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( Old ) A Rant about Shading

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Mishkia's Avatar Mishkia
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
I'm revisiting after a few... years now? After making this? I don't know if its still relevant at all but I wanted to rewrite it because its one that I believe in but also I feel is a good way for me to see how I've grown. I've re-read this, and I'm going to re-write it and try to keep some of my original points.
Old version will be kept in a spoiler, I have nothing to hide.

Thank you everyone in the comments for the kind words. It was really nice seeing people coming together to share their experiences or just discuss.

  I was not originally planning to make a post, but I noticed an annoying trend that has been getting more common regarding hair shading, and folks finding others thats hair shading looks a lot like eachother.
I am not expecting anyone to read through this whole thing - it is long. But I want to put a disclaimer that if you do, it is on you to read at your own discretion and understand that these are my own opinions and observations - my experiences are different from yours, different to the next Minecrafter. If you continue, it is on you and all I ask is you remain respectful regardless of if you agree or not.

  With that said, lets begin. I am mostly going to be talking about hair shading here, as body shading, having a larger canvas, is less likely to run into these issues, though I imagine some things still apply.
No names will be said either with the intention to shame anyone. This is just to vent about something I am seeing getting very common.

  I'm going to start with saying if your shading is directly being ripped pixel for pixel, that sucks. It really does. However, if you use a common style it should be fairly expected to run into people who also use that style, and if you don't apply dynamic variation (such as, your method of shading adjusts based on say, the texture of hair intended) it is even more so common.

  To get the message I want to convey down almost (though not entirely) immediately: if you're using a common style there will always be others that use the same style. To you it'll look like they're copying, but to them its a common style they see frequently that they enjoy or are using to learn.
If you aren't certain if your style is unique or not, take some time browsing the Skin section using common buzzwords like "Ombre" or "Hoodie", so on so forth.

  Its unfair for both sides in the end if you confront them saying along the lines of "You're using my shading, stop." You're upset because you were under the impression the style was relatively unique - which happens to us all at least once I imagine - and they had someone they likely never saw before or previously saw as an inspiration using a common style being upset with them for also using it.

  While it may be upsetting, it's equally upsetting for the person on the other end who may be scared - if they're newer, especially - that they're doing something wrong and their skins may be removed as someone just came to them confronting them for using a style that they often see or came to the conclusion of on their own, because they also use it.
  Its awful, and ultimately makes skinning a more unfriendly place. It was already unfriendly as is for liking certain skin styles (teen skins), or even more so if you are LGBTQ+. And think about it, too, skins are a very limited canvas. It would not be hard to reach the conclusion of most simple - or common - shading styles, thus why they're common.

  That isn't to say you shouldn't find a style that is totally yours - or as yours as this limited canvas can be. I encourage it if it is what is desired to do! It can be difficult, but its definitely possible, as skinners such as Sugarbun who I'm sure most of us who've been around for awhile look up to, LOTC skinners do (I am in love with most LOTC skins), ElvenJedi and FireBellFairy are also ones that have developed styles, and to boot, with a pleasing simplicity to their styles. Three of these examples have or still do make teen skins, too. Finding your own style can be incredibly rewarding too.
  But these styles take time a lot of it. Finding a unique but enjoyable and consistently replicatable style takes a lot of time, a lot of practice, and a lot of experimenting. And to a degree, can take trying to mimic other styles to see how the process feels. This isn't uncommon in the art world at all, the other day I was watching a video explaining a method that the video creator had been taught for "quickly finding the style you want that is your own." The steps for doing so was to find several examples of things you enjoy and determine what of them one aspect you would like to have too. Then, you copy those aspects - just those aspects on their own and try to put them together. Then keep doing it until it becomes a habit to draw in that manner, and let time take the wheel as your "lazy quirks" and your tastes gradually change it.
  Lets say I find 3 artworks from 3 different artists I look up to, from Artist 1 I like eyelashes, from Artist 2 I like the eye shapes, and from Artist 3 I like their noses. I will redraw these aspects in the same way and keep doing it until it is muscle memory to do so. From there I make my own pieces and eventually my own style will come out of it, as I learn and change how I draw and my habits adjust it.
  This method still takes a degree of understanding how to draw, as for instance, bodies and such you should understand how to roughly sketch bodies in whatever method you prefer. Copying can't take you the whole distance, thus why you only do it for elements and not the entire piece. And to boot, this still takes time. You might be at step 1 for hours, days or even months.
  What isn't okay is when you take the entire style, let alone the entire soul of a piece from style to composition and even method of lineart as your own and do bare minimal if any changes, that is simply stealing. But this is, ultimately, easier to tell than on skins as artworks simply have larger canvases and more room for expression.

