Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Wireless Redstone Version II in One Command

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ClassyElm's Avatar ClassyElm
Level 48 : Master Engineer
Hello and welcome back to another command creation! It is yet another new version of an outdated command. This time though, it is the Wireless Redstone command creation. I'm really excited to explain, so let's get to it!

What is it?
If you're not familiar with my previous command creation or you aren't familiar with wireless redstone, this is a bunch of command blocks that add a new way to use redstone. Redstone can now travel long distances without a delay. It's instantaneous. This also adds ten channels that can be broadcasted to. Each channel can have as many senders or receivers as you'd like!

How do you craft a wireless sender and a receiver?
To craft a sender, throw an ender pearl and a comparator on the same block as each other. You will then get a spawn egg for it which you can use wherever. Crafting a receiver works in a similar manner. Throw a hopper and a repeater on the ground on the same block as each other, and you'll be greeted with a receiver.

How do I change a sender or receiver's channel?
Right-click the sender or receiver. You will then be notified as to which channel the sender/receiver is on.

What are the differences with the original wireless redstone creation and this one?
That's a great question! While there aren't too many, the differences are important. Here's a list:
1. You can now spawn wireless senders and receivers in any of the four directions.
2. You no longer have access to infinite redstone blocks when a receiver is receiving redstone.
3. You cannot spawn a sender or receiver where a block is already present. If you do, you will get the spawn egg back.

What features does this creation have?
1. Multiplayer compatible
2. Survival friendly
3. Easy to use
4. Has ten broadcasting channels
5. Inability to spawn wireless redstone receiver or sender where a block is already present

How do you tell between a comparator and a wireless sender or a repeater and a wireless receiver?
The wireless sender will have orange particles emitted from it and the wireless receiver will have blue particles displayed on it.

How do I use a wireless sender and receiver?
It's easy! First, place a sender and set it to any channel you'd like. Then, place a receiver and set it to the same channel as the sender. Finally, activate the sender. You will see that no matter where you placed the receiver, it will be activated.

Are there any limitations to the wireless redstone that I should be aware of?
Sadly, yes. Wireless receivers cannot receive power from senders that are too far away unless both the receiver's and sender's chunk they're in is loaded. Also, spawning too many senders and receiver could cause some lag, but I wouldn't be as worried about that.

+Released on 1/16/2017
+Added support for Minecraft 1.12 on 6/12/2017

1.11+ : http://pastebin.com/C58DKnNA

Original Wireless Redstone Command: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/wireless-redstone-in-one-command-3498183/

If you've got any questions I didn't answer above, feel free to ask them in the comments below.
CreditMade by ClassyElm
Progress100% complete

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