Minecraft Texture Packs / Simplistic Packs

garpodow's project v5.2

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Audio
  • check_circle Models
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garpodow's Avatar garpodow
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
hey guys! this is my first resource pack, i started working on it back in september and yet, it's not finished, there's still some textures that need to be updated and modified, for example 3D crimson & warped doors, and 3D chains

this was made for 1.15.X/1.16.X, however it's usable in 1.14, though some textures may glitch in 1.14.X (like chests)

basically, this is a quality-of-life pack that betters minecraft in multiple ways, including enhanced gameplay and general experience, without changing too much of the vanilla feel.

by the way, bats are invisible and silent, so if you see a random hitbox or hit something unseeable, it's those guys xd

please note that some, actually most of the things i used aren''t mine, but all credits are given to their respecitve owners inside the main folder.


here's a list of EVERYTHING the pack changes:


- no capital letters (except in inventory items/blocks) cuz why not
- dark GUI
- some blocks/items have different names or more obvious ones
- some advancements are more explicit
- new brewing stand GUI
- new beacon GUI
- new white border on a few GUI buttons
- changed the clicking sound on GUI buttons to final fantasy 7's because i love that game.
- lowered the grass and tall grass textures
- lowered many item textures so they don't float in the player's hand in third person
- end sky is completely black
- round moon textures (fun fact: these moon textures i used were supposed to be in minecraft alpha/beta, but they decided to remove them!)
- round sun textures
- little better rain and snow
- food now shows the hunger and saturation it provides
- new 1.16 mojang studios logo for 1.15
- new experience bar
- numbered hotbar
- updated the "unknown server" texture
- chat command messages have color (green/red)
- changed inventory empty armor slot texture
- changed some water splash sounds to be more realistic
- removed enderman stare sound (!!!)
- removed equip generic sounds (you know that sound when a player defends with a shield? yeah that's the one, and it was annoying)
- removed burp sound effect (too gross!)
- removed all splashes ...
- removed "java edition" title
- updated minecraft logo
- changed options background texture from dirt to... gray. just gray (the texture file is entirely black but minecraft brightens it up).
- lowered the fire texture on screen when you're on fire so it's easier to see!
- lowered the shield texture in first person (one of my personal favorite changes)
- cacti have a block chance of spawning with a flower on top of them

- crimson nylium
- crimson wood blocks
- nether portal
- respawn anchor top
- daylight detector
- bedrock
- bookshelves
- dried kelp block
- granite
- diorite and polished diorite
- magma block
- end rod
- crafting table top
- crafting table bottom
- furnace bottom
- glowstone
- scaffolding top
- redstone torch
- wither rose
- vines
- cobweb
- grass block
- snowy grass block
- dirt
- coarse dirt
- farmland
- mycelium
- ice
- packed ice
- frosted ice
- trapped chests
- observer
- glass/glass pane
- redstone lamp
- redstone
- sticky piston side
- melon
- grindstone base
- ancient debris
- gilded blackstone
- ender chest
- end portal frame
- nether wart stages
- netherite block
- nether quartz ore
- nether gold ore
- diamond ore animated texture
- lapis lazuli ore
- emerald ore
- kelp (at age 25)
- warped wart block
- pumpkin stem/attached pumpkin stem
- melon tem/attached melon stem
- sandstone top
- chiseled sandstone sides
- chiseled sandstone top
- item frame back

- end crystal
- arrow
- elytra & broken elytra
- apple/golden apples
- beetroot
- beetroot soup
- mushroom stew
- rabbit stew
- suspicious stew
- bowl
- all dyes have the same texture but each one has their respective color, of course
- bone meal
- book
- book and quill
- written book
- enchanted book
- bread
- fishing rod
- carrot on a stick
- warped fungus on a stick
- chainmail armor
- netherite armor
- netherite tools
- all banner patterns (except "snout") have their respective symbol so it's easier to distinguish which one is it
- doors
- diamond
- diamond tools
- diamond armor
- all helmets
- emerald
- ender pearl
- eye of ender
- experience bottle
- fermented spider eye
- fire charge animated texture
- golden tools
- infested block overlay
- iron tools
- sideways iron nugget
- item frame back
- lead
- leather
- leather armor
- magma cream
- nametag
- nether star
- nether wart
- paintings
- pufferfish
- bucket of pufferfish
- pumpkin pie
- redstone animated texture
- rotten flesh
- shears
- slime ball
- spider eye
- stone tools
- totem of undying
- turtle shell
- wooden tools

- 3D ladder
- 3D doors (except crimson and warped)
- 3D trapdoors (except crimson and warped)
- 3D signs (crimson sign color not updated yet)
- 3D bookshelf
- 3D sea pickle
- 3D smoker
- 3D blast furnace
- 3D furnace
- 3D crafting table
- 3D beacon
- 3D minecart items
- 3D rails
- 3D enchanting table & enchanting table book
- 3D loom
- 3D barrel & barrel opened
- 3D torches item
- 3D paintings item
- 3D item frame item
- 3D lodestone
- 3D stonecutter saw
- 3D lantern items
- 3D bell item
- 3D smithing table
- 3D fletching table
- 3D cartography table
- 3D dropper
- 3D dispenser
- 3D note block sides (with visible notes!)
- 3D jukebox top (with visible disc playing!)
- 3D lever
- 3D campfire items
- 3D cauldron item
- 3D cake item
- 3D mushrooms
- 3D fungi
- 3D turtle egg item
- 3D redstone repeater item
- 3D redstone comparator item
- bow pulling with 3D arrow (there's a 1.16 bug that it glitches if the bow is being pulled on the left hand of the player, no matter the circumstances)
- 3D crossbow pulling with 3D arrow and 3D fireworks

- zombie
- boat paddles
- cow eyes
- creeper
- end crystal
- ghast
- zoglin
- iron golem
- item frame back
- snow golem face
- pig eyes
- piglin
- zombified piglin
- zombie pigman
- arrows
- sheep eyes
- shulker
- shulker bullet
- cave spider
- steve
- alex
- bat (invisible)
- elytra
- experience orb
- elder guardian

- netherite armor
- leather armor
- chainmail armor
- all helmets (except the netherite one) don't have that little thing between the eyes which i don't know the name of :)

and yeah, that's all there is to it! tell me if you find some bugs or anything missing, and what you'd like to see updated! :D

thank you!
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16

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