Minecraft Servers

HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience

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  • 159 server score
  • 61 Votes this month
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Keizizze's Avatar Keizizze
Level 36 : Artisan Cupcake
HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
HearthCraft - SMP (1.20.x)
Most of us are productive human beings!
Connect With
HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP with a 0% pay-to-win store (verify for yourself here) that has been making the best experiences since October of 2018. We're experts in bringing people together. Have a sneak peek here! We're active on Instagram and Twitter!

  • The server will never reset. Ever. World dates back to July 2019.
  • 0% pay-to-win perk system.
  • Resource worlds (resets monthly)
  • Dynmap
  • Zero tolerance for any form of hate speech.
  • Pet system
  • Level-up System based on playtime, mcMMO, and economy.
  • Land Claiming
  • mcMMO
  • Active and healthy economy system that includes player shops, player warps, auctions etc.
  • Marriage plugin
  • /wild (random teleport) command
  • Leaderboards with a wide range of categories from blocks mined and mobs killed to cake slices eaten and pig distance!


  • Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia
  • Uses Purpur
  • Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback, for rare cases in which the server is clearly at fault, with InventorySaver.
  • /pl is public
  • No keep-inventory but /back is enabled and drops are locked (i.e. no one can take them except you) by default.
  • Difficulty = Hard
  • Main world is 90,000 * 90,000. All other worlds are 20,000 * 20,000.
  • No entity culling, mob stacking, or other plugin-reliant farm limitations.



4 Update Logs

HearthCraft Change Logs - May 2, 2022 to May 29, 2022 : by Keizizze 06/09/2022 2:04:11 pmJun 9th, 2022

πŸ”§ Added a disclaimer in support-chat that official support only comes from staff and that players may give false information. May 2, 2022 3:01 AM
πŸ”§ /warp tutorial is now in Hearth Town May 2, 2022 4:00 AM
πŸͺ› Fixed a bug where the resource world resets wouldn't automatically set the border May 2, 2022 4:39 AM
πŸ“₯ Added /topanimalsbred, /topboatdistance, /topitembreak, /topcakesliceseaten, /topitemcraft, /topcraftendcrystal, /tophorsedistance, /topsincedeath, /topenderdragonkills, /topirongolemkills, /topwitherkills, /topgamesleft, /topminedgildedblackstone, /topminedobsidian, /topminecartdistance, /toppigdistance, /topplayerkills, /toprecordsplayed, /topsneaktime, /topstriderdistance, /topvillagertraded. Later changed this to /top (statistic) with one argument. May 3, 2022 3:50 AM, May 8, 2022 7:17 AM
πŸ”§ Lightened the dynamic entity activation mechanism May 4, 2022 1:44 PM
πŸ“€ Deleted the 3D end and nether maps to reduce database size May 5, 2022 1:12 AM
πŸ“₯ Added Ducky and Benbe protection 8 heads to the kindle crate May 6, 2022 3:33 AM
πŸ”§ Updated the channel descriptions May 7, 2022 4:21 AM
πŸ”§ Made the end portal spawn sound non-global May 7, 2022 5:28 AM
πŸ”§ Raised the despawn ranges by 8 blocks May 7, 2022 8:55 AM
πŸ”§ The server now auto-saves every minute. May 7, 2022 9:18 AM
πŸ”§ The reviews section of our website https://hearthcraft.net/ will now come straight from reviews May 7, 2022 11:05 AM
πŸͺ› Gave @WidgetBot minimum access May 7, 2022 11:08 AM
πŸ“₯ Added signs containing the cardinal direction at the nether portals below main nether spawn May 8, 2022 7:42 PM
πŸͺ› Fixed inconsistencies in /rankperks and the store May 12, 2022 10:55 PM
πŸͺ› ImageOnMap is back May 13, 2022 3:40 AM
πŸ”§ Paper has updated to a version that includes Alternate Current, a faster no-compromise redstone implementation. May 13, 2022 11:44 AM
πŸ“€ Removed DurabilityAlert, since it has the potential to lag when breaking many blocks in rapid succession and not work, causing issues with players getting unexpectedly broken items. A client-side mod is recommended to replace this. May 21, 2022 12:18 PM
πŸ“€ Removed unenchanted tridents from the event and vote crate May 23, 2022 7:52 AM
πŸͺ› https://store.hearthcraft.net/ now properly redirects to https://hearthcraftsmp.buycraft.net/ May 25, 2022 10:29 PM
πŸ“€ Removed the Celestial gradients from the store due to no one using them anymore. It'll be unavailable and left as an OG perk. May 26, 2022 11:56 PM
πŸ”§ Sorted the Rank Upgrades on the store into categories May 26, 2022 12:39 PM
πŸ”§ Server JAR was updated May 27, 2022 5:00 PM
πŸ”§ The IHYBIH tag is now Crafter due to it originally being intended to be an inside joke that absolutely no one even remembers by now May 28, 2022 12:19 AM
πŸ“₯ RaidMembersOnly is now a claim flag May 29, 2022 2:02 AM

