Dab676767's Avatar Dab67676711/7/20 1:53 am
11/7/2020 2:24 am
Dab676767's Avatar Dab676767
how do we use json?

how do mods work on 1.16+?
Posted by Dab676767's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Lemon

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11/07/2020 2:22 am
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
garlicbreathinator's Avatar
JSON is a general format (JavaScript Object Notation) that is used to store many different kinds of data in different situations.
For example, NBT data is actually just JSON with slight specializations (and usually compressed).

Other things that use JSON include:
-pack.mcmeta (pack definitions)
-datapack components (recipes, loot tables, dimension data)
-resource pack models (the files that define the 3d model a block or item uses)
-fancy text (usually called "Raw JSON Text", used in tellraw, title, mob names, item names, signs, books, etc.)

A description of the JSON format as a whole can be found on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON)
A guide to text components can be found on the Minecraft Wiki (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Raw_JSON_text_format)
While learning how raw JSON text is formatted, I would recommend using https://minecraftjson.com

As for mods, there are several different types of mods that work separately. Do not try to combine them.
-independent mods (like standalone optifine)
-fabric mods (a simple and efficient modloader)
-forge mods (an older, more complex, and more fully-featured modloader)
-spigot plugins (server-side plugins)

To install any mods, you need to load and play the same version of the game in vanilla to have the files downloaded. Then...
-for independent mods, run the installer executable. This will create a new "version file" for the modded game you can select from the version list. Usually, this is a .jar file that requires you have the Java Runtime Environment installed
-for forge or spigot, install the profile for the modloader like you would an independent mod, and then create a "mods" folder in your minecraft directory and add any mods to them. Make sure the mods are for the same version.
-for spigot plugins, you must set up a spigot server, place the plugins into the "plugins" folder of the server directory, and then (re)start it.
11/07/2020 2:24 am
Level 31 : Artisan Lemon
Dab676767's Avatar
ok thankyou
11/07/2020 2:10 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Warrior
MrEgg_10's Avatar
um no clue mate
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