item and Block design refers to an Optifine feature (custom modell). Without Optifine, minecraft will show you some weird stuff.

Yes, 1.16.5 shoud work
02/14/2021 5:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
adultcreep's Avatar
I played this map with a friend and I was very disappointed. I would not recommend this map to anyone. If you don't want to spoil the map you should stop reading my review right now.

I don't understand how this map took 7 months to create. The map extensively uses custom models which creates unbearable lag, and subtracts from the overall atmosphere and immersion of the map. A custom resource pack makes the options menu hard to navigate. The map managed to break before it had even begun, failing to teleport us after the intro sequence. Things only went further downhill once we reached the mansion.

The first room was a challenging puzzle, but was actually fun. The next parts involving amulets, altars and hidden passwords were never explained.. We wandered aimlessly up and down the hallways until we figured out what to do by pure luck. The puzzles overall seemed to be very random and didn't tie into the theme at all-- there was very little horror aspect and the atmosphere never seemed to get scarier as the ‘story’ was uncovered.

After solving puzzles in the mansion you’re shifted into a virtual reality world that was never explained to the players. There is nothing ‘spooky’ about trading with villagers in a generic co-op map that has no tie to the story. Luckily, it wasn’t long until we finally got access into the dark and scary dungeon below the mansion. Except, there’s nothing there besides a computer nerd who gives us a pair of headsets and teleports us to complete a skyblock map, then to help Santa Claus at the North Pole and then finally warp us to a graveyard. After completing a pointless puzzle you’re set free from the mansion but that doesn’t make sense. We are still in virtual reality, so how did we escape? Why was there no purpose behind the grandfather clock password? What was the diamond armor figure hiding in the attic? The map leaves so many unanswered questions completely unsatisfied.

I think you could create a great map overall if you focused on the story, puzzles and made sure the map was fun before publishing it. Instead it seems the 7 months was wasted on pointless animations, the introduction and showing off command blocks.
02/17/2021 3:46 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Miraculixx's Avatar
First of all, I thank you for apparently investing so much time in this more or less "critical comment". I will try to answer all of your points.

1. We made the models so that even I have over 100FPS with a relatively bad PC. I don't know why it's up to you.

2. The map took 7 months because I was completely new to this area and had to work my way first. In addition, the map was built on behalf of the German YouTuber and streamer BastiGHG, which means that a lot of time went into details (original version)

3. We have tested the map very often and many others have already confirmed that there are no errors. Maybe you have set something wrong.

4. All unnecessary functions have been removed from the menu and important ones are highlighted.

5. The puzzles were actually not fully explained, but always highlighted that you could know what's next. That is what the "quests" were meant for. There was also the password book. In a puzzle, you shoud think about stuff!

6. The map should NEVER be a horromap. It's only tagged as a puzzle and escape, not even an adventure.

7. Virtual reality should not be explained either. It was a "surprise" because the wrong code was entered (there was no correct one).

8. I would even agree with you about the conclusion. In the German version it is better explained and it refers to an insider from BastiGHG. After the great praise from Basti and Papaplatte, I only made the map public and tried to transfer it to Egnlisch. As you can see from the reviews, I thought until now that I did well.

Nevertheless, I thank you for taking the time to write this.
01/25/2021 11:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jobstone's Avatar
My friend and I have played for a while, and the map looks great so far. But now we are stuck at the bell puzzle and don't know how to open the front door. Can you give us a walkthrough of this map, so that we can look up when we are stuck at some point?
01/25/2021 1:51 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Miraculixx's Avatar
I created a full walkthrough with 2 perspectives. I updated the description and linked it for everone! (Or just click here)
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