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  • About

    Somewhere in a dying reality, upon an infinite and mysterious black sea, there lie lands of darkness, woe, and graves. This dreadful ocean, the Inkwell, rises slowly, but irreversibly. From it are spawned such horrid creatures, to assail and antagonize the world of living things. Some nights fall darker and more dangerous than others...

    An old kingdom wars with its rebellious defection; a confederate kingdom, bound by heresy. Meanwhile, the horrors born from the ink oppress each with mindless indifference, and each must devise some contingency against the ever-rising doom.
    Curious caravans of black-clad pilgrims go about their secrecy, their mission a mystery to their witnesses, and their behavior equally cryptic. The lands bear old history, of wars, graves and races mostly forgotten. Old structures and ruins of men and the native race, the Drwennish, are all that seem to remain of the old days. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    All my builds use the Conquest texture pack -be sure to use Optifine.

  • Wall Posts

    • Belial6's Avatar
      February 1, 2024, 12:37 pm to Public

      Haven't had as much time to work on uploads as I'd like. Probably doesn't help I'm taking a break from the project I started to work on as a break from another project. Hopefully this one will be ready soon though.
    • Belial6's Avatar
      May 13, 2023, 1:52 pm to Public
      Square Pirate said 2023-09-26 07:31:46
      Square Pirate's Avatar
      dreamCritting said 2023-05-14 07:17:49
      dreamCritting's Avatar
      Ooooo nice
      Belial6 replied to BadRedstoneer's comment below 2023-05-13 16:46:35
      Belial6's Avatar
      I'm working on the inside now
      BadRedstoneer said 2023-05-13 13:58:46
      BadRedstoneer's Avatar
      holy crap
    • Belial6's Avatar
      April 24, 2023, 1:01 am to Public
      Taking a break to do something I've always wanted to do...

    • Belial6's Avatar
      February 21, 2023, 12:42 am to Public
      Everything is finally updated for 1.19+, and construction on my next project is well underway:

    • Belial6's Avatar
      January 15, 2023, 2:50 am to Public
      Currently I am working on getting the Sermons of the Shepard, Tempest, and Thorn updated for 1.19. After this I will begin work on Golona, the hidden pirate settlement of Captain Abor. I also have a complete map of the known world of the Inkwell in the works.
  • 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔭𝔒𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔒 ℑ𝔫𝔨𝔴𝔒𝔩𝔩 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔧𝔒𝔠𝔱𝔰

    Stone Orchard

    • Baronport - A refugee town of shacks built on a network of rafts. Here is where those who find their homes and lands submerged come to dwell, too poor to secure proper shelter within the city walls. Improvised shelter will have to suffice.

    • Candlestone - Stone Orchard's only city, split into South Candlestone, North Candlestone, Baronport, Cirrus Major and Norton.

              - Sheridan Vale: From the top to the east coast of North Candlestone, Sheridan Vale is occupied by the richest of the city's citizens and their mansions.

              - Palatine: The Municipal nerve center of the city. Here are the city hall, courthouse, a temple of the Master, and the city's great clocktower.

              - Rainhaven: Just across the river Eiss, you will find the majority of the city's middle-class, trying to keep their portion of the city clean of Stowton's industrial filth.

              - Stowton: At the bottom of South Candlestone, the corner in which the city hides its unsightly factories and unkempt tenements.

    • Cirrus Major - East of Norton, a village of shipbuilders flanked by forests at the foot of the Cirrus Mountains.

    • Norton - A mining town in the shadow of the Cirrus Mountains. Norton is an industrial community that supplies Candlestone with precious resources from deep in the stone.

    • Cirrus Minor - A small, sparse village of pastures and cottages west of Norton, cradled in a green valley of the Cirrus Mountains.

    • Covenwood - Formerly a cheerful woodland in more ancient days, now sickened by the flooding ink and powerful witch covens.

    • The Hallow Temple -The great black monastery in the heart of the Cirrus Mountains. This is the home of the dark pilgrims, who keep their purpose and work a mystery to the unindoctrinated.

    • St. Mikkelsen -The major breadbasket to the Kingdom of the Blood Rose. This land features rolling hills of farmland and moors. Travelers are warned to beware the "Shucks of St. Mikkelsen."

