Minecraft Servers

Mister__snuffles's server

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Lethal_Darkness1's Avatar Lethal_Darkness1
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mister__snuffles\'s server
Status Offline Pinged: 09/20/23
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Greetings, I'm Wolf_HighLord, I am the Co-Owner of a 24/7 server (the real owner is Mister__Snuffles) that has been running for over two months, so it's a fairly new server, in that time I have done a lot. I have found over 50 cool plugins to enhance your Minecraft experience. I have created a popular creative world, that has attracted a few people. I have configured and repaired most of the plugins, while the Owner Mister__Snuffles has been the ingame player/rank manager, and pokenav2000 has helped hugely with advertising the server, using his podcast. Our ip address is:

My in game name is "Wolf_HighLord" I am very unknown on the server, because I only played to rest the server, and was always invisible. We are in a partnership (negotiated by Mister__snuffles) with Epic 3D Gaming Network. They have a spreaker page which they will soon leave, due to a poor quality of service from the website. The owner of Epic 3D is Brandon, his ingame name being "Pokenav2000". As mentioned earlier, he has done most of the advertising for the server, for that we thank him very much.

We currently have a popular creative world running, which most new players go to, before they join survival. We also have many of the super-popular plugins, such as towny (create and join towns, creates a community) mcmmo (level up-Skyrim style) iconomy (buy and sell things with the /money commands) and chest shop (sell items using chests, with signs above, saying who sells what, at which amounts, and what price.) I have spent a longtime fine-tuning the permissions, each group can only do the specific commands that are associated with them. That was harder than one would think. I also spend a lot of time researching plugins, and configuring them to make them suitable for the server. We have a good team of staff, set up to help you, to be friendly, and to expand the server.

The important plugin news is, that we have a plugin called jobs, which connects to iconomy. So if you like to kill mobs, then you can type /jobs join hunter. You will receive a money reward for killing it. There may be a five-second delay for the money to go into your account though. There are also jobs for breaking ores, placing certain blocks. Crafting Armour, and brewing, and there are many other jobs. So, need some money to buy goods from the player market at spawn. Then get a job and earn the money! (I love this plugin.)

Snuffles's blog:

Hi, I am the owner of the server. I came up with the idea, after months of playing on other servers, in that time I realized that there are ways of doing a better job than many of the best servers. These ideas include: Listening to low-ranking players, these are the players who make the foundations of the server, without them there would be no point in playing. Other ideas are, giving all ranks a good amount of permissions, to make playing more free, and more fun for everyone, this also makes less of a change between ranks. Cutting down on nasty "server hierarchy" that upsets some less frequent players. If you need help, just look for the snowy owl online, I will always be happy to help.

The team.



Plugin management, and friend of Snuffles IRL:





Droon99,Pokenav2000,razorking15 and Jackkattack99.

We also have a new donation system, running on buycraft, with a current system of three donor ranks. The third rank, however, is the only rank capable of keeping the server running. thank you to Gamer_King1 for being the first donor, buying the final option. When the donation expires you will receive the V.I.P rank. That only applies to buyers of the third package. Buying a rank also, certainly, makes you one of the coolest people ever to have lived (this group includes Yoda, Chuck Norris, and Gangnam.)

To buy a rank, in game type: /Buy 1/2/3 from here it will show you a link to the buying page. Click the link and then open the page, here you will find options to: See what is included in each package. How long the package will last, and how much it will cost.

Also, make sure to visit epic3d.webs.com that is the website of: Epic 3D Gaming Network, as they are in coalition with the server, it would help both of us (Pokenav2000 and Mister__Snuffles) out a lot. To have more people on both sides is of superior importance.

I will be working on getting a better ip address, as this may be fairly difficult to remember.

Info on rank applications:

So, you want a higher rank, whether it's for the perks, or the title, or just because you feel it is time for more responsibility. You can apply, by filling out the form below. The requirements are:

To achieve a V.I.P rank, you will need at lest 48 hours on the server, we have plugins checking on player time, so don't even try. You will also need to have done something rated 'good' by an admin on the server to apply for this, please not that you are more likely to get ranked if you make a long application, and if it is not honest, you will not get a rank.

To apply for builder you will need to have a building that has been rated as 'very good' it will have to be rated by an admin. You will also need at least 36 hours online. If your building has not been rated, post screenshots of it in the correct page in the forums, and we will take a look, we will also look at the building in game. We will check that it has been made by you, please note that if you have received too much help you will not get the rank, also note that if you have griefed in the past you will not get the rank, as you will be rated as a destroyer, unless you redeem yourself.

To apply for moderator you will need at least 1000 hours online, you will need a clean criminal record (no grief.) You will also need to have been given permission to apply, you will need to tell me who the admin that approved you is, and I will check. If you apply 5 minutes before 1000 hours, you will not get the rank. Please note that you will never be given the rank moderator straight off, and that you will be given the rank submod, but with trial-mod as the prefix.

The layout is:

Why you want the rank:

What you will do with the rank:

What is your experience of this rank:

How much experience with logblock and coreprotect do you have:

Do you have any worldedit experience:

Would you like to create a custom rank, and what should it have:

Additional details:

Additional Notes

Most information is in the main description, please visit our website: snufflesmc.webs.com/ As this contains all information on: Ranks. General information. News. Forums. Other players.

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Lethal_Darkness1 10/21/2012 5:17:59 amOct 21st, 2012

Totally remade the spawn, made a new website, and put much more information on this page.

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