Time is displayed in EST

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β€’ 08/28/2023 8:10 pm
β€’ Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Nala194's Avatar
Nah this ain't a SMP!
β€’ 08/07/2023 8:14 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
MinecraftNoob1111's Avatar
What is the port
Drunk Puppy
β€’ 05/15/2023 5:23 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Explorer
Drunk Puppy's Avatar
Is this server still active?
β€’ 05/29/2022 10:36 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
Dndog19's Avatar
Very Loving community, Very friendly mods, awesome vanilla mods 10/10 for me. Great work @Keizizze ο»Ώ
β€’ 11/29/2022 3:37 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
Dndog22's Avatar
Im sorry but this is dndog 6 months later, after being in close proximity with the mods, seeing secret mod chats disrespecting players and being toxic, whilst the owner has no clue.

People who are toxic and accuse players of other things are now mods/staff, people who i thought where friends where talking shit behind my back, the owner is great, the mods... not so much, i also want to know why you can accuse people of being creepy.

To Ded, Dwar Deadly And Fran. Fuck You.
β€’ 03/17/2023 2:12 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
ItsDed's Avatar
I'm going to add some clarity since this accusation has a lot of backstory.

The player above, dndog, was banned in June of last year. The reasons for the ban include inappropriate behavior, doxxing and threats of doxxing players. There was also an instance of him telling a player to unalive himself.

The player gave the server raving reviews multiple times until their behavior got out of hand and were subsequently punished and then banned from the server.

The accusations of the staff being toxic in private chats may or may not be true. People voice their displeasure about other people all the time. Its human nature. The difference is that we don't allow our personal bias effect our "job" as staff on the server. We don't punish players *more* because we personally don't like them, nor do we favor other players because we like them. There are plenty of players on the server that the staff consider friends, who have been punished for breaking the server rules. These people still play and can vouch to that fact.

So the accusation of staff being toxic, in my opinion, is a completely moot point. Players are toxic in private chats as well. Players are toxic towards staff in public chats. That's how the internet works. Again, the staff don't (or try not to) let their displeasure control how they present themselves on the server.

Its humorous to see Dndog saying "fuck you" to me after he admitted to, and tried to justify himself doxxing another person because he felt like he needed it. Its humorous that he calls us toxic, when he has told someone to unalive themselves because of a minecraft dispute. If we're toxic, then DnDog is beyond what toxic is defined as.

We don't threaten players. We don't doxx players. We don't sling profanity at players. DnDog is the one that does that to staff as well as other players who have done no wrong.

Are the staff on Hearthcraft perfect? Obviously not. But are we terrible people that treat our players unfairly and create a toxic environment?I would say no. We do our best to foster a welcoming community.

All I ask from anyone reading this is to take this review with a grain of salt. This former player was incredibly toxic, and downright mean to many people.

If you want to know what type of community and staff team we have, I would suggest coming to take a look for yourself. A review from someone who tried to doxx someone out of spite shouldn't be taken heavily.

To you, Dn, I hope you've gotten better since the last time we talked.
β€’ 05/27/2022 2:09 am
β€’ Level 4 : Apprentice System
WoundwortTR6's Avatar
This is a great semi-vanilla server. Lots of cool plugins for stuff like skills, a /back command which brings you back to your death point, really useful, and /lick. You can lick people for some reason. Ok... Anyway, there is also a friendly community which is also fun to watch (I was watching admins lick and slap each other while mining for Netherite, the chat is very entertaining) and amazing builds. As the undisputed best builder in a small aternos server I co-own, I am still in awe at builds like the hub area, with many tiny details that make them look great. Also there is an anime mascot. 10/10 and highly recommended for those who want vanilla Minecraft but with slight improvements.
β€’ 10/02/2021 2:56 am
β€’ Level 21 : Expert Zombie
Venom42's Avatar
Ok I'll join this server
β€’ 09/18/2021 3:51 am
β€’ Level 5 : Apprentice Network
mathreconnect's Avatar
super friendly people
β€’ 09/14/2021 2:01 pm
β€’ Level 4 : Apprentice Network
RufusMeatBoot's Avatar
Why Linus? Just why?
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