Sunstroke's Break the Box Contest II The Elf behind it all Minecraft Skin
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Sunstroke's Break the Box Contest II The Elf behind it all

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The Doggsterrr's Avatar The Doggsterrr
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
This is Iclyn Snowdrop (pronounced: Ice-lin) (Last name: Snowdrop)
She is an elf, look at info below for the contest and her story!

Song of the skin: The Climb by Miley Cyrus

Sunstroke's Break the Box Contest II The Elf behind it all Minecraft Skin
Stitch of the Skin

Edit: It won't let me type anymore or copy this so lemme submit it and retry.
Edit 2: It worked!

Iclyn Snowdrop
Name: Iclyn Snowdrop
Species: Elf
Lives: Forest

Story: One quiet morning, a new elf has woken from her slumber. The newest flower, a snowdrop had finally bloomed. They could actually have their new elf ceremony, where each new baby elf chooses their element. There were 5 elements you could be. The fiery kind ones, the rude water ones, the spunky nature and plant ones. The crafty earth ones, and finally the always in a rush, wind ones. Now they had just went exploring for new flowers you see, and came back with one from an icy plains biome. The leader, Raven had planted it, and after days and nights of waiting, crystals formed on the plant. As this happened the crystals broke apart almost immediately, the bud blooming. A little elf with a cottony dress jumped out of it, she was like nothing anyone had seen. Blue eyes, Blue hair? That too very long for a little elf.

After awhile of adventuring and being shown around the camp, the choosing ceremony began. The little snowdrop elf had been last. No one knew what she would do. After many elves had joined each group, the last elf was ready. Out of all of them, she was the youngest and the smallest. Once you touch the element, it either chooses you or it doesn't. She first touched the earth element, a shocking gasp went through the stands when the earth grumbled, with an earthquake shake. She then touched the water element, it had grumbled again. A water elf had gotten mad, who did she think she was? A new elf wasn't about to break the ceremony. The water elf took some water and brought it above "Snowdrop special elf." Once above she dropped it, and the elf became wet. After squealing for a second, she touched the fire element. The flames burned her finger, it left a nasty bruise. Thankfully it wasn't too bad. She then touched the animals. Nothing happened. "Okay.." she thought to herself. Finally she touched the wind element, the wind had blown the water out of her hair but it made it frizzled. None of the elements chose her.

Everyone in the bleachers gasped. Nothing like this ever happened before. Unless it did, and they just didn't know. Raven walked up and took the little elf by the hand to his office. Of course after her calmed everyone down, no one likes a bad leader. He first had said to her, "You're special. Like me. I made the earth element you know." With no response, except a giggle, Raven continued.

"None of the elements chose me, and my leader, Jungle, told me I could make one. Though I had to go on a pegasus ride to the Jungles of Jades. You'd probably have to go to the Snow Biome of Pearls.. or Diamonds was it..? Oh I don't remember! We'll find it when you're older I guess.
"But first we'll have to give you a name. How about Snowdrop for your flower?" Thinking out loud to himself he said, "No flowers are always last names. Hmm. Ice. Ice... Iclyn. Good name. Hello Iclyn Snowdrop."

After days, and days past, the elves all ignored little Iclyn. She spent her days wandering, and being lonely. She liked being alone, no one to bother her, but she hated being lonely... And everyday she had to live with it. Until one day..

One day Raven took her into his office and told her in 2 days time, she'd be going on the Pegasus Pass to the rarest biome. The Snowy Mountain of Diamonds. She'd have to fetch a diamond from it. She'd be going with a team of 3 pegasi, and 2 other elves.

After two days, she'd left for her journey. After awhile, a thunderstorm had risen. Her pegasus flew higher, leading the pack into the clouds. Though at this moment, lightning struck, she fell backwards. Her horse fell with her, after the big crash came. All three elves fell, only one had survived. With Iclyn's magic, she had made a shield of her and the ground. She looked around, she saw a snowy mountain, but knowing she had only traveled 400 milies. (That is 40,000 miles by the way in their language) which wasn't enough to get there. The mountains were 500,000 milies away. (50,000,000 miles) Though she had to admit this island was cute. And she had magic?

She realized it was dawn already. She then stumbled upon a peculiar plant. A fluffy plant that produced something fluffy. Cotton? No.. this was too fluffy. Like a fluffy squirrel. Or cat. or something... She exclaimed to no one "Hello!?" Finally, after maybe a six minute wait, a goblin came out of a tree. "Come with me" he said in a high-pitched, sort-of gruff-like voice. High and low.

She followed him into a rainbow-eucalyptus tree, where he started asking questions. Why was she here. To find her element, who was she, her name, etc. She finally grew tired and asked who was he. He said "I'm the magical goblin." and to this she remembered him instantly. His eyes widened after he knew, she knew who he was. "How about you go have a little rest, Iclyn Snowdrop." She was surprised by him knowing her name, but she brushed it off. She went and rested on his couch. After hours of rest, she woke to a strange conversation between someone named the Queen of Ice, and Mr. Goblin. She could tell the first voice she heard wasn't Mr. Goblin.