  To get back on track, a similar method applies to skins as well, and lucky us, as a community we have a whole bundle of common shading methods that are simple, easy, and visually pleasing that are likely as old as the first original skins, that isn't just slapping a noise filter on. You can keep doing it and slowly change certain aspects until it becomes your own thing. But unless you are already well versed in art and even if you are, you likely aren't going to go from a common shading method to something spectacularly unique at the snap of your fingers and a notification of a comment saying "You copied me".

At this point in time in the original I showed examples of shading that I do not have the images for anymore, and seem to be long gone. I will do my best to supplement with words.

  Due to limitations on the canvas of Minecraft Skins, its both a little easier and a little harder to determine if someone is or isn't copying a style, and is purely based on how original the original skin in question is.
Lets say, for an example, someone was ripping ElvenJedi's style (I'm sorry, no negativity, just for example sake). It's a unique style, I don't see a lot of skinners use it without having stolen every aspect of an ElvenJedi skin; and that is a problem. The style is pretty unique, and there isn't a mistake when you are directly 1:1 copying it. Versus, the typical and easy "pillow" style, which I don't often see used anymore on PMC but I imagine is still popular on Skindex. We can't accurately find a source of this, and of course, its unfair to give the "rights" to use it to the most popular (note: Copyright law is very complex, this isn't legal advice on copyright law at all.) The shading is very old, and very commonly used.

  And currently, there is a simple "strand-style" shading I see commonly used today, and this is where I am seeing the bulk of the "copying" comments. My own skins Fairytale Girl, Steampunk, Rory Mercury, Dat Teen Skin Tho (adjusted version of pillow, even!), and Gothic Anime Girl all use some form - both adjusted and not - of a common shading style. I quite enjoy using simpler and common shading because I have a direction with it that I am familiar with - which is to say, I haven't found my own unique style. In fact, one of the skins I'm still proud of, Autumn, the style was inspired by IcarianPrince's work - which I still love the style of and regard highly.

  And it is possible to make a unique/special shading based off of the basis of these common styles, but those aren't what I'm seeing when I see the copying comments. And even if they were, to a degree, these aren't totally unique; they still use the core concept of a common style and its entirely possible someone may come to the same conclusion.

  This is fairly long, so as a TL;DR: if you use a common shading or shading adjacent to one, others are likely going to do the same or similar, regardless of if you were the influence behind it or not, and its just as likely that you were the influence as it is you weren't. Find a way to differentiate your style - one I like mentioning is how IcarianPrince often mixes up the shading a bit based off of what the hair style is supposed to be - find ways of adding detail that fit around your style and as such "Push" your shading around.

  To date, even today of this rewriting, hair shading is generally one of my most disliked. I can make a fully custom 3D Earring with textures made specifically for a games engine and limitations, but hair shading on a minecraft skin??? Due to the small canvas, is so difficult to get "Unique" without stepping on someone else's toes a bit. I'd say the best thing to do is to not push a judgement on if someone appears to be copying/similar to a single aspect, unless the entire thing matches.

  I also want to mention, if you use a common shading, I'm not saying don't. Keep doing it! Do it if you enjoy it! Do what you love. But don't use a common shading and then try to go after others for using the same one.

  It can be highly discouraging for newer skinners and, ultimately, very gate-keepy. A lot of communities have a gate keeping problem right now that is disheartening, and Minecraft is a community I have always looked back on with a smile because there is so much to learn here and it is genuinely a wonderful place to spark and nurture creativity and art.
  And of course, on the flip side, though it shouldn't go without saying, don't steal. Just don't. Inspiration is great, the method I explained earlier to nurture your own style is great, but you should never directly copy every aspect of someones work let alone just steal it. For one, its bad, and for two, you don't nurture your own skill doing that and you, too, can get that skilled.

