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A Minecraft Choose - Your - Own Adventure!

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patrick8991's Avatar patrick8991
Level 23 : Expert Zombie
Alright, I had an idea a long time ago to make a Minecraft choose-your-own adventure using spoilers. Here it is!

WARNING: This is not close to done. If a spoiler says "Hidden content here!" I am working on it. 
Also, since the spoilers are glitchy, just read one section at a time, and close the spoilers that you did not choose.
Make sure to leave a diamond, subscribe, and a valued comment! (Favorites if you want to stay updated on this)

"Hey! Hello? Anybody home?"

Oh, that must be your "friend." Should you greet him or pretend that no one is home?

Pretend not to notice
Yawning sleepily, you decide to go back to bed.
The Next Day
Ahhh, another wonderful morning! Sounds like your irritating neighbor left after he got bored of banging on your door. You get up on the right side of your bed, like always when suddenly you see a wall. A WALL?! There was never a wall there! Where are you? A strange looking villager in a white robe looks over you. He grunts like a pig.
"What the heck are you?! Can you even talk?!" you scream.
"Hahahaha, of course I can talk! What do you think I am, an animal? Hahahaha! Get out of bed, because it's going to be a busy day! It's your turn to harvest the crops, today Stevie!" laughs a strange villager.
"Wait, what? Stevie? My name isn't Stevie." you say, confused.
You look down at yourself and almost jump out of your skin at what you see. 
"AHHHHHH! What am I? I look like you! Am I a... a villager?!" you screech.
"Of course you are. You always have been! Are you feeling a little sick today? I'm sure I can cover for you." decides the villager.
"Wait. Hold on. Let me explain something. I am not Stevie. I do not know who Stevie is and what he did or does. Please show me around so I can get the feeling of where I am. Also, tell me your name." you explain.
"Well, okay. My name is George. Come with me."
George shows you around outside. You see more villagers harvesting crops and some are cutting down trees with their bare hands. This feels familiar to you somehow... Suddenly it hits you. Your irritating neighbor showed you this game once. It was called... 'Mincecraft?' No, 'Minecraft!' Yes, that was it. It was a game called Minecraft where you built stuff and tried to survive. You thought it looked pretty stupid when your neighbor was playing it.
"I am inside a game!" 
"What do you mean?" asked George.
"I have to go find a way out of here! Where can I read up on legends of your town?" you inquire.
George tells you that the blacksmith can provide old maps and that the librarian can provide old books. 

To the blacksmith!
When you arrive at the blacksmith, you tell him that you need to see some old maps. He lays out three old maps in front of you: One with an island, one with a forest, and one with some plains. He tells you that the plains are not very dangerous, the forest is somewhat dangerous, and the island is extremely dangerous.
"All three are rumored to have a strange portal in the middle. However, I can only give you one map. Choose wisely." the blacksmith mutters.

To the plains!
You decide that the  going to the plains is the easiest and safest route home. 
"The plains are commonly referred to as the Plains of Lockred. The may be the least dangerous, but that does not mean that they have no dangers. You will meet evil beings. Take this stone sword and food. You will need it." 
"Thank you." you state.

As you make your way along the plains, everyhting seems to be pretty uneventful. There is a lot of grass and flowers everywhere. Maybe the blacksmith was wrong about the plains being dangerous at all. You take a quick look at your map to check what to look out for. Apparently, there should be a mountain that has a secret entrance. After a few hours of walking, you come across it. A giant mountain. You climb a little ways up when you see a cave. It's getting dark, and the cave seems like good shelter. 

Sleep in the cave
You decide it's a good idea to rest. After a few bites of food, you fall asleep easily...

You wake up with a start. You hear strange growling noises coming from deep inside the cave. Suddenly, a zombie pops into your view. It looks like there is only one. Do you run or fight?

You decide to run. That zombie could be stronger than it looks. Just after you turn around to start running, a skeleton blocks your exit from the cave. Which do you fight?
The skeleton
The skeleton pulls out a bow and shoots you. You take a fatal arrow to the knee.

The zombie
You lunge at the zombie. When you stab it, an arrow hits you in the back. You scream in pain as the world fades away...

You decide to fight. After all, it's only one. You pick up your sword and stab it. That was easy enough. Suddenly, a whole horde comes into view. Do you run or fight?

Run! I want to stay alive!
You decide to run for your life. While running, you start to get tired. You check behind you to see if they are still there. An arrow whizzes by in response. You are about to continue running, when you see a tall, black, creature. It seems to exude friendliness. It may be your only chance of escape. Do you trust it and touch it?

Trust the creature
The creature asks you in a weird voice "KHAVSRUTECXYDUOKKULDANLFNLRWNIDIEVBNUDD?"
What do you respond with?
It grabs you and teleports. You feel yourself falling through air. All of a sudden, you land. You are at the top of the mountain. As day approaches, the creature teleports away. You can't help but yell "Thank you!"
Look for a secret entrance
As you probe the mountain's surface, you quickly come across a stone button. Without thinking, you press it. A hidden door slides open. You enter.
Inside the cave
Inside the cave, you see a very old looking fountain. Somehow, it still works. You look around the fountain when you find a diamond embedded into a rock. You yank it out. All of a sudden, you feel as if you are flying. Everything around you fades to blue...
What now?
You wake up on a beach. Where are you? Who are you? All you know is that you have a strange urge to survive and that you have a diamond in your hand. You slowly get up and knock down a tree...
It grabs you and teleports. You feel yourself struggling through a dense fog. Finally, you land. You are surrounded by the horde of mobs. You are quickly eaten by zombies. You died.

Keep running
You ignore the strange creature and keep running. You manage to stay ahead for the next hour or so. Then you fall to the ground, not able to take it anymore. Zombies descend over your body, reveling in their feast.

Fight! I am awesome enough to do it!
You charge into the horde of mobs. After you realize you just did the most stupid thing you have ever done, you die.

Move on, even though you are tired
You push through your fatigue and keep going. As you climb the mountain, you hear hissing and chirping. You pull yourself onto a ledge and almost jump off the mountain in surprise. You see eight red eyes glowing at you. You pull out your sword and slice it in half. It turns out it was some kind of giant spider. Out of nowhere, five more jump at you. You try to fight them off, but your fatigue gets the better of you. The spiders' bites are not poisonous, but they hurt. Your vision fades into darkness...

To the forest!
You decide on going to the forest. After all, you want to stay alive, but the plains seems to good to be true. The blacksmith hands you a map, an iron sword, and some food. He wishes you well on your journey.
To the island!
Hidden content here!
To the library!
Hidden content here!
Open the door
Hidden content here!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by patrick8991 03/07/2014 6:22:24 pmMar 7th, 2014

Added 2 endings and expanded a tiny bit on the forest

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03/07/2014 9:15 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
Multiple Choice Story
The Return of Herobrine
The Great Herobrine Hunt

Your's isn't the only choose-your-own-adventure on PMC.
03/08/2014 7:28 am
Level 23 : Expert Zombie
patrick8991's Avatar
Sorry, I didn't know about those. I will change the picture.
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