Herbs, Ship Kid Of Nightmare-Sans, Error-Sans, Dream-Sans, Cross-Sans, and Underswap papyrus, Outfit 2 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Herbs, Ship Kid Of Nightmare-Sans, Error-Sans, Dream-Sans, Cross-Sans, and Underswap papyrus, Outfit 2

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SleepingYui's Avatar SleepingYui
Level 46 : Master Skinner
Name: Herbs
Nickname: Hebe / Herbie

Relatiohships: Nightmare (Father), Error (Father), Cross (Father), Swap Papyrus (Father), Swap
Sans (Uncle), Ink Sans (uncle), X-Gaster(Creator??), Swap Ink(Best
friend), Underswap Gaster,(Grandpa)

Affiliation: X-Tale (lived there), Underswap (Lived there), Classic's Au (Living there)

Occupation: Seamstress/Dressmaker/Tailoring

Pronouns: He/Him

Biographical Information

Age: around 16 - early 18's

Status: Alive

Place of birth: The Void

Physical Description

Species: Skeleton

Gender: Male

Eye Color: white;orange

Height: 4'2"

Battle Information

HP 15/15


Herbs is a skeleton, around 4'2", He Has Tendrils decorated in.. Christmas
decorations??, He Has Downward Lines On His Face Similar To Error, And A
Line Across His Cheek Similar to cross., He is a dark skeleton, similar
to error. His Teeth Seem Normal other then the two top and bottom
canines. He Usually Either Wears a A Teal or Blue Tank Top. Or A Purple
Shirt, He Wears A Golden Chained Cross Necklace. He Is Usually Found
Barefoot With His Feet And Arms Covered In An Array Of Colorful
Band-aids, and Either Muted-fuchsia shorts, Or Light-Brown Medium Length


Herbs Is Mentally Still A Child, Possessing Autism(ASD), He Possess Many
Child-Like Traits, Being curious, clueless, playful, and has difficulty
with social interaction. He May do the same thing over and over again,
or talk constantly about a specific thing that interests him. but he
doesn't mean to be rude, also may have unusual intense and prolonged
emotional reactions. or shortened reaction times. He has an unusual
interest in objects, and something that's gotten him in trouble, Is The
Fact He Allows Himself to love many people always emotionally, sometimes
physically, but the difference is, even after a break up or moving on
he will still forever love the person, there is never not enough room in
his soul for someone, even someone who hurt him. He hates to show
sadness around others, because he always wants to make people happy. and
due to his Mentality he is often discarded, or not treated the way a
lover should be. which has led him to be severely depressed, but never
show it. He does not reform to physical self abuse, and when he's sad
will isolate himself, and listen to music till he feel's better., he
could never hurt a person he feels emotionally towards, even if they
hurt him, which has led into many arguments. And Well He Has taken
Anti-Depressants they usually make him a 'zombie' basically completely
zoned out, or high. so he rarely ever takes them., he often covers
himself in an array of colorful band-aids he collects, see, instead of
collecting stickers. he collects band-aids, despite not having any
physical injury's, and likes to put them all over himself XD


{Age of birth to 1 Years Old}

He was created by X-Gaster as a weapon, using pieces of Nightmare, cross,
dream, and Underswap papyrus's soul. Making them Technically His
Father's; (His creation following the events of the x-event's ending 9
months ago as of today in 2021)

During his time with X/Cross Gaster. he was an emotionless tool with rapid growth rate, mentally
blank., so he wouldn't babble. this caused mental side effects in the
child however, and he grew to posses (ASD) Due to this gaster threw him
aside before he was "destroyed". Soon, he was taken to science sans, who
found out the truth behind his soul. and brought it up with "The star
sans's" he was in and out of the lab, due to his soul being unstable
after he gained emotion within less then an hour of being tossed aside,
it overwhelmed the child, and due to this his soul was and still is
veary unstable.

{Ages 2 to 4}

He Lived with Underswap papyrus and sans., Getting to know His Father.
Papyrus, and growing fond of Sans's cooking. And Later on Getting to
know swap ink, and all his adventures, they made quick friends, Tho as
word spread nightmare heard of his. supposed. 'child of four'. not like
you can keep someone who's soul parts are FUSED with a part of YOUR soul
a secret for long., so well he lived in Underswap for a good, ehhh..
3ish years? he just.. didn't feel like he belonged there. but he saw
them as family, and cherished all the people he met and still knew. Even
if the backlash of leaving the Au so Abruptly due to Error dragging him
by the neck with his strings Into a portal to nightmares castle from
the void, Erased almost all memory of him from Underswap. Similar to
gaster., with veary few remembering him.