Thank you for reading. The original is in a spoiler; hopefully I made this less aggressive and more informal than emotional. The old one was a mess and sortof hard to read through, which makes me even more appreciative of those who wanted to discuss and talk about it in the comments. You are all wonderful, thank you.

The Original Rant
mmk I wasn't going to make a post on this or vent or anything until it started getting more and more common, and it's been aggravating. I don't expect anyone to listen to this, like this, or care, infact a lot of people are probably going to hate me for this, but... I gotta say it tbh.

So a quick disclaimer, I am not trying to put anyone down, if you don't agree, if you feel offended/called out and the urge to go to the comments to flame me or others who agree, I want you to take a second and realize that from the moment this red text ends, if you continue, that is on YOU. I have my own opinions, I will continue to have my own opinions, whether you like it or not. I feel like this needs to be called out, so I am going to call it out. You can feel otherwise. Comments with no good value will be removed. Stay civil, and your comment will be acknowledged. If your shading is directly being ripped pixel-for-pixel on both hair and body, it sucks. And I'm also not telling you to NEVER USE THESE (the common) STYLES!!! If you like it, you like it, and so long as you aren't directly stealing, it doesn't hurt anyone. I'm also going to be targeting HAIR shading in specific over body/entire shading, because the body shading is a larger canvas than the head, its a bit easier to distinguish if someones copying a common style or someone in specific. This is also why I'm not naming names of people who are doing the "YOU STOLE MY STYLE!!!" on common styles, there's more to it than the hair, but I have seen people doing the "YOU STOLE MY STYLE!!" with hair in specific.

And again, I'm not targeting anyone in specific, just the new trend I'm slowly starting to see. So don't go in the comments thinking I'm targeting you in specific, good chance is I haven't even seen you before. I'm pretty much stuck in my own little circle of skinners.

I've also seen color but I'm still processing how in anyones right mind someone's going to get upset because someone else did a blue-purple ombre because just the day before they did a blue-purple ombre. Just...why?

The main message here is if you're going to use a common style, expect everyone to look like they're ripping your style. They don't even have to know you at that point to be "copying your style," and its unfair for both sides for (in their mind) some random skinner they may or may not have known about going to every skin and going "DONT USE MY SHADING!!!!" or "STOP USING MY SHADING!!!!!" when you just saw lolipop360 using it, and didn't know about this person. Or you have, but you also know a lot of other skinners use it.

The point is, while what you see is heart crushing because someone is copying your style, they're scared that their skins are going to be removed because someone from the deep web just came and attacked their skins for a style they see a lot, and often they're new, so they think that they can't learn how to skin because the only style they know how to do is claimed by someone else. It's unfair for both, and makes skinning more of an unfriendly place than it already was simply for liking and making a certain style (teen skins.).

But at that point, you should develop a style that is 100% yours, its hard, but possible. Sugarbun did it, a lot of the LOTC skinners did it, ElvenJedi did it, and FireBellFairy even did it and kept a relatively simple shading style. Three of those examples made/make teen skins. And the person copying should develop a style off of what they currently know to develop a style that won't get them burned at the stake and stoned for, but, here's the thing... both take time.

And that needs to be understood. The people who use the shading below on that neon pink example aren't going to go from that to [​Insert the million amazing skinners and I'm not going to be favoritist about it]. It's the same as you, you're not going to go from using those styles to [​Insert the mill- yea you get it]. And before someone mentions, yes, you CAN learn from copying other's styles. It's actually not an uncommon practice in the art world, however, its slightly different.

