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10 helpful tips for new people [noobs] Chapter 1

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Zombieattacker123's Avatar Zombieattacker123
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
1. Only iron, gold, diamond and leather can be used for armor

2. Don't try to mine bedrock because you can't break it with any pick (unless you are in creative)

3. Dono t eat spider eyes they can poison you for several seconds (used for potions)

4. If you are hungry and have raw food cook it with a furnace so you get more food bars (made with cobble)

5. At night monsters come out you might want to make shelter in a cave mountain or in the middle of no ware (that sounds scary!)

6. If you want to have all the stuff and fly around when you make a world click creative

7. Creative, Hardcore, and Survival are 3 modes you can play on creative is all the stuff and flying around (can't die) survival is find resources and hardcore is like survival but you only have 1 life if you die it well delete the map

8. A whole day is 20 minutes so you have 10 minutes before night to find shelter

9. If you find a sheep and have sheers witch you make with 2 iron you don't have to kill the sheep you just right click

10. If you find a spawner witch you find in caves mobs well keep spawning tell you put torches on it (not in the nether)

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