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101 signs that you've been playing too much minecraft

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LethalAnt's Avatar LethalAnt
Level 39 : Artisan Dragonborn
hey guys, so my recent article about 104 ways to get kicked out of walmart was taken down due to not being minecraft or pmc related. i hope this will be as popular as the walmart one. now i bring you. 101 signs that you've been playing too much minecraft. If you found this amusing, or i "made your day :D" how about leaving a comment, diamond, a favorite and subscribe :D

101 signs that you've been playing too much minecraft
1. Youo ve tried getting wood by punching the trees in your backyard.

2. Youo ve tried mining for coal in your backyard.

3. Reality suddenly isno t cubic enough.

4. Youo re disappointed that real saplings take more than a few hours to grow into full-sized trees.

5. When dusk falls, you panic, run home, and pray you dono t run into any zombies.

6. You arrange office supplies in groups of 64.

7. You get angry that dirt doesno t float in real life.

8. Youo ve tried gathering saplings in real life by beating leaves with sticks (and other tools)

9. Youo re on the o all bacon, all the timeo diet.

10. You always carry a backpack of tools with you everywhere you go.

11. Youo ve reached the size limit for all of your worlds.

12. You have an entire chest (in game) filled with records.

13. You dono t need to look on Minepedia to know the exact number of uses you can get from a given tool.

14. You have an entire chest (in game) filled with diamonds.

15. Youo re saving up for a diamond pickaxe (in real life)

16. Youo ve carved a series of two-meter high tunnels under your home (while looking for coal and iron.)

17. Youo ve built your own crafting workbench in your garage.

18. Youo ve painstakingly gathered enough spider webs together to make something vaguely resembling a brick (and you plan on painting on it once it has a proper frame of sticks!)

19. When you yell o CREEPER!o all your friends duck or scatter.

20. Youo ve tried every possible option on the Painterly Pack Customizer.

21. Youo ve spent whole days doing nothing but building things on Minecraft.

22. You check Notcho s blog daily just to see if there are any new updates.

23. Youo ve taken up cactus farming (and you dono t even live in an arid area.)

24. You think of the ecology of the world in terms of Minecraft biomes.

25. You go into rock shops looking for Redstone.

26. You pray night after night that, when you die, you wono t go to the nether

27. You wouldno t mind going to the nether as long as thereo s an obsidian gateway there (and you have flint and steel.)

28. You cano t understand why your wooden pick axe wono t break through solid stone.

29. Your solution to saving energy is to go dig for lightstone.

30. You dream in pixels

31. Youo ve installed a pressure-plate for your front door.

32. You honestly believe that you can just gather lava in a bucket and carry it back to your forge.

33. You leave the house genuinely angry that you haveno t found enough clay in your world to make a house (yet.)

34. Youo ve exchanged your real bed for one made of stone and wool.

35. Youo ve dug down to the bedrock (in your own backyard.)

36. You STILL dono t understand why your wooden pick axe wono t break through solid stone.

37. You gather mushrooms believing that, as long as you make stew with one red one and one brown one, it will be edible.

38. You scour gravel driveways for flint.

39. Youo ve gathered sand and put it in the oven in the hopes that it would turn into glass.

40. You explore local caves hoping youo ll run across a mob spawner (and mossy cobblestone!)

41. Youo ve recreated famous monuments (and buildings) in Minecraft

42. You dono t believe trees have roots or branches, only logs and leaves.

43. You take solace in the fact that Minecraft weather never changes.

44. You know every bug (and youo re always one of the first players to exploit them.)

45. You feel safe as long as you have a door between you and something that wants to kill you.

46. Youo ve gathered enough obsidian to build your own real-life nether portal (and you cano t understand why it doesno t work!)