What people do to learn is they take a certain piece they like about a certain author's style, so lets say I like how Jeremiah4747 (fake person I think) makes eyebrows. I'd try to make a style of eyebrows that is similar. And you go on until you have something you like, and then you just keep drawing and over time, your own style based on your own "lazy" quirks and "oh i dont like how im drawing that nose, what about like that? yeaa!", and eventually, ideally, you'd have your own unique style and not a scribble mess you think is a person but is the next iteration of the spaghetti monster.The problem comes down to when they take EVERY ASPECT of a certain artist's skin/art, copies it, then claims its 100% theirs. But, thats a little easier to tell than skins.

The problem we are facing is that there is several (more than the example's, a good portion being just variants of what we see below) styles that are commonly used, and the source of these shadings have been buried over the others who use these shadings. Heck, I even still use the one second-to-the-right (Head Right), though a little different.

Now, lets say someone was directly ripping ElvenJedi's style (Sorry ElvenJedi gonna pick on you for a second [​no negativity]). It's a unique style through and through, I don't see a lot of skinners use it without stealing ElvenJedi's skins entirely. THEN there's a problem. Elven's style is pretty dang unique. There's no mistaking when you're ripping their style. Versus, the typical "pillow" style lets say (which I honestly dont see used a lot, at least on PMC, anymore?), you can't pinpoint that on a source, and its unfair for the "RIGHTS TO USE!" to go to the most popular. This shading is about as old as being able to make custom skins. Not all of us were around then.

( Old ) A Rant about Shading

And this is what I'm seeing commonly. There are newer skinners being targeted for using one of the "basic shadings" and variants of. Hell, I've used at least one of each of these one. I still use a variant of the one on Head Right, Fairy Tale Girl uses a mix of one on Head Left and Head Right, Honey Flower uses a variation of Head Right, Something uses a variation of Head Left, Dat Teen Skin Tho uses a simpler version of Head Back, and Gothic Anime Girl uses Head Front. And if you're noticing...all of these are in specific parts of my skinning career. That's because I was still learning. I still am, I haven't quite found my style.

Now, the next part of this is "Well, you're mentioning how there's variants of, and I use this super secret speshal variant of HL/HR/HF/HB." Sure, yes, it's possible you're the only one who uses the speshal secret super method passed down generations o learning... but I'm not seeing a whole lot (some but not a lot, its still a problem but it isn't the majority, I'll explain why in a second) of unique styles being pointed out as "stolen" by someone else. That's because even a variant of these styles still looks like a copy of the original or another variant. Let me give you an example.

( Old ) A Rant about Shading

I edited some of these a little too much but you should get the gist of it. These are all STILL styles that are commonly used or can be easily gotten from just changing a few aspects about one of them. And if you keep the change minimal, it looks like a pathetic edit to attempt to get away from being reported. Get what I mean? (Probably not) The blue example are still variants (other than the one on the back, idk how much I actually see that one.) of the pink example that I see commonly.

hoo. This post is long. Pretty much TL;DR, if you use a common shading of any kind...expect other's to use it too. Find some way to differentiate yourself. Also don't focus on JUST hair shading if you're calling someone out, hair is honestly to date my most hated part of shade not because its hard but because it's very easy to accidentally step into a bear trap you can't see if you try to make something custom from one of the common styles.

Another disclaimer, if you use a common style, that's fine. I'm not saying don't. What I'm saying don't, is use a common style, and when you see others use the same or similar style, go after them.

Also I'm not going to directly go to the people doing this and stab them being like "YOUR STYLE ISNT EVEN ORIGINAL," it's unnecessary. They probably already know. I just want to point out that you can deter new skinners from learning if you get caught up on them using a similar style if you use one of the common ones. Don't be that guy. You're not the first one to use that style, and you're not going to be the last even if you start harassing others. I'm also not saying that stealing is good, it isn't. You should never steal someone else's work pixel for pixel, get inspired, yes, steal, no. It's a lot easier to take it step by step and learn your own style than go through the pain of being banned over and over.

again for the 100th time also not targetting anyone in specific and feel free to disagree on any of the points. just dont make drama out of it pls.

If you made it this far, I hope you have a good day. If comments become a flame fest I'm going to shut them off because at this point I'm not in the mood for it. Take a moment to calm down and digest before going down there.
CreditEveryone I mentioned in this post: Sugarbun, ElvenJedi, FireBellFairy, IcarianPrince, and blanket all LOTC Skinners. And you, for reading.

