Minecraft Mods

[25k Downloads!] [FORGE] [1.7.2] Bouncing Block Mod v3.0

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TechnicalParadox's Avatar TechnicalParadox
Level 59 : Grandmaster Programmer
<strong><u>Made by TechnicalParadox and Gim949</u></strong><br><br><strong><u>Minecraft Forge is Required for this Mod</u></strong><br><strong><u>You can Test the mod out using <a href="/project/bowl-parkour-bouncing-block-mod-testing-area/" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="/project/bowl-parkour-bouncing-block-mod-testing-area/">this map</a>!<br></u></strong><br><br><br><u>How to Install Minecraft Forge</u><br>1. Go to<a href="files.minecraftforge.net/" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="files.minecraftforge.net/">http://files.minecraftforge.net</a><br>2. Download the Recommended Version of the Minecraft Forge installer<br>3. Open the .jar<br>4. Point towards your .minecraft folder<br>5. Click "Install client"<br>6. Open Minecraft Launcher<br>7. One of the Profiles should now say Forge<br>8. Click the Forge Profile<br>9. Login<br>10. Launch!<br><br><u>How to Install the Mod</u><br>1. Download the .zip<br>2. Navigate to your .minecraft folder<br>3. Open the mods folder<br>4. Place the .zip in the mods folder<br>5. Enjoy<br><br><strong><u>About</u></strong><br><br>This mod currently adds 5 new blocks to the game, the Bouncing Block, Padding Block, Launcher Block, Speed Block, and the Cannon Block. This allows for more possibilities in your Minecraft world! The blocks can be easily avoided by walking on the edges, but can also be covered by carpets if you want to make a trap!<br>Use "/bouncingblocks" or "/bb" to see your current version of the mod.<br><br><strong>Crafting Recipes and Block Info</strong><br><br><strong>Bouncing Block (Pushes you into the air, padded for a safe landing.)</strong><br><img src="i.imgur.com/2cR0eUu.png" alt="cReUupng" class="emb_img" data-mce-src="i.imgur.com/2cR0eUu.png"><br><br><strong>Launcher Block (Pushes you high into the air, not padded. Useful for traps!)</strong><br><img src="i.imgur.com/Lca8WmR.png" alt="LcaWmRpng" class="emb_img" data-mce-src="i.imgur.com/Lca8WmR.png"><br><br><strong>Padding Block (Negates all fall damage when landed on.)</strong><br><img src="i.imgur.com/sIJ9mge.png" alt="sIJmgepng" class="emb_img" data-mce-src="i.imgur.com/sIJ9mge.png"><br><br><strong>Cannon Block (Pushes you a bit less high then a launcher block, but in the direction you are walking. Not padded.)</strong><br><img src="i.imgur.com/RripqH8.png" alt="undefined" class="emb_img" data-mce-src="i.imgur.com/RripqH8.png"><br><br><strong>Speed Block (Travel much faster while on top of this block.)</strong><br><img src="i.imgur.com/VB8NcJu.png" alt="VBNcJupng" class="emb_img" data-mce-src="i.imgur.com/VB8NcJu.png"><br><br><br><strong><u>Check the Update Log for changes!</u></strong><br><br><strong><u>Known Bugs</u></strong><br><ul><li>None right now.</li></ul><br><strong>Report unknown bugs here. Also use this link if you would like to help with anything :) :</strong><br><a href="github.com/TechnicalParadox/BouncingBlockMod" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="github.com/TechnicalParadox/BouncingBlockMod">https://github.com/TechnicalParadox/BouncingBlockMod</a><br><br><strong><u>Spotlights!</u></strong><br><br><a href="youtu.be/el-U1-x2Bhs" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/el-U1-x2Bhs">http://youtu.be/el-U1-x2Bhs</a> by TheJacksCraftHD<br><a href="youtu.be/jNgtlPTt1j4" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/jNgtlPTt1j4">http://youtu.be/jNgtlPTt1j4</a> by JackSucksAtMinecraft<br><a href="youtu.be/mlJbA4SxHUY" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/mlJbA4SxHUY">http://youtu.be/mlJbA4SxHUY</a> by ArmaCinematics<br><a href="http//youtu.be/cw5_0BnnPhA" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="http//youtu.be/cw5_0BnnPhA">http://youtu.be/cw5_0BnnPhA</a> by MrMoxerious<br><a href="youtu.be/0lCPAYF6CkM" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/0lCPAYF6CkM">http://youtu.be/0lCPAYF6CkM</a>by mattyreyrey<br><a href="youtu.be/0HYiircMlDQ" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/0HYiircMlDQ">http://youtu.be/0HYiircMlDQ</a> by jackdavid3141<br><a href="youtu.be/GFLiyTajUcg" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/GFLiyTajUcg">http://youtu.be/GFLiyTajUcg</a> by WeTheSlimyCreepers<br><a href="youtu.be/O5GSUj0jguE" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/O5GSUj0jguE">http://youtu.be/O5GSUj0jguE</a> by CraftingVegeto<br><a href="youtu.be/Tvi9kOuFMJg" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/Tvi9kOuFMJg">http://youtu.be/Tvi9kOuFMJg</a> by GameBallHD<br><a href="youtu.be/MRUR-KQkDow" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/MRUR-KQkDow">http://youtu.be/MRUR-KQkDow</a> by Mine Italia<br><a href="youtu.be/f3DGkZme3a4" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/f3DGkZme3a4">http://youtu.be/</a><a href="youtu.be/f3DGkZme3a4" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/f3DGkZme3a4">f3DGkZme3a4</a> by ItsLonewolfe332<br><a href="youtu.be/HJJYxibBQE4" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/HJJYxibBQE4">http://youtu.be/HJJYxibBQE4</a> by Jakethebakedrake<br><a href="youtu.be/vw2cjZ52k60" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/vw2cjZ52k60">http://youtu.be/vw2cjZ52k60</a>by KaptainPandaHD<br><a href="youtu.be/fkaXT_OK0XI" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="youtu.be/fkaXT_OK0XI">http://youtu.be/fkaXT_OK0XI</a>by Will64XD<br><br><strong><u>Maps!</u></strong><br><a href="www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-fun-trampoline-10-diamonds/" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="/project/the-fun-trampoline-10-diamonds/">www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-fun-trampoline-10-diamonds/</a> byKennyRulz244444<br><br><strong>Want to use the mod in a modpack? Go ahead as long as you give the direct link to the mod (no adf.ly or anything like that) as well as the name in the description of anywhere the modpack is posted!</strong><br><br><strong>Want to add mod support to your texture pack? Go ahead!<br><br></strong><u><strong>Older</strong><strong> Versions:</strong> </u><br><a href="adf.ly/XCAeU" ref="nofollow" data-mce-href="adf.ly/XCAeU">Version 2.1 for Minecraft 1.6.4</a><br><br>Made<strong><u> by TechnicalParadox and Gim949</u></strong>
CreditMod by TechnicalParadox & Gim949, Video made by TheAtlanticCraft
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

