wow i totally didnt forget this oops Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

wow i totally didnt forget this oops

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Yeethaw's Avatar Yeethaw
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
note for the winners
Yes first of all I'm going to point out that art takes time and effort
so if anyone goes "are you done yet?" , "what's taking so loooong?//??"
and it's been less than a month from you telling me what you want drawn
you're not getting anything and instead getting a nice big fat change of
plans with an "I'm not going to continue your award as you've
constantly pestered me over it, despite me warning you before hand what
the consequence would be." k thnkkks

Now before I go forward, let's note that the previews given to us by PMC can be absolute crap when it comes to giving shading so now that we've gotten that out of the way let's continue.



i think the changing of the body of the jacket to white is interesting. i feel as if it adds more to the light colour / dark colour style of the outfit without it becoming too overwhelming. the addition to the boots with the laces is nice, however i feel like it's slightly off-putting with the laces being white while there's an orange accent on the side of the boots.

the skin overall makes me believe it looks 'top heavy' in a sense, the hair has medium shading where the rest of the skin has much more simplified shading. i also think the shading in some areas seems off, as in some places the shading is too subtle, while in other places it feels too abrupt; an example would be the shading on the pants versus the shading on the hair.

i personally would like to suggest trying to darken colours for clothing and experiment with the hue shifting for shading, it may make the colours look more appealing together and make the 'flow' of the skin work better



i can really only say i'm fond of the shading for the sleeves on the jacket, as i believe it's the only thing i see that was executed reasonably well.

it was somewhat heartbreaking to see that the skin was lightened so much, with the skin tone selected for the contest being used very minimally and as a shading colour that was incredibly darker from the colour they've decided to use for a skin tone. i personally don't understand the shading on the crotch area of the skin, a lighter tone was used directly under the buckle of the belt which, would most definitely, cast a shadow. the collar and shading of the crop top also confuses me, i understand if what was being sought after was a noticeable difference between the collar and the rest of the shirt, but to be completely honest with the lack of shading it just looks like an eyesore to me.

i suggest you choose a set point from where you'd like to see the light hitting the skin and work from that, doing that should help with the somewhat awkward shading. also, don't be afraid to experiment with darker skin tones, you've worked well with darker skin tones before so i'm not quite sure what happened this time



i rather quite like the warmer colouring approach, it's quite a nice surprise to see when viewing all the skins as a whole. I also quite like the way the crop top was done as well.

to start off i'd like to bring up the colours used for the hair, though they all seem to work cohesively the dark cream colour jumping to the orange - red looks terribly unsettling in the shading. the shading seems to be all over the place in this, with it looking as if they were placed randomly.

the first thing i'd like to suggest is look at other users skins for ideas on shading, that's what i personally did and it helped me a lot with my improvement. another thing would be to try to keep colours for certain part of the skin to 'pop' from each other rather than 'explode', though some people can make this work it gives a softer look to the shading if you keep the colours very calm like next to one another.



i don't really have much too say to be honest, the shading looks rather nice, they fit within the rules, and the colouring is very pretty. the only thing i have to say is that the back of the jacket looks off compared to the rest of the skin, other than that i like this a lot.



i think the square style shading is very nice on the back of the jacket, but once again, i don't really see anything too appealing anywhere else on the skin.

i have absolutely no idea what is going on with the fishnets, as fishnets stay close to one's body i find very little sense in using the overlay; another thing about the fishnets is that they weren't straight up rather bright purple, i have no idea what the idea was for this. i feel the shading is rather harsh, the colours that are supposed to go for the shirt range from the original colour to a sort of caramel colour that just doesn't work.

i'd suggest figuring out cohesive colour palettes more and keeping colours that are supposed to shade the same thing more.. 'together' in the terms of their values.



i quite enjoy the way you used the colours, though you shifted the fishnets to purple, it doesn't look as off as it did with PaLadarBRLxx2's entry. i like the cute simplicity used for shading the hair buns and the buttons.

i feel as if the part in the bangs is to harsh when it comes to shading. the palette was nice for the lightest three shades on the hair but it went south rather quickly from there. the overlay on the back of the belt makes it look as if the belt is just loosely looped in the belt loops and is rather oversized. the shading on the back of the jack looks weird, something i feel would look nice for a skirt since it makes a sort of 'pleated' look.

i'd suggest trying to keep the colours softer when shading.



i really adore the shading style used, it's fairly simple yet detailed at the same time. the way the colours were chosen, i think the use of going towards cyan colours for the shading of the crop top was very interesting.

the only thing i see off with this is that the back of the jacket looks a tad skin-tight despite the fact that the jacket is unbuttoned, which could really just be changed through different shading.

and yeah i don't really have anything to say so let's just get on to the winners



though the palettes are a bit strange, i love the technique used on the shading.

prizes :

- 1 shaded bust w/ coloured lineart

- 1 skin request

- A sub (if I haven't subbed to you yet)

- Profile featured on mine for 1 month



i found the style and colours used to be really pleasing to the eye. i also found the cyan shift in the crop top to be really pretty and will most likely take that idea from you in the future.

prizes :

- 1 shaded fullbody chibi w/ coloured lineart

- 1 skin request

- Simple custom

- A sub (if I haven't subbed to you yet)

- Profile featured on my profile for 2 months



i really truly adore cute simplistic shading styles and that's exactly what your skin brought to the table, especially on the boots. i love the way you went with the colours and the end result was absolutely stunning.

prizes :

- 1 shaded fullbody w/ coloured lineart

- 2 skin requests

- Choice between a custom or free dibs on a future adopt

- A sub (if I haven't subbed to you yet)

- Profile featured on my profile for 3 months

- Contest entry featured on my profile for 1 month

@ the winners just like dm me your requests for the art and skins using the templates i have on my profile k thnks bye


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09/08/2018 3:39 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
daibanana's Avatar
I didnt see this until now, thanks fam
I didnt expect to win
and ill se what i can do with those RaD pRiZeS
09/08/2018 3:43 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Yeethaw's Avatar
y eET
Icy The Glaceon
09/05/2018 2:57 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pokemon
Icy The Glaceon's Avatar
Thanks for the advice
09/04/2018 11:39 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Poro
Chabileo's Avatar
Thank you for the advice, I'll send my bust request soon !
09/03/2018 7:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer
PaladarZNG_XX2's Avatar
Thank you for your advice, since I made that skin, I made a lot of progress with my color palettes.

perfection can not be achieved, but I hope that thanks to your advice I can improve my editing methods

postscript: if you need something do not hesitate to ask, I will always be here for what you need (if it is pixelart, I can not say it will be perfect but you will have it in your hands)

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