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FractioniteNetwork - Massive PvP Server

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jorit34's Avatar jorit34
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
FractioniteNetwork - Massive PvP Server
Status Offline Pinged: 12/09/23
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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FractioniteNetwork is a fairly new minecraft server network.
If you want to have some fun you can come and test your PvP skills on our brand new PvP-server.
We do the best we can to make the server as good as possible.



Copy (CTRL+C) and Paste (CTRL+V) this IP into your Direct Connect or Click Add a server and Paste it below the server name.

- Custom-made PvP arena
- Custom Plugins
- Custom Enchantments/Abilitys
- 99% uptime
- Custom Storage
- Parkour
- Donor and non-donor features
And many more..

Staff information
Staff needs to be friendly, active and non-abusive. We highly respect the opinion of a player about our Staff.
Abusive Staff will be demoted within a day without remorse. We also offer an advanced ask and report system, to get your questions answered as fast as possible. We are also setting up a system or an mobile phone app, to have direct contact with the Owners or Staff.

As a Player
I've been a Player for a long time, the thing I hated the most was that you couldn't compete against Donators.
The most ignorant thing is that a Players voice was treated as a squeaking mouse. Donators would have all advantages, in Chat, Bans and opinions. We try to repair that feeling of most Players. All Donators and Players are Treated equal, you break the rules? You get punished.

Chat rules
I would like to discuss this here, the most seen on disrespecting words on PvP servers are: Ez, Kid, L2p, Noob, Rekt and more.. Why would you treat another player like that? Because they were not as good? This will be seen as disrepection and will break the not as good as you player community. We like to keep it friendly and if you see that guy does something stupid, maybe approach him friendly and try to say: Hey, if you do this like that you will do more damage, etc.. This will also be seen as a immense friendly player that will probably have high chances of joining our Community as a Staff.

If the server grows, we would like to host PvP Events or any other kind of event that's fun to participate with. You are thinking, ugh Donators will win that because they have that and this and that, well NO! In every event a Donator and a Player will receive the same buffs, debuffs or items. Always. Rewards of the Events? Well ye, there can be some Overpowered items given out, but they all won't be *Soulbounded or maybe a few of them. Ofcourse you're sad. That player just got stronger and even stronger. But what if you win an event, you'll become a strong player too! Everybody has the same chances, no events will be leaked so you can practice or anything.. Have fun Battling!

The PvP Arena can buy quite boring after time, that's why we want your opinion. We will vote if the Community wants to keep this map or not. If you have like an amazing idea of a map, tell us! Or even participate with building it. If you had that kind of  idea, and we used it because it was just plain awesome then ofcourse you will get credits, rewards or even your secret room to Torture people in! Muahahaha >:). We would love to see the map being renewing with others traps, different rooms, or mechanical redstone devices. Ugh! This maps sucks so much! Well, it probably does than, so why not help us.. We would be apperciate to even hear your complains about the map, even if it is just that Torch is on the wrong side!


You can either support us by playing, inviting your friends, voting and donating. Yes you will get feautres if you donate for a rank, but you can also donate to just donate. Currently there are NO finshed donator ranks. Since we would like your opinion about what's fair and unfair. How higher the ranks become how probably more unfair it will become, but we will ensure you. Everything you can get as a Donator, a Player will have access to it too, trough Events, killing Players, or killing the Owner.

Donator features

We will never, ever, ever! Give out GM, Godmode, Fly or anything like the most OP commands. Ye maybe they'll have faster access to better armor, Custom Enchants, and more. But they also supported the Server, it's mostly to show some Love back. There won't be a Instakill sword that only the best rank has access to or a armor that let's you be immortal. We would like to keep it as balanced as possible. That's why we need your help.


Just join ;)

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Hyper Build
04/09/2015 2:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hyper Build's Avatar
Cool Server and friendly staff :)
Everything is custom build and custom plugins.
Join -> play.fractionitenetwork.com
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