PMC Prom's Avatar
New Party
An Annual Prom Dedicated to the PMC Community!


🎉Prom Event FAQ🎉

WHEN is the Event?
PMC Prom is May 7th! calendar_today
There are three Proms in total!
(All times relative to EST)

brightness_5 Morning Prom | N/A brightness_5
brightness_4 Afternoon Prom | N/A brightness_4
brightness_3 Evening Prom | N/A brightness_3

Why three different times? This way we let everyone have a chance to attend!
WHERE is the Event held?
The PMC Prom is Held in two different Servers
Prom is divided into two halves at different times (Direct to the Prom Thread for more info)
weekend CreativeFun | weekend
videogame_asset Hypixel | videogame_asset

- Click the compass in your hand and click creative3 -> Then do /p visit JadeFire170.
- /friend JadeFire170 -> Then wait for the party invite!

To learn how to find the PMC Prom build in each Server, Please direct yourself to the Prom Thread
(Located under the "Servers Where This Event Will Be Held" tab) pin_drop

WHAT is PMC Prom?
PMC Prom is an annual, online get-together hosted by talented members of the community spanning all the way back to 2016 (and probably further)!
Members gather together in formal, themed skins to socialize and meet new members of the community, play games, and explore wonderfully built designated maps where the event is hosted. people
HOW can I attend?
Everyone is invited! cake
Simply create, request, or find yourself thematic formal wear (this year's Theme is Beach/Summer!) and put in the Server IPs when the time comes! Remember to put in the right commands to find the plots on the servers.
(Server Commands can be found on the Prom Thread) receipt
Does my Skin fit the Prom Theme?
If it is Beachy/Summer or fancy formal attire then you are all set!
(Skin attire is not strict but we really recommend looking the part, it is required)

If you NEED a formal Skin of your persona you can politely contact one of these lovely skinners:

Noodle is also providing formalwear templates here,
And Prince Ren has formal bases here! face

Go check them out! ↑
Do I need a Date?
Absolutely no date is required!
A lot of us don't have a date and this is an event to socialize and vibe!
But... it is of course a Prom: if you do have a date (outside or inside the PMC Community) they are welcome to join us and meet new friends or become closer with some! person_pin

👥Prom Group FAQ👥

What is the purpose of this group?
The PMC Prom 2022 Group Page organizes all of the information and updates regarding the event!
This page helps gather all of the stylish members who plan to go or support the event into one place! group_work
How do I join this group?
Group Members on the PMC Prom's Group Page are for Hosts, Builders, Helpers, or Contributors towards the PMC Prom.
Only people assisting with the event are allowed to be a Group Member (Sorry).
Although, you can always show your support and your association with the wonderful event by Following the Group! recent_actors
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