47. You miss your pig spawner

48. Youo ve seen Herobrine.

49. You have a Minecraft-themed tattoo

50. Youo ve written Minecraft fan fiction

51. Youo ve read (and critiqued) otherso Minecraft fan fiction

52. Youo ve made minecraft block-themed decorations (and put them up for the holidays)

53. Your business card includes a line like o Minecraft Master.o

54. All your friends play Minecraft

55. Your dog plays Minecraft.

56. Youo ve been inspired to start your own farm (but cano t understand why it doesno t take care of itself.)

57. Youo re learning coding just to make mods for Minecraft.

58. The biggest open pit mine in the world was built by you, in Minecraft.

59. You dono t bother to dig up Redstone anymore.

60. Your Minecraft worlds have been developed into huge, sprawling cities (and no one else is playing on them.)

61. Youo ve panhandled with a sign that says o will Minecraft 4 foodo

62. You dream of having a job digging ditches.

63. Youo re constantly emailing Notch about things he should add into the game.

64. Youo ve created Minecraft fan art.

65. Youo ve taken the time to create papercraft art of Minecraft.

66. You support authors of articles about Minecraft (like the author of this article) by visiting their sponsors through links like those near the top of some articles.

67. Youo ve laid more track in Minecraft than has ever been laid in America.

68. You can scare your friends by sneaking up behind them and hissing like a creeper about to explode.

69. You wish every day was update day.

70. Youo re learning to speak Swedish (in the hopes that youo ll get updates and rumors faster!)

71. You go from door to door asking people if theyo ve heard about o the miracle of Minecraft.o

72. You revere Notch as if he were a god.

73. You believe all foods are best when cubed.

74. Youo ve downloaded Minecraft music onto your MP3 player (and you listen to it while you work.)

75. You have multiple Minecraft accounts (and play on them simultaneously.)

76. Youo ve eradicated all the monsters in the Nether (and built it up enough that they cano t spawn.)

77. You inspire people by telling them that the world is their Minecrafto they can build anything!

78. Youo ve built more full-sized, non-functional vehicles than Leonardo da Vinci could ever have dreamed to draw.

79. You doodle blocks and new structure ideas on notepads when youo re on the phone.

80. You visit the Minecraft forums hourly.

81. When you get together with your friends, the first topic to come up is always Minecraft.

82. Youo ve become a professional griefer.

83. You can find your way out of any spawn jail.

84. Youo re depressed that your watch doesno t just say when dawn and dusk are (but youo re crafting one that does.)

85. You start to believe that, in the real world, your spawn point is somewhere far, far up North.

86. You cano t understand why punching sheep in the real world doesno t give you wool.

87. You start doing bizarre things in the game (like importing stone from the nether and turning your main world into the nether instead.)

88. You feel compelled to start playing around with gunpowder and TNT in real life.

89. You have plans to make the sun more. . . square.

90. Youo re building a powerful laser in order to write o MINECRAFT!o on the moon.

91. You contribute trivia to the pages on Minepedia.

92. You can out-creep a creeper.

93. The idea of finding big gold nuggets in real life doesno t excite you anymore.

94. You catch yourself going to the hardware store looking for iron ingots and sticks.

95. You remember Indev.

96. You start getting really skinny (because you dono t have to eat food to stay alive in Minecraft!)

97. You start drawing durability bars on your yard and garden tools.

98. Youo ve killed more than your fair share of Spider Jockeys

99. Minecraft is no longer just a game for you.

100. You make at least one comparison every day between the way things work in the real world and the way they work in Minecraft.

101. You write lists and articles about Minecraft.


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06/15/2018 8:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
NitroNine's Avatar
Even if you only did the Painterly thing, you're insane.
08/03/2013 8:21 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
Seriusly, I can speak swedish... I am not playing to much mc...
12/26/2013 10:10 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
And... Now I have installed a pressure plate in front of my door. And it works! (Really handy when I have been buying lots of food for Christmas, and can't open the door myself :D)
07/26/2013 7:20 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
minemanguy49's Avatar
wow.. I LOVE IT *ding* youve gotten a new subscriber.
*ding* you got a diamond
*ding* you got a diamond
several seconds later
*ding ding ding* youve reached the maximum amount of diamonds!
07/26/2013 10:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dragonborn
LethalAnt's Avatar
thank you :D
07/15/2013 5:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Chocoback XD
Chocoback XD's Avatar
Im going to make a list,and do everithing up there :D
07/13/2013 6:17 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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