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Halfway to the Hundred #1: 150 Subscribers Q&A

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
So, before we start the Q&A, I just want to let you guys know that you can expect one of these Q&As at the halfway point between every hundred subscribers, so at 50, 150, 250, 350, and so on.

Now, let's get started on this Q&A. Here's where people asked me questions.

OrderOutOfChaos asks:
Winter or summer?

Day or night?

Hot or cold?

Well, I'm gonna have to with Winter for the first one. I've always liked the snow (even though New York City gets zero snow even though we're in the frickin' northeast), and it might just be because I'm a Winter baby (February 13th, so towards the end of the season), but I've always loved the season. I also prefer the nighttime. I don't know why. I just do. Plus, I love looking at the stars (again, even though you can barely see them in this city). Lastly, I like the heat (which is surprising considering I chose the two things associated with low temperatures for the previous questions), mainly because it's always fun going to the beach and having water gun fights, which are things you just can't do in the cold.

TheMcPig asks:
What inspired you to start playing Minecraft in the first place?
And what inspired you to join PMC?

This is a long story, so I'm gonna try to summarize it into a paragraph at the minimum. If you want to long answer for the second question, read my PMC birthday blog. However, to answer the first question, I started watching MInecraft: Story Mode in 2019, and in August of 2020, I saw my friend Jack playing MCPE on his iPad and it inspired me to get the game on my iPad. Unfortunately, there was no storage space on there so the game didn't download, but in September, I was able to free up space by deleting an excessive amount of Transformers screenshots and I played the game every morning for about 1.5 hours before school. It was 2020, so all I had to do to go to school was open my computer and get on a Google Meet call with a pencil and folder, and it took me about 15 minutes to get ready, but I'm getting off-topic. To answer the second question, I wanted to make an iron golem skin and decided to post it to the site, which meant making an account, so one thing led to another and I joined the site's community.
Note: The account that asked the question was TheMcParrot, but I'm tagging TheMcPig because that's his main account that he hasn't been on there for 9 months, and he'd been using TheMcParrot.

LegendarySi asks:
What is an Artisan Demolitionist?

Well, I know that you asked this when that was my class when you asked the question, but I have since ascended to the role of a Master Necromancer who is 2/3 of the way to level 41. However, to answer your question, an artisan is, according to Google, "a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand." So, they're probably really good at making explosives. Trotelot could probably tell you more. (Cyprezz, make an Arsonist class for her!)

Lyra_Capricorn asks:
Hm...what is your favorite activity on Minecraft?
what's something you regret doing on PMC?
How long have you been playing PMC?

My favorite activity on MInecraft is currently playing Capture the Flag on the Hive. Something I regret doing on PMC happened a few months ago when I made some comments on a post about All Lives Matter, and I spent the whole night responding to comments and saying things to users I will not name that I regret saying. (And I did it all while watching this then-brand new Branzy video.) I apologized to the people over PMs, and things were all good between us. As for how long I've been playing PMC, I'm assuming you meant Minecraft and not Planet Minecraft, because you can't really play PMC, but I've been on PMC for a little over a year now (my one-year anniversary was February 8th), and I've been playing Minecraft since September 2020, so over 2 years now. I can't believe it's been that long.

DashElector asks:
Are you gay?
Are you trans-gender?
What's your age?

No, I am not gay or trans, and I will not be revealing my age until (at the very least) my birthday next year. I did reveal my age to OrderOutOfChaos and Greief on my birthday, however, because I trust them to keep the secret. Also, no offense, but there was no need to ask the first two questions because they're both answered on my profile page, under the About Me section, in the Personal Stuff dropdown.

BrandNewSentence asks:
What has been your favorite update to minecraft? For me it was when they added the Mesa biomes.

Well, I have two favorites: 1.18 and 1.19. I like 1.18 (Caves & Cliffs: Part II) because it changed world generation and added these massive caves and cliffs mountains that I love to use for builds. However, it was missing one thing (the Warden), but that was added in 1.19, which also added the mangrove swamps that I love so very, very much, and the ancient city. One of my plans for this year is to work on restoring one and uploading my progress to this site, similar to OrderOutOfChaos's End Gardens.

ClayMan1077 asks:
what Skylanders element are you?

Earth- controls rocks/crystals/other minerals and you get increased strength and durability

Air- can fly/control the weather (mostly wind and lighting)

Fire- immune to heat/ control fire and lava

Water- breath underwater/ control water and ice/ immune to frostbite and water pressure

Life- control plants and animals/ higher awareness of everything around you, but you are also made of plants

death- can summon the undead/ bring people back from the dead/ are immune to everything but fire and electricity

magic- basically a wizard, witch, or magic dragon

Tech- you can create highly advanced machines and tools, as well as higher intelligence, and you can be a robot (Not required)

I'd have to say Death. It sounds pretty cool, but at the same time I also like the idea of Tech.

autumn asks:
Fav movies and tv shows

My favorite movie is currently Top Gun: Maverick, but also love the Back to the Future Trilogy. In terms of TV shows, I really like Stranger Things, not just because of the action and plot, but because it's set in the 80s.

LeLovesJazz asks:
Do you like to eat lemon?

I like lemonade, but I don't like eating normal lemons.

yellowcheese asks:
did yuo a human

I'm going to assume that you're asking me if I'm a human. Yes, I am.

Arianwyn asks:
What do you like best ?

By this, she means hobbies. (She told me in the comments of the question when I asked her.) My hobbies are reading, writing stories, drawing comics, playing Minecraft, and doing stuff on this site.

GoldenScientist asks:
Have u ever pre ordered a video game


Hope you all enjoyed that Q&A, and to all that asked questions, I hope you liked reading my answers to them. Normally, I'd tag my latest subscribers, but I have stuff to do, so maybe I'll do that when I reach 200.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IGEBM 03/09/2024 12:53:14 pmMar 9th

Changed the name to make it part of the "Halfway to the Hundred" Q&A series

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02/26/2023 2:12 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
:) thanks thumb_up
Also Top Gun Maverick is one my favorites to, it's awesome.
02/26/2023 1:34 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
This is completely unrelated, but I was looking at my 50 subs Q&A, and I saw that Greppi was my 50th subscriber...

02/26/2023 2:21 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar

Greppi's colors
02/26/2023 2:23 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
oh yeahhh
02/26/2023 1:39 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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