{Ages 6 to 7}

Well life in nightmares castle wasn't easy, it was safe enough, he was fed,
and taught things. he found well nightmare was cold, he.. cared. in a
way, and that error, despite caring for no one... was lonely.. so.. so..
lonely.. he grew closer with his 'parents' in this strange
circumstance, and would live with them till he was about 11ish-12.

{Ages 13 to 14}

He was 'saved' by dream, and cross, at the time neither knew what
happened, and he was rather resentful to be taken away, he was "Rescued"
by dream and cross, having left, knowing nightmare was hurt.., for
quite a few months he didn't open up, but he soon found out these two..
were also his parents??, at this point he was still in and out of lab
tests, he would be for the rest of his life.. at least till his soul was
stable., during this time, he caught sight of someone dream called
'Juke', a nephew?, he watched Juke quite abit, before getting distracted
by other things in his life.

{Ages 16 to 18-Present}

(His age differs here, this part i haven't made up, so i might make him 17.)

Other Information

Rubbing Coins together, Playing with dolls, Threading Edible Jewelry,
Reading Books, Painting, Video games, watching tv, Climbing around
outside (is a veary active person)

Dislikes: Having to pay close attention to the foods
being consumed By Himself, swimming, homework, schoolwork, doing things
the easy way.(always finds a way to make things difficult for himself,
even if he doesn't even realize it)

Fear: Aquaphobia ( This is an irrational fear of something that doesn't cause much danger., you find that any source of water that is not in a glass, or a bottle, for drinking purposes, causes you an excessive amount of anxiety. This can include a swimming pool, a lake, an ocean, or even a bathtub.)

Strengths and Weaknesses

His Morals are constantly shifting. and with his emotional instability
he's a danger to himself, and others.. dream was sure to rub that fact
in, even after he left the Au to pro-sue his own purpose in life., is
also incredibly awkward

Patience., his patience is like that of a stubborn child., he doesn't
give up till he gets what he wants, and if he doesn't, then he
understands., Writing Skills., he can write alot, and for someone who's
not good at communicating, he's really good at writing books, but he
chose to be a tailor instead.


(is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a
physical system without physical interaction. Psychokinesis experiments
have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and
repeatability. This basically is the science of moving objects with our
minds. Interesting fact is that we all have this ability that we can tap
into, if we choose to put the time and study into learning how to do

(Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy or even
one's self from one point to another without traversing the physical
space between them.)

MIND-MAGIC: ((one of the five
SOUL-based types of magic. Mind Magic is a manipulative power that
heavily employs the power of suggestion. When used, a magician is able
to plant thoughts and actions into the deepest levels of the
subconscious; the SOUL ESSENCE. Using Mind Magic, a magician can talk
telepathically to others (though the recipient cannot reply unless they
too use Mind Magic) or even influence the thoughts and actions of
others; the limit to this being that people won't do something they
wouldn't do normally (magicians can't influence a peaceful person to
murder somebody unless said person held such desires beforehand). When
somebody is using Mind Magic, the area immediately around their pupil
will begin to glow pink. If the creature lacks a classical eye, whatever
they see with will glow instead (such as an Asterian — their
magic-pupil will glow). If the creature lacks eyes, there will be no
visible indication it is using magic.))

(Focusing on the universal life force and energy found within living
beings, someone trained in This Type of Healing method, channels that
life force, allowing the recipient to receive the healing energy. This
type of healing takes place on an emotional, spiritual, and physical
level. By transferring healing energy into the recipient, the
practitioner can help the individual heal through whichever issues are
at hand.)

(Snickers, his names a pun- i think XD): (herbs are considered valuable
for their healing properties. Sometimes use involves drying and burning
plants as incense, concocting a tea or brew, or external application on
the body. There are lots of great resources out there for anyone
interested in herb use)

Past Dating Relationships

Fell Papyrus, Swap Muffet, Outer Sans, Musictale sans, Beyond!Sans,
Trickster!Unknown Sans, HorrorTale Papyrus, ClockWork Tale Sans, Phantom
Sans, Orfeo, and finally. Horrortale Undyne.


Name: "Herbs" | HP 15/15 | ATK 0 (99) | DEF 0 (347) | EXP 0 | NEXT 30 | GOLD 998471


In His Backpack: Sewing Scissors, Needle and thread, Some Cloth, An Unfinished dress, A Box Of
Cereal, His Anti-Depressants, and a spare change of clothing, as well as
his gold pouch.

Herbs, Ship Kid Of Nightmare-Sans, Error-Sans, Dream-Sans, Cross-Sans, and Underswap papyrus, Outfit 2 Minecraft Skin

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