    Royal Willows

    • The White City - Capitol to the Kingdom of the Blood Rose, each building is bright white in color. Here sits the great temple of the Kingdom's foundational theology, the House of the Master.

    • The Royal Palace of Venar - Home to the King himself, this former royal hunting lodge occupies the Venar valley, ensconced in the Stratus Mountains.

    • Midwich Fen - These flat marshlands are at all times silent, and forever shadowed by gray skies; the land itself seems to mourn the countless dead of yesterday's wars. The blood of many soldiers washed away ages ago, along with their names, and even the memory of their nations. Below the surface, the bones of former enemies are intermingled.


    • Funusurbis - The capitol of the Drwennish province. Here is a small city of curious natural spires of black stone, in which the Drwennish burrow their homes.

    • The Payle - The capitol of the Pendal province. Here you will find a tight-knit community of the last of the Pendal Goblin-Folk. The homes and buildings are mostly hut and roundhouse structures, built amongst colossal evergreens.

    • Stilacrimom - Composing the Corvish Republic are the Corvish Kingdom, and its two provinces: one for the last of the Pendal race, and the other for the last of the Drwennish. The heart of the Republic and capitol city of the Corvish kingdom is the city of Stilacrimom, built under the shadow of the largest wellspring; a large volcano from which Ink flows into the world. Priests of the new religion pray in vain amongst its many falls. The land lacks flora, rendering it bleak and muted. The king never leaves the great black citadel that juts forth from the harbor.

    • The Fleet of Saints - Built to combat the Fleet of Sermons, the Corvish ships are slightly fewer in number, but are superiorly built by the masterful hands of Drwennish shipwrights. As per standard, each ship is outfitted with a network of armor plating, inside and outside the hull, which both protects the hull and prevents it from shattering into deadly shrapnel when struck by cannonball.

              -Saint Karloff, Brig
              -Saint Luther, Cutter
              -Saint Mikkelsen, Warship*
              -Saint Rhett, Flagship
              -Saint Sebastian, Ketch
              -Saint Vitus, War Galleon


    • The Hourglass: Golona (Abor's Hideout) - There yet remains a small region of what was once a vast and largely arid continent. The Hourglass was a sprawling desert fringed with swamps and jungle. Likewise, the pitch-black humanoids of that continent once populated its few grasslands and oases. But in the obscurity of the "Old Days," these people were long lost to some mysterious fate. What little is left of their land and structures still yet outlive them. And hidden away in the dense coastal flora and curious ruins, the Inkwell's most dreaded pirate syndicate, that of the pirate Captain Abor's growing navy of rogues, has managed to defy the world's navies for many a moon cycle. Sailing through crooked trees and curtains of plant life, you'll come upon a flourishing port, populated by refugees and wanted criminals of the lands and ink alike. Here they find indulgent refuge; what Captain Abor fancies a nihilistic kingdom all his own.

    • Abor's Fleet - A handful of vessels of various sizes that sail below the Captain's jolly roger:

              -Blasted Apparition, Clipper
              -Heretic Xebec

              -The Last Muelsom, Caravel
    Old Thunder, Warship*
              -The Stranger, Frigate
              -Toothache, Cutter

    • Civilian Vessels - Some examples of unaffiliated ships:
              -The Green Bottle, Schooner
              -Gypsy Eye, Carrack
              -Silver Scripture, Fluyt
              -Spell, Brigantine

    *The term "Warship" as it is used in the Inkwell refers to any ship with at least three gundecks.

    ⠃⠑⠽⠕⠝⠙ β žβ “β ‘ β ‹β Šβ —β β β β ‘β β ž
    • The Umbracon - A strange and hellish dimension. When the fringes of night absorb light and edge close, the Umbracon intersects with the world of the Inkwell. One must be careful not to stray too far from their reality when they find themselves in this place of flamelight and shadow. Whether by the light of candles, the ticking of clocks, the tolling of bells... one must find or keep a beacon to guide them back before the night's end …lest they should be lost in this netherworld, indefinitely...

    • The Void - A blank canvas on the other side of what is seen, an empty loom between the fabric of dreams. Here is where the 12 Progenitors manage infinity, painting and weaving their worlds, seeking more prospective Progenitors to assimilate. The manifestation of completely ungoverned chaos, the void would unravel any finite mind without the 12 unsung gods.

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