Dr Floater Minecraft Skin
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Dr Floater

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VietnameeGuy's Avatar VietnameeGuy
Level 43 : Master Musician
Jerry awoke with a throbbing pain in his head. He couldn't remember how he arrived in the room, but he could tell that someone brought him here whilst he was unconscious. The walls were rusty and moist, and he guessed he was being held in an underground sewer. Furthermore, he noticed that he could not turn his head, it is stuck in some contraption or vise, and he had no feeling in his toes. He calmed himself down and tried to remember what had happened.

A while ago, he was in his office, in the middle of an appointment with one of his regular patients. She was undergoing facial reconstruction after a nasty car accident. She had come back to complain about a miniscule scar left behind after the procedure. Jerry remembered telling her that she should see a therapist. After all, there are many models who don't fuss about scars like this, especially after surviving an accident, shouldn't she be more grateful for being alive and well? The last thing he remembered was the woman pouncing on him in a great fury, then a sharp pain on his neck...

"Dr Jerrard Floett, I presume?"

Jerry opened his eyes, startled at the tall middle-aged man standing before him. He had long, raven hair, glowing red eyes and a devilish grin not unlike that of a wolf. "Who are you? And how did you know my name?"

"Don't be so surprised, Jerry. Or have you forgotten that you featured on every medical magazine in the country at least once? 'Dr Floett, the Miracle Surgeon!' Recent articles say you vanished a month ago.."
"A month ago? That long? Then what am I doing here? Let me out of this vise, and get me out of here!"
"Ooh, that may prove to be a tad difficult, Jerry"
The man lifted up a mirror, and Jerry recognised that mirror is the one he uses for his procedures. But then he saw himself, and he cried in fear. He tried to vomit, then realised he couldn't, because if what he saw in the mirror was true, he has no body to puke with. He started to sob quietly.
"There there, Jerry. It's alright, I'm here." the tall man said, in mocking consolation.
"Wh-who are you?"
"Glad you asked! I an Calypso, and I offer you an opportunity of a (heh) lifetime!"
"What could you possibly offer a disembodied head? And how am I still alive?"
"The mere fact that you still live is proof of my powers. I will grant you a wish in return for your victory..."
"Victory? In what?"
"Join my derby, Twisted Metal. Defeat all who stand in your way, and then I will give you whatever you ask for. Maybe you would like you body back? Or revenge on the woman who sawed your head off? I hear she's competing.."
Upon hearing this, Jerry immediately made up his mind. That woman must pay!
"I accept, but I will need a car. This is a derby, right?"
"But of course! I have a vehicle especially made for you. Behold!"
As he spoke, the wall behind him shifted, then raised up, revealing a monstrous grey truck. There were rusty metallic tendrils growing out from where the motor was supposed to be, and they thrashed and grabbed onto nearby grates, like an octopus searching for prey. A bloody cross could be seen on the side of the truck.
"... Is that.. an ambulance?"
" Not quite, I have modified it a tiny bit, so now it rips things apart and eats them. I call it the Emergency Pod."
"Umm ... that's great ... love the pun."
"You ain't seen nothing yet. Piece de resistance time!"

As Calypso said this, Jerry could feel himself being lowered. He couldn't look down, and was surprised when he felt water on his chin. He was fully submerged in a fishbowl helmet, which was attached to a robotic diving suit. He gasped for air, then realised that, as a disembodied head, he doesn't need to breathe. He stared at his metal hands, then stood up and tried walking towards the rusted ambulance. Sitting in the driver's seat, he revved the engine, and the sewers echoed with the screeching of the aquatic creature.

Calypso smiled and shouted, "I hereby name you Dr Floater! Now go forth and wreak hell!"
And with that, Dr Floater and his Emergency Pod raced off through the sewers..

- - -

The wish
"So you have come for your wish?"
Dr Floater had defeated the last of his opponents. Among them was the woman who had killed him earlier, almost unrecognisable by the pale mask she now wore, lying dead in a ditch with her vehicle on top of her, slowly crushing her into a pancake.
This caused Dr Floater to pause and think. "I've already killed her, it would be a waste to ask Calypso to revive her just so I could have revenge.."
Then it struck him. If Calypso were such a powerful being that he could grant wishes, then Dr Floater should be asking for fame and glory. Then he could live the rich lifestyle of all those preppy celebrities he used to perform on. That would be much better than revenge or his old life back.
And so he spoke, "Calypso, I wish to be a famous and well respected person for the rest of my life."
"Your wish is granted."

He woke to find himself at a box in a theater. He could feel a rocking chair beneath him and knew immediately that Calypso had granted him a new body along with his fame. Below him, thousands of people were seated, watching the play. Beside him was a beautiful woman. "That's nice of Calypso to give me a lady too." Dr Floater thought to himself.
But then he looked back. Something was odd about the woman and the people sitting next to her. The clothes look a bit too formal, and almost old fashioned.
"...you sockdologizing old man-trap!" one of the actors exclaimed, and for a brief moment, Dr Floater chuckled at the strange word, before having a horrid realisation as to where he was. At that exact moment, a bullet entered from behind his left ear, passing through his skull. Dr Floater's wish of being famous for the rest of his life came true: for the last 20 seconds of his life, he was in the body of Abraham Lincoln.

As the entire theatre panicked, a tall man with glowing eyes stood amongst the crowd, watching the assassination of what seemed to be the President. He smiled and bowed before disappearing into the night, leaving not a trace of his existance.


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03/19/2018 4:03 am
Level 42 : Master System
Mikufan06's Avatar
Awesome story
03/19/2018 4:17 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
VietnameeGuy's Avatar
Thanks! I tried watching the Dollface 2012 storyline for references.
03/19/2018 4:23 am
Level 42 : Master System
Mikufan06's Avatar
creative very creative
03/19/2018 4:23 am
Level 42 : Master System
Mikufan06's Avatar
you meet the challenge head on
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