Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Lord's Beacon -- a Fortress for the Weak

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M1nerBuilds4Him's Avatar M1nerBuilds4Him
Level 1 : New Miner
[[Disclaimer: The terrain shown and the creations in the background are not mine; they were created by an acquaintance of mine. Only the castle, the focus of this project, is my sole work.]]

= [Lore:] ===========================================================================================
Wandering through the wilderness, your bones ache and your energy fails you. Several miles back pain overtook your entire body, but moving forward continually was the only thing you could think of, and you pressed on. Now, the parts that were hurting you can no longer feel, as your body seems to whine, "No More." In the back of your mind a voice, no more than a whisper, barks at you, nagging at you--declaring your case hopeless; urging you to fall down and accept defeat. You try to ignore it, and at first you succeed, but the whisper remains, and in time you begin to wonder if the barking whisper is right, and the idea sounds better than suffering. Persisting, you manage to cross over a hill, and what do you see! In the distance, there is a flame.

The flame, while small, burns in a bright blue hue, and can be seen from miles away. The source: atop a fortress, a castle, built upon the hills, suitable for any king to reside in. Perhaps the owner... perhaps He would let you stay a night, you think to yourself. But alas, your limbs cannot move another inch, and like an over-sized house of cards you fall to the floor.

You wake up, in a soft bed, with pillows beneath your head and warm blankets over you. Beside the bed, a woman, apparently a nurse, startled by your waking. Before you can say anything, she gets up and walks out. When she comes back, a man, with expensive clothes and incredible stature about him, accompanies her. The nurse remains silent, but the man speaks.

"Good morning," he starts slowly, to make sure you are understanding him.

"Good morning," you reply, wearily, as you struggle to sit up in your bed.

Noticing, the man insists, "you are still recovering, let your body rest." He lets you settle back down before continuing. "You were very lucky. I saw you stumble over my hills and fall from my window. I went out personally to bring you back here."

With a faint rasp you are able to speak, "Sir, you have been kind to me, but I am afraid I have no way to repay you for your service..."

The man shook his head steadily. "Friend, I accept no payment, but listen and hear what I have to tell you.

"Even though I own these hills, and even though I own this estate, I am a servant to the Lord God Above. It is because of this, and the mercy He has shown me, that I am blessed with the ability to help you, my friend. You see, just as you were on a journey, all humanity has been set on a Journey through this life by God, but all of us, including myself, have gotten lost multiple times on our way, like you. But each time, God, finding us broken in the wilderness, shows to us the path to life. Just as I request nothing from you, He requires nothing of us, but to remember what He did, and live in such a way as to show others what He did. Therefore, I ask you, to not remember me, but to remember the kindness I have shown you, through the gifts He has given me, and to live in such a way that shows that you were dying, but now you are living because of Him."

You, now, have a choice.


While I have plenty of building experience before this, I have never put so much thought into my work. If you read the lore above, this castle is my rendition of the Lord's Estate, or what I have named it, 'The Lord's Beacon.' While the story is undoubtedly fictitious, what the Owner told the traveler (you) is real. We, are on a Journey, and we can end up in one of two places, in life, and in death. The path to death is often more tempting on the front face, which is why we stray toward it several times on our journey, but is ultimately unrewarding. But God wants us in Life with him, which is why He helps us along the way, but only if we acknowledge and show others that we need Him and were saved by Him. He also offers to us His Beacon, His shelter to reorient ourselves and to chose the path we want to follow. Those who read through all of this, I thank you. If you have questions about this I would love to answer them in DM's.

I did build this on a server, but I would like to keep that server anonymous, as no other people on that server, staff or otherwise, are involved with this post, nor do they need questions or comments about this post.
CreditAn incredible builder, IGN TrailnError, for the terrain and other builds
Progress100% complete
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