Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

Hexenwerk - A Magic Datapack | BETA (currently unavailable)

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Required Resource Pack
Flyrr's Avatar Flyrr
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Hexenwerk - A Magic Datapack | BETA (currently unavailable) Minecraft Data Pack

Due to some complications with the wiki/documentation, expect this pack to be unavailable to download for the next one or two months

Hexenwerk is a datapack that brings magic to your world with a polished, mod-like experience using, well, only a datapack. With wands, spellbooks, and obviously spells to cast, you can harness the power of mana to create magical items and will soon even be able to defeat mystical mobs. Explore the world to find magical flowers and crystals, and craft unique items using the magical crafting table. With advancements to unlock and the ability to create your own spells using spellpacks, Hexenwerk offers a limitless world of magical possibilities.

Key Features
Not all features are 100% shown and documented below, this is just a quick summary of the datapack.
Tip: To read more, hit the open_in_new button next to the name to see the wiki page for that section!
Items are in yellow.

Mana open_in_new

Mana is what you need to cast spells and the current percentage of mana you have is displayed above your hunger bar. The default maximum amount of mana you can have is 100 and you regenerate 1% of mana every second!
Hexenwerk - A Magic Datapack | BETA (currently unavailable) Minecraft Data Pack

Spell Books open_in_new
Spell books store spells and can be applied to your wand in a magical crafting table!
The spell currently contains 12 spells, including our favourites, Hexenwerk - A Magic Datapack | BETA (currently unavailable) Minecraft Data Pack Ignis Tempates, Consedo and Comovus which are shown below! You can read about all spells in the wiki!


This spell gives you faster regeneration, at the cost of slowing you down.
Mana Cost: 35

CommovusTeleports you 6 blocks forward - even through walls!
Mana Cost: 25

AmogiusDev only: Instantly regenerates 5 mana points.
Mana Cost: 0 (Dev Spell)

Circulum SanitatemSpawns a magical circle (which lasts 10 seconds) increasing the regeneration of all players in it
Mana Cost: 55

ArdoSets hit block or entity on fire for a few seconds
Mana Cost: 20

Wingardium LeviosaSummons an area which causes entities to levitate for a short amount of time, or if it hits an entity, it causes it to start levitating for a few seconds
Mana Cost: 30

AttonusCauses hit block or entity to explode.
Mana Cost: 60

ConsendoSummons an area which slows entites down or hit entitiy to stop moving for a few seconds
Mana Cost: 35

AguamentiPlaces a water block or extinguishes a hit entity
Mana Cost: 20

Ignis TemptatesPlaces a burning rune which explodes after 1.5 seconds causing all entities within a range of 10 blocks to catch fire
Mana Cost: 65

IuniorCauses hit entities to go back into their smallest/baby form for the rest of eternity
Mana Cost: 15

Terrae MotusCauses an earthquake damaging all entities within and dealing additional damage to entities hit by blocks
Mana Cost: 70

Magical Flowers open_in_new
Magical Flowers spawn in small patches all around your world and reward you with an instant regeneration of 10 mana and 1-2 Magical Shards which can then be crafted into Magical Crystals and be used in various craftnig recipes!

Wands open_in_new

Wands are, of course, the main feature of this datapack, allowing you to cast spells!
The Magical Crystal can be crafted using magical shards which are dropped from Magical Flowers :)
You can craft them like this in a regular or Magical Crafting Table:

Magical Crafting Table open_in_new
This is where the magic happens, you can use this block to apply spells to wands and craft magical items!
It can be crafted like this:

And applying spells to your wand looks something like this :P

Wiki open_in_new
After carefully reading through this page you already know a lot about the datapack but in case you still want to go for more, you can check everything out in the official wiki!
Click here to get redirected to it!

Discord Bot open_in_new
Are you using Hexenwerk on your Minecraft server to play with friends (or strangers :P) or just want all the information right at your fingertips? Well, you can invite our discord bot, Hexenwerk Helper, to your discord server and have just that power!

