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80 subscribers & Level 40- A thank you to PMC

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MinecraftDonut's Avatar MinecraftDonut
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
Wow. Just. Wat? I mean... This is amazing! Oh sorry I was looking at cat videos. ANYWAY. Holy crap! I hit 80 subscribers and level 40? WHAT IS THIS!? Oh wait I already know.... THIS. IS. SPARTA.So... I have a lot to do in this blog. Things to say, people to thank, and holy crap I feel like I am winning an oscar.

PMC: My story
Like most people I have a story about how I came to PMC and how I got to where I am today. I will be telling you my story.

It all started in... Hold on lemme check my first submission. :P ...About a year ago! I had been playing Minecraft for about a year and I really enjoyed screwing around with family (didn't have a lot of friends to play with :|) and building random structures. One day my friend I_Redacted_I brought up this thing he had been on and enjoyed. He called it PMC. I thought it was an acronym for Peeing Minecraft. (
dont judge me) He told me it stood for Planet Minecraft which made me think it was something they were adding into Minecraft. He confirmed that it was a website where anyone could post their creations that were built in Minecraft and where people could download and enjoy them for themselves. Now, I hadn't really downloaded stuff up until that point and thought it was really cool. So I downloaded 10's of skins and was changing my skin constantly. I decided that I wanted to make my own skins and post them on PMC. I asked my brother and he didn't know how to make skins. So I googled (I DIDNT USE BING, BING SUCKS) a program that was easy to make skins with. I found a tutorial on how to use a Program called MCSkin 3D- and so I downloaded and tested that. I had millions of ideas for skins, my first skin that you can still find to this day was my Super steve skin. This was actually my skin for about 2 months. After that I started to watch Ipodmail on youtube and liked his arenas- and so I wanted to combine that with AntVenom's peaceful map. I made my own peaceful map with lots of nooby buildings and posted it. Thinking I would get a huge response really sucked because I didn't. :P After that I went back to making stupid little skins but only posted 1. I made a crappyadventuremap and some more skins. I then made my first blog called "POPULAR ALREADY!!!?" Which of course meant like 2 subscribers and thinking I would get more popular. After that I worked on some more skins and projects and eventually made a really bad texture pack. That actually gained me like 3 levels and made me post my level 5 in a day blog.I did some more crap yadda yadda yadda.... AAAAAAND we get to cool stuff. I went on chat and met some skinners (I SHALL THANK THEM LATER) and they are all like: "YO DOOD YO SKINS BE LACKING SKEEEL AND SHADING AND CRAP!" "Hey Donut your skins are great and all but you know what they need? SHADING!" So I tried shading and got a bit bigger response. At this time I had about 10 subscribers. Oh crap as I look at it I never continued monthly unknown skinner.... Wow. OH WELL SCREW IT. Anyway after I made lots and lots of skins I started watching crap tons of mod reviews. I thought that I should be able to make one too since other people are making them! Well I tried... And completely failed. So I did the easiest thing possible. I used a MOD MAKER. Yeah I know pretty stupid right? But I actually got a pretty good response. In fact- every mod up until the gem fish mod was made using MCreator. Ok so I was pretty successful, but it was a hollow victory. People were messaging me telling me to put things into mods that I couldn't put in and I honestly didn't feel like I was making mods. I felt like I was just making the ideas and then posting them. So I decided to learn how to make mods again. I looked all over for good tutorials but found little success. That was when I found JavaBuckets. Those guys make great mods and they actually put tutorials on YouTube of how to make mods! This was my chance! I learned quickly and with a few errors and bugs I made my first mod: A bread sword mod. But then I made my second mod... The Lemon Ultra mod! All of my friends at school loved the idea and It made me pretty popular there. You should see the looks on peoples faces when they find out I can make mods. IT IS PRICELESS. Anyway I made that. Got suggestions. Couldn't put some of those suggestions into the mod and finally had to discontinue the mod due to different things such as lack of ideas or just getting blamed for copying someone else. Then I got into terra-forming and did some of that. After that I made my second mod which was actually put into a mod pack the mo swords and mobs mod. I then made another mod and made a YouTube account and blah blah blah! And now I am here! Working on another mod! And shtuff. So anyway- sorry that was so long. MUSH! ONWARD AND TECHNICALLY SPEAKING DOWNWARDS!

What PMC has done to me both good and bad:
PMC has done a lot of things to and for me. Most of them are good, but some are bad. I will list the good first, and then the bad.

  • PMC has helped build my creativity
  • PMC has helped me build relationships
  • PMC has helped me learn how to respect others
  • PMC has taught me what popularity is and what it means
  • PMC has shown me what it means to stand out
  • PMC has taught me to stand up for what I believe in no matter what others think
  • PMC has taught me that I like lists
  • PMC has helped bring out the best in my humorous abilities
  • PMC has helped me laugh during tough times
  • Heck PMC helped me through a break-up!
  • PMC helped me know that when people use bad grammar, tell them in an angry voice and using your best grammar to go back to english class (unless they don't naturally speak english)

  • PMC has taught me that getting to the top isn't easy- and that sometimes you will push others down to get there. When you do- you should bring them to the top with you :)

That is a lot of stuff. I know. It is. Seriously. ALRIGHT NOW I HAVE TO HAVE A LIST OF PEOPLE THAT I WANT TO THANK

List Of People I want to thank:
  • I_Redacted_I
  • Glowingninja
  • Sgtandrew2000
  • [Colors]
  • JavaBuckets
  • Gabe4356
  • Roslina
  • xXPoptartKittyXx
  • 1UpMiner
  • DinowCookie
  • Myself
  • The PMC Staff
  • And all of these people:

Thank you so much for everything PMC- AND MINECRAFT ON!!!!


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10/25/2013 9:57 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
gabe4356's Avatar
:') This was so funny, and yet awesome, and weird, and...I smell burning weezles...brb.
10/26/2013 10:41 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
gabe4356's Avatar
Ok, apparently weezles don't get life insurance.
10/09/2013 12:03 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ninja
NinjaCharlieT's Avatar
if u really want lots of subscribers, make a Youtube channel
You'll get heaps!
10/09/2013 12:10 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
MinecraftDonut's Avatar
I do have a youtube channel- although it only has 30 subscribers.
10/09/2013 12:30 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ninja
NinjaCharlieT's Avatar
This video is dedicated to you ;)
Planet Minecraft


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