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Planet Minecraft Interviews billoxiiboy

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was our third PMC Weekly Interview, featured in Volume 60! In this volume, we interviewed billoxiiboy! billoxiboy (Andrew) has been a member of Planet Minecraft since 2017. During his time here, he's made 41 submissions, has given over 6,000 diamonds and continues to update the community with his progress on his latest projects. Andrew's maps are nothing short of unique, detailed, well polished, and presented. You'll find a video tour/trailer with most of his maps, well-done renders, lores, and so much more in each of his submissions. We encourage you to take the time to check out his submissions, as we're certain they'll leave you inspired!

Interview Questions: billoxiiboy - Australian Minecraft Map Designer

Planet Minecraft Interviews billoxiiboy

How did your Minecraft experience begin?
I came to Minecraft very, very late. And when I did discover Minecraft, it was from a design aspect. My partner; who is a huge Console Gamer, thought that I would enjoy the design/building direction of the game. Having a background in Graphic Art, Minecraft gave me a boundless scope for design opportunities. I was addicted immediately. That was 6 years ago.

Do you still play Minecraft?
This is a little awkward to answer, and to many, this will be a little soul-destroying. But, I have never actually played a Survival Game of Minecraft. That's not to say that I don't love the concept or the attraction of the game. It's simply because I was introduced to the game as a building and design concept. This may explain some of my design choices to those familiar to my work.

What is your favorite submission you've made on PMC? Why?
To pick just one favorite submission would be a very hard task. Each of my submissions has been a learning exercise. I love to stretch myself and my skills. My Maps can be an exercise in Architecture, Landscape Design, or Organic Creation. My Tuscany Submission is a definite contender as favorite - because it incorporates Architecture, Landscape Design, and also it's a region of the World I Love. My Aquatica Project was an incredible experience in Organic Building and just having fun. I learned a lot about Organic Builds and having it featured on Minecraft.net Culture was a definite plus.

Planet Minecraft Interviews billoxiiboy
Planet Minecraft Interviews billoxiiboy

Aquatica Cinematic - Featured on Minecraft.net

You've submitted a fair amount of Medeival Builds to PMC. What inspired you to start building in this specific style?
The Medieval Build is a huge Genre in Minecraft. I think it very much ties into popular Movies that depict the Style; such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and to a degree GOT. For me, the attraction to the Architectural style came from a study of history when I was at school. Although I love modern building designs, I sometimes feel that modern designs lack the beauty of craftsmanship that the Medieval Genre depicts so perfectly. The Medieval building design also gives an amazing historical insight into elements of our modern houses. It was a time where people lived by the Seasons, and the Kitchen Harth was the central focus as well as the largest room of the House. Living by the Seasons ties perfectly into the gameplay of Minecraft - farming and mining. It makes us ask questions like - Why do we call our entrance way of our houses a " Hall"? Then imagine living without running water and a bathroom?

Medieval Musings Builds...

Can you tell us a little bit about your building process? How long does it usually take to build one of your average sized?

My building process can vary from organized to haphazard. Usually the process will begin with inspiration from a photo, a movie or a documentary. My Tuscany project began as an attempt to portray Medieval Architecture from a non-Anglo perspective. Most Medieval Projects portray English or German Medieval Architecture. Whereas I wanted to experiment with more eastern European styles.

  • I will usually start the creative process with designing a world in World Painter. I will think of the appropriate terrain style, climate and consider sites to build on. The decision to include my Custom Trees at this point is a little controversial. I will usually plant the majority of the map in World Painter; avoiding the building sites. These can be individually planted after the building process.
  • I will then load the map into Minecraft and spend a huge amount of time just exploring the map. I will try to find what I call "The Money Shot". It will be the place that has the most picturesque view.
  • Once I have decided on the location to center the build, I will start creating a feature building and extend the map out from there. Not always a successful approach. As it can often require some moving of buildings and trees; even terrain. The organic approach is my usual method. However, I could certainly learn to be more organized like other builders; that map out their world and build to a plan.
Landscaping a New Map

Tuscany - individually planted areas

Do you also make your cinematics? They're beautiful!
Thank You! Yes, I do make my own Cinematics. Not having any training in this process means they can be a little less professional than I would like. I have the ideas, but often not the software training to realize those ideas. Oh well....I try real hard :P Making Cinematics have also been an exercise in learning. The learning never seems to stop. At the end of the day, they are a focus for the Map content. And most of all, they need to be just a bit of Fun. I use a screen capturing App called OBS Studios and CMD cam in-game camera Mod to create the footage. I source Royalty Free Music and make a special effort to feature the Musicians I use. I have used a lot of fellow PMC member - Aspirin60's Music in my Cinematics. Most people know her for her incredible Skins.

Island Beneath the Mist

Latest Cinematic - Mystery Lake Adventure MAp

What are your future goals as far as Minecraft goes? Do you have any projects lined up?
My future goals are to continue developing a career in making Map Designs and 3D Models for Marketplace Build Teams, like EverbloomStudios. Taking a break from Map design for a while, I have made some good progress in 3D Model Making - using BlockBench. Currently, I am working on some Adventure Maps that will feature these Models.

Harp Seal

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to?
I have many members that inspire me and whom I look up to. Many influenced my design directions I've taken. Many give me encouragement and artistic support.

Do you have any pets?
My partner & I have two French Bulldogs. Sister and Brother - Pinot & Dutch. Dutch looks a little different from his sister; as he came out a little less French Bull, and a whole lot more British Bull. He was a rescue. Both are the center of our world and both make sure we remember that...oooof! Neither of them would agree that they are our pets....more like my partner & I are their Pet Humans. Bossy little things! But we love them to death



What Genre of music do you enjoy listening to?
I don't have a favorite band or group. I listen to a lot of music on SoundCloud. I listen to many different styles of music from House to Classical.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
If I could travel anywhere in the World, it would be to visit the Faroe Islands - part of Denmark. I love the extreme terrain and surreal landscapes. Perfect inspiration for creating in Minecraft.

Plan an epic weekend in the Faroe Islands

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?My advice for new PMC members is to Explore, Explore and keep Exploring the site some more. There is so much to learn and absorb from other members and the millions of submissions available on PMC. Don't be afraid to subscribe or give diamonds. Feel free to ask members questions. Reach out and make friends with members. Read comments and see how others encourage and support their fellow members. PMC is a great place to discover the wonders of Minecraft!

And most of all HAVE FUN :D


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10/29/2020 8:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
Funtazer's Avatar
I just found this, and I am so happy for my new friend Billoxiiboy! Congratulations on scoring this interview, you really deserve it! I just want everyone to know that he (Billoxiiboy) has been an amazing new friend to me, and has helped me tremendously with my work, by being an amazing inspiration and by accepting and encouraging me! I hope he gets new headphones soon (his dogs chewed them), and maybe we can play a game of survival together, I'd love to teach him. Cheers, Billoxiiboy!
10/29/2020 9:41 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Wow this is just great! I'm really happy to find my good friend Billoxiiboy here.He deserve this interview,he is a member with big heart !This really makes my day! Thanks PMC!!
(And thx Andrew for the nice Words and your friendship!)
10/28/2020 11:31 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Great builder and great guy! Congrats on the feature!
10/28/2020 2:41 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
FirstDawn's Avatar
Billoxiiboy really deserved this feature. Honestly he is the most supportive, encouraging and generous individual on here. You'll always see a comment in your feed, on a video or some kind of notification from him that just drives you to aspire higher. I wish we could diamond this interview a few hundred times as a return of support and the amount he's personally given us and our friends like super.
Planet Minecraft


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