1 Update Logs

#1. rewritten, refurbished, reshaded : by Mishkia 06/08/2023 10:21:36 pmJun 8th, 2023

I've come back after a really long? Hiatus? I tend to dip in and out a lot. I've rewritten the entire thing as going over it.... I still agree with the message but emotional younger me was definitely a different me.

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12/17/2019 1:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Kitten
PickleCat's Avatar
This is really something I appreciate!
It really explaining the whole shading style ''stealing'' milarky (I'm not sure if there's a proper spelling for that)
and fuss skinners specifically why it''d be a good idea not to get into this kind of stuff,
especially when posting on popular platforms.
because it is just going to be a lot of that ''you stole my style'' junk
but it is of course still acceptable to use it

This here is also a common shading style:
(Using the same -ish blue colours, cause I like blue)

I started doing this style recently, just with edited bits,
and usually people do that on all sides, then something
like the last blue square you've shown on top, where as I did something completely different, but still fitting with the style

(sorry if I get some of this stuff wrong, it is a fairly long rant, but all good and well-thought out ones, like this one exactly, are long)

There is a lot more that I'd love to say, but I can't exactly verbalise it.
Overall, this is good.
12/17/2019 2:53 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
Yeah I entirely agree. Its easy to assume that most "easy" styles that come to mind immediately are used often, though what makes those simple styles 'unique' is more how they're used.
Another thing is I think its almost easier to try to claim an easy shading on PMC than Minecraftskins...at first it looks like those styles arent very often used because you can't see like, 20 skins posted at once. But if you dig or watch for awhile you can see they're used quite often.
12/15/2019 2:53 pm
Level 49 : Master Nerd
FireBellFairy's Avatar
The shading styles you had up as examples, I used about three of them a year or so ago c':

Also, thanks for mentioning me :)

I agree with everything you said. (:
12/15/2019 3:01 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
Thank you for your good work! :)
12/12/2019 6:18 pm
Level 42 : Master Fish
Miickster's Avatar
heartfelt paragraph ty. lots of people ask me if they can use a style similar to mine and im just like "i dont care???" my style isn't even consistent. I can literally forget how i shade just a few days without making a skin. and there are only so few shadings that make sense when it comes to where the light hits and where shadows form. This claiming style thing is annoying. personal opinion, idc if u disagree.
12/12/2019 7:31 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
I can definitely relate to the style not being consistent, I tend to just shade whatever looks nice on the skin rather than a certain style.
This claiming style stuff is like making mostly cross-hatched shaded drawings, a pretty common shading style for drawings, then getting upset when others use it. like, its so common you learn it in art classes in school.
I legit found a ton of skin artists (though most have left) who have used the more common shadings and the people claiming the styles use similar or the same style, but reverse certain spots, like, lol what? They're such common styles, they aren't the first to use it.
Thank you for your comment and thank you for taking the time to read. <3
01/02/2020 10:32 am
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
I don't think of this style as easy to be honest for me lol

I do like this kind of skin, but honestly no one is copying anyone, its just a style, everyone does shaded hair and its just different types, it belongs to no one honestly, for how many people play minecraft, they can't always be perfectly unique.
I use this type of skin because I'm tired of using more of plain skins, I just decided after a while of minecraft that, I actually enjoy these types of skins, and if someone used these styles to make their skins, then sure go ahead, if it's your own character that is uniquely made by you, then no one has a reason to be called a copycat. But in some cases, people re-upload skins from other websites, hoping nobody will know, and sometimes I will recolor a skin or edit it, but that's only for use in minecraft, not posting, and people who do that probably don't feel great about it.

When players say, "You stole my style!" well, most likely they did as well.
12/11/2019 3:43 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Spelunker
alias_Fuchs's Avatar
i‘m new to skinning and i totaly agree with you. thanks for the time that you spent on the post.
12/12/2019 7:31 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
New skinners should be encouraged not shunned. Thank you for taking the time to read <3
12/11/2019 3:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dolphin
LordQwerty's Avatar
i agree heartfully!
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