Want to get information about what specific spells or developer/admin tools do without needing to search through the wiki?
No problem! The /spell and /devtool commands got that handled!
Same goes for /recipe if you want to quickly check how to craft any of the magical items!

You can invite the bot by clicking here!

How to contribute
- Suggest features on our discord!
- Create report bugs, read through the code and help me improve it on Github!

Need a minecraft server? open_in_new
Click the below image use my promo code "Flynecraft" to get 25% off of Minecraft servers hosted by Bisect Hosting!

CreditSilabear for helping with the description
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

1 Update Logs

Beta 0.1.1 : by Flyrr 08/15/2023 9:50:32 amAug 15th, 2023

This is just an emergency hotfix, new features are in the works will be coming soon with b0.2
The datapack and resourcepack of this version contain unused files please ignore these for now :P

- Mana now displays correctly in newer versions
- Now using Smithed's Actionbar Libary for better compatibilty regarding display using the actionbar

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08/18/2023 7:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Glebul10's Avatar
pls add new armor
04/01/2023 8:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Keef_DGAF's Avatar
ok so just i am sure.. the Beta does NOT support 1.19.3 correct? i know you have an alpha that does, i am just asking.
04/02/2023 4:12 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
Yea, the beta makes use of some of 1.19.4s features so it sadly won't work in any versions below
03/29/2023 10:46 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dinosaur
DinoBrik's Avatar
03/29/2023 11:05 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
03/29/2023 11:05 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
thank you :P
03/26/2023 2:26 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
Oh I’m totally trying this out. 🔥🔥
03/27/2023 12:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
How did it go? :P
03/28/2023 11:36 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
(I thought the datapack was broken at first but I forgot to grab the resource pack.)

I REALLY like the Advancement system, helped guide me because I didn't read anything beforehand (i like going in blind first) and finding the flowers was very satisfying. Took me a minute to figure out the magical crafting table recipe and the wand but it was self explanatory and logical when I messed with it. Very clean and beginner friendly to get started, Love the beginning of the pack.

It was less self explanatory when trying to mix a spellbook with something else (the cores were a very good find but the recipes itself was quite unpredictable)

Only issues I ran into was...
-The mana bar disappeared after a little bit (when i first got my wand), didn't know how to bring it back but it did eventually return.
-I couldn't locate any Magic Flowers outside of Plains/Oak Forest biomes (may be intentional, if so I think it's a good balance)
-Crafting spell books was quite random to me and it absorbed my enchanted books when I was testing out wand crafting. I was also able to enchant the spellbook but I may just be big dumby with that part xD. I recommend some sort of nudge in the direction on what to combine the spellbook with specifically. Maybe an idea could be a Magic Encyclopedia to craft that has a hint at how to craft the spells?

Overall this was a VERY fleshed out and great pack that I can see myself adding with some friends. Genuinely a ton of fun and feels balanced. the /Triggers were a good touch too.
03/29/2023 8:06 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
Hey, thank you for the kind words and the feedback, this pack took quite some time to get to its current state so i am more than happy to see lot's of people enjoying it :P

Yea, I agree, there currently aren't really any ways to figure out how to obtain some stuff without using the wiki so an ingame guidebook (not sure wether it will just be hints like you suggested or just the plain recipes (although i agree the later would be a lot more boring lol))
Not sure why the mana bar dissapeared for you, that never happened for me during testing... I'll still take a look at it again once i get the chance to! Did you use any other datapacks or mods during playing? That information would really help me catch the issue :)

Oh yea, i completely forgot to mention that in the description (and wiki), magical flowers are only intended to spawn in forests for balancing (they currently just spawn in plain forests because i forgot to disable that after testing lol)

Uh yea, enchanting the spellbooks is not an intended feature but there is not really any way to fix it at this point in time due to how they work internally

Again, thank you for the feedback (and taking the time to write it all down), I'll take all of that into consideration when working on further updates :)
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