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    • Cleora's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 7:20 am to Public
      Anyone Interested in some aesthetic type of mod and model ideas?

      Animals, pets, bugs, gardening, biomes, furniture, all corresponding mods that will (hopefully) work with each other to give players a better creative freedom when creating modded housing, builds, and other extra things. (Plus more mods then this)

      I've started a small and new discord server for anyone who is interested in modding, coding, textures, sounds, models, ambience, concept art, list goes on. This is a free-range project and does not include pay.

      Please add my discord if interested: Cleora
      Cleora replied to Patience's comment below 2024-06-01 19:45:51
      Cleora's Avatar
      Well, we have a category for animals, pets and bugs.
      Patience replied to Cleora's comment below 2024-06-01 18:56:50
      Patience's Avatar
      Ohhh... Just let me know if you need any mobs
      I don't really animate them tho
      Cleora replied to Patience's comment below 2024-06-01 18:36:19
      Cleora's Avatar
      Thanks for the interest, currently I don't have time for fantasy type creatures or game creatures like dragons. We are starting with biomes, then probably food and furniture, then keep going from there. Also, if you wanted to do anything, we would need discord for better communication.
      Patience said 2024-06-01 12:34:02
      Patience's Avatar
      I don't have discord, but I do have this
      And I already have a model of a dragon you can use
      I'm planing on making some more creatures if you want them
      I only do dragons, fantasy creatures, creatures from games, and no unicorns
      I suck at making horses
    • Cleora's Avatar
      May 30, 2024, 12:31 am to Public
      Real rough day today; Got sick real bad from both sides, cried. Made a roast meat, have nothing but small potatos and chicken broth. Cooked the meat almost all day, place smells good. Ready to take it out and eat, little black plastic bit is on the bottom of the meat *that wasn't there before when I was handling it* now neither I or my partner want to eat plastic infused soup meat.

      I had 1 small snackpack thing to eat today..
      PixelCrafts_ said 2024-05-30 05:42:23
      PixelCrafts_'s Avatar
      I like to sit in a corner in my closet and cry for hours
      Cleora replied to Drzzter's comment below 2024-05-30 02:40:31
      Cleora's Avatar
      We ordered mcdonalds xD
      Drzzter said 2024-05-30 01:05:55
      Drzzter's Avatar
      i hope u get something good to eat ASAP
    • Cleora's Avatar
      May 27, 2024, 11:55 am to Public
      Should I do more male skins? Maybe stuff "more manly" or "man" like?

      Bald/Balding, Beards short & long, Mustaches, Goatees, Dreads, etc

      ScotsMiser replied to Cleora's comment below 2024-05-27 14:10:03
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      comment in skin thread, but that looks as good as any I've seen
      Cleora replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-27 13:29:02
      Cleora's Avatar
      The best beard I can do is my "the bearded suit guy" skin I just uploaded, not sure if a bigger/longer beard can look good
      ScotsMiser said 2024-05-27 12:04:57
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      I go where your mood takes you…

      Given the limits of the models, long beards typically only look good from the posed head-on view, it would be interesting to see another attempt at getting around the limitations of teh player models
    • Cleora's Avatar
      May 24, 2024, 2:38 am to Public
      Being told I have an ego because I pointed out content that was stolen from me and used by someone without giving credit..

      Reported it and it was taken down, seems they are a little salty
      Cleora replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-24 11:49:55
      Cleora's Avatar
      And the funniest part is not only do they delete all my comments asking for credit, calling them out for stealing my work, and them refusing to give credit. But if they gave credit for using my 1 dress base then I probably wouldn't dig deeper into their page. Because when I did, I found 2 more dress bases of mine, used, without credit. All have been reported and deleted. Then the user removed all my comments because now I got no history with them (again) lol
      ScotsMiser said 2024-05-24 07:14:53
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Frequently those who are quickest to take offense and squall the loudest (and most stridently) are the same people most likely to be guilty of that about which they complain..

      [Presumably the insult was that you have an excessively 'large' or overweening ego as anyone concious possesses one. {Or possibly you were dealing with someone to ignorant to realize this… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ }]
      Papa Enny said 2024-05-24 06:42:06
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      I would have no doubts that they would rage if someone would steal their OWN work.
    • Cleora's Avatar
      May 16, 2024, 8:34 am to Public
      Any minecraft modders out there need some ideas?

      I love giving ideas and got some cool ideas
      MistFaller said 2024-05-16 11:06:23
      MistFaller's Avatar
      I don't do modding... but if you have any ideas for my pack please let me know!
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