Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Conquest Reforged - Medieval Inn

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Razordawn's Avatar Razordawn
Level 44 : Master uwu
Medieval inn I gone and done while practicing a new style with the Conquest Reforged mod. The design and layout are partially historically inspired, but overall I wouldn't call it 'realistic'. I also tried some fun new things with this build so keep an eye out for those :p

However, because of said fancy new things, the download is in the format of a world save and not a schematic


You may use this design in your own projects if you credit me

Colour Correction presets by: Desuya
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
05/19/2019 2:22 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Again you did a great job using this mod :-)
05/19/2019 5:50 pm
Level 44 : Master uwu
Razordawn's Avatar
Thanks again :p
03/10/2019 4:27 pm
Level 44 : Master Ranger
DDavid98's Avatar
While looking at the screenshots, I can smell the scent of some Middle-European forest and hear slavic/hungarian folk music played on Hurdy-gurdy inside the tavern.

You are one of the few CR builders who can grab a very realistic atmosphere, excellent material choice and the colors are in harmony, that's what makes you an artistic builder.
Very few builders can create such an immersive, evocative atmosphere within a 20X20 plot, outstanding piece of art you made.

I hope I can see more of your work in the future!
03/10/2019 5:47 pm
Level 44 : Master uwu
Razordawn's Avatar
Thanks! I would tell more about my process if it didn't consist entirely of staring at screenshots of Kingdom Come Deliverance and RedRanger's builds until my eyes dry out. My normal style is much more stylized so this was a really fun new thing to try out and mess around with. At the moment I'm sort of bouncing between various types of 'realistic' (hate that word but got no better one to describe it with lol) styles so you'll probably see something at least similar in the future, whenever that is.
03/09/2019 2:44 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Engineer
Jim55's Avatar
Looks great, Your another Medieval builder I've looked at. Building with Conquest Reforged, Going to have to upload my old Medieval world and C.R mod and play with it
03/09/2019 4:43 pm
Level 44 : Master uwu
Razordawn's Avatar
Thanks (and thanks for the diamond and sub)! CR is a ton of fun, go for it. It's also not exclusively medieval, there's lots of people doing more contemporary and even futuristic styles with it too so you might have some fun either way :p
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