10 Update Logs

Happy Holidays! : by TechnicalParadox 11/25/2014 4:20:54 pmNov 25th, 2014

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for over 20 thousand downloads! I never expected the mod to be so popular but I have been proved wrong by all of you.
Second, I would like to wish everyone happy holidays! I hope everyone has a good time regardless of what you celebrate.
Third, I would like to inform you all that as part of a project for a club at my high school we are working on creating a new mod which will add several useful blocks to minecraft. This first mod will allow everyone to learn/relearn the basics of modding. In the future I would like to create another, bigger mod, but I would like to keep the content of this mod a secret :3.
Thanks again!

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01/18/2015 12:40 pm
Level 24 : Expert Blockhead
brickman940's Avatar
1.7.10 PLEASE! i really want this mod, but forge 1.7.2 will not work for me.
The Iron Golem1
05/04/2015 10:13 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
The Iron Golem1's Avatar
Most 1.7.2 Mods Work For 1.7.10 As Well
01/12/2015 11:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
G4RYxD's Avatar
Does this work for 1.8.1
The Iron Golem1
05/04/2015 10:13 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
The Iron Golem1's Avatar
Of Course Not Forge Only Updated to Normal 1.8 NOT 1.8.1 If You Want To Be Technical 1.8 Is The First 1.8 Version So It Is The Real 1.8.1
11/28/2014 8:28 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Pig
ChilliWiggles's Avatar
08/25/2014 4:26 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Spruill7716's Avatar
When I try to upload this mod to my server, it reconizes it as a client sided mod. Any chances of fixing this in the future?
08/25/2014 6:19 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Programmer
TechnicalParadox's Avatar
The mod is currently single player only. To be honest I currently don't have any intent on making it multiplayer (simply because I have no idea how). It is however 100% open source, a link to the code is in the description, so if you know how to you can make it multiplayer. I am only 16 and in high school but am taking an AP java class so by the end of the school year I should be a lot better with Java and be able to make it multiplayer.
07/15/2014 5:11 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
KennyRulz244444's Avatar
Nice job!
Remember me?
07/25/2014 12:43 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Programmer
TechnicalParadox's Avatar
Yea you commented before
06/09/2014 2:56 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
Gim949's Avatar
omg 15K downloads 0.0
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