(Authors Note: Mr. Goblin is like Mr. Seven in Sisters Grimm. (He's a chubby little short man with a pointy dunce hat that says "I'm an Idiot.")

"Do you think she'll wake up?"
"So it's safe to talk about her."
"Okay Gobby, Tell me how my daughter is."
"She was fine she remembered me. At least."
"Good. Good. Does she remember this place?"
"Did she remember FluffleFluff?"
"The plant or the dog?"
"No. She didn't"
"What else would you like , your Majesty?"
"Bring her to the castle tomorrow morning."
"Bye Gobby."
"Bye your Majesty."
After one last hour of sleep she woke up fully rested. As she stretched Mr. Goblin told her to meet her outside. She suddenly remembered the conversation she heard. "Are we going to the castle?" She said excited like a 3-year-old getting a new toy.
"Yes." She squealed in excitement.

*In The Queen's Point of View*

"Hello My dear." I say to the Princess. She nods at me, in a welcoming gesture. What a fine young one she has been made to be. As I lead her to her room, well the room she was supposed to have. I tell her one thing. "I'm going to tell you about yourself." She grinned at me, like she knew what I was going to say next.

When we made it to her room, her eyes widened and her mouth opened in overwhelming. It was blue, all blue, with baby pictures of her, and the snowdrop. Her snowdrop.
"B-But H-H-How..?" she said.
"Dear, sit down and I'll tell you." I said to her suddenly.
When we were comfortable I started.
"Once a long while ago, you were born to be the Princess of Ice on the Snowy Mountains of Sapphirus. Then some rude elves came and raided us. They stole you, and you don't know how worried I was. My assistant, Mr. Gobby had taken you in yesterday so we could meet again after years." Though this sounded weird, Snowdrop knew there was a hint of truth in this. I was winning her over. She was a second child, and everyone in the forest hates second children. She was the only living second child, because my mother killed every single one. Until I was born. I was a second child, and Mr. Gobby saved my life. And I chose to save my second child's life as well. So I continued on. "Now you're here. And here to take over." I say as I leave to my room, leaving her to sit there in shock. We'll take care of this later..

Mr. Gobby went in and then explained to her what had happened. She then realized she would be Queen afterwards. She had the tiara and everything, though I pitied my daughter. I knew she'd be a great Queen, as now. My curse was broken, I would die the day after my daughter reunites with me.

I am now 999 years old, and tomorrow my friend. Is my death day, and my birthday.

Iclyn's point of view.
I wake up to the sound of birds chirping in delight. I change into my purple dress and shirt with straps that I made. After tying my hair in a ponytail, I meet up with Mr. Squirrel. I bet now Raven thinks I'm dead. Though in my heart I know he's coming for me. I go to the edge, where the ice full water in. I wait till' dawn, and I reach up and I call out. "Raven." Suddenly, I see a weird shape in the sky. "Pegasi?" I say out loud.

The carriage comes down and a man with brown hair and facial hair comes out. "Raven?" I say. He nods and hugs me. He then says something in my ear that changes my face from worry to happiness. I hug him, and I bet I almost suffocated him from how happy I was. I started giggling weirdly.

I invited him for dinner and made Mr. Gobby put him in the list of people int he guest rooms. He slept in the one next to me, and the next morning, I work up to the sound of chirping again. It was 4:01 am. I woke up and saw a women there. It was a tall grey women with purple hair. She had a black cloak and a red shirt. She had claws as long as a needle in a shot. Her face scrunched up. "You. You I will come for." And then she disappeared.



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02/04/2018 10:57 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart uwu
CaelChan's Avatar
Oof my mind auto continued it to Elf on the Shelf
but good skin :D
The Doggsterrr
02/04/2018 11:02 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
The Doggsterrr's Avatar
ty :) ~
02/04/2018 10:27 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Vampire
Sunstroke's Avatar
Story needs a part 2

I gotta know what's up with needle woman
The Doggsterrr
02/04/2018 10:37 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
The Doggsterrr's Avatar
lol I do too
but I was like
my brain is bleeding
I wrote too much

I might add to this in a blog
do you want me too lol
it'd be like Part 2 of my entry if that counted xD
02/04/2018 10:40 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Vampire
Sunstroke's Avatar
Nah that would be cheaty cheaty! We're all about fairness, here!

But if you did make a story out of it, I would probably read it. Even though I couldn't count it as part of your entry.
The Doggsterrr
02/04/2018 11:02 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
The Doggsterrr's Avatar

Well can I end it in this entry c:
02/04/2018 11:24 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Vampire
Sunstroke's Avatar
If ya want. xD
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