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Alive [Horror]

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wdw4's Avatar wdw4
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
I scream again, but I know my fate is as sealed as the stone which lies on top of me.
I scream the scream, not of a dead man, but of a living man, I wasnt dead when they put me in this tomb, and Im not dead now.
I pound on what I presume to be the lid of my tomb.
I remember ice skating with father, and I remember it giving way, and I was falling.
I remember sitting in my bed, sipping mothers warm chicken soup before the black came in.
But no matter what I remember, I am in our family crypt, no Oskwold has been burried elsewhere for centurys.
Even if I was not dead then, I am surly to die now.
The air is creeping tighter, I had always wondered what it was like being burried alive, and now I know.
The air is becoming fresher!
The tombstone is shifting!
Someone has come to rescue me!
Its father!
I've never been so overjoyed to see his face.
"I thought you though I was dead!" I say.
"Only as dead as I and your mother are." He replys with a smile.
And then I see her, mother, the same woman who fed me warm chicken soup before I...
"I blacked out?"
"Yes son," my father says "thats all that happend."
"We just thought we had one last walk around before we're off to bed." my mother says.
"Well then," I say, "I shall walk with you as my first act among the living since my alledged death."
"Yes," father says thoughtfully, "Your alledged death."
As we walk about I see so many tombs, and then I see someone.
He's old, and weathered.
He has a boque of flowers in one hand, and holds a top hat in the other.
His face is old and weathered, and when he sees me, "Jeremiah?" he says aghast.
I realize who itis and so I say,"Yes its me, brother!" I say as I reach out to hug him.
He screams and drops bolth items in his hands and runs.
"Like its not uncommon to see other members of the family walking around here. For shame." mother says as she picks up the top hat and plops it on my head.
We approach the door, Im so excited to finnally get to go out.
"Ok now, thats enough." father says.
Im confused, I glance to my left and see to enclosed tombs titled Raven Oskwald, and Jeremy Oskwald, my parents names.
Mother grabs one of my arms, and father grabs my other, they spin me around and start walking.
"What are you doing mamma and papa?" I ask frantically, for I know not what they are doing!
"That avalanche realy did a number on me." mother says.
"Well at least you didnt have an axe burried into your skull." father retorts.
Then I notice they're starting to pale.
"Oh deary me," mother says "it wont do for him to see us like this now will it?"
I notice a long gash growing across fathers face, and mothers fingers crumblings off.
Then I see it, my tomb, from which I had just came.
"What's happening mama?" I ask frantically, Im struggling now, but to no avail.
They lay me down in the tomb.
"1981" father says.
"1986" mother says.
"Jeremiah Oskwold 1896-1904" they say in unision, thats my name, and my birth year, but...
"You are only alive as us." this time it sounds like over a hundred voices all said it at once.
And the stone lid is put back on my tomb, as I realize the cold hard truth.
I was never alive to begin with this whole time.
I, am dead.


Hey guys, if you liked this story and want to read more, gimme a yell in the comments belowand leave a diamond.
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Happy gaming guys!

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11/15/2014 12:43 am
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ThatEazyRider's Avatar
Was Jeremiah born before his parents? 
"1981" - Father
"1986" - Mother
"Jeremiah Oskwold 1896 - 1904"
11/22/2014 2:48 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
wdw4's Avatar
No, the mother and father state the day they died and the time Jeremiah lived.
11/22/2014 7:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ThatEazyRider's Avatar
Ohhhh. Now I get it :P
09/13/2014 11:51 am
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
-DarkAssassin-'s Avatar
Cool story!
09/13/2014 1:58 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
wdw4's Avatar
09/13/2014 10:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
-DarkAssassin-'s Avatar
09/13/2014 4:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TigerWorks's Avatar
Not quite get the ending, but nice story :)
09/13/2014 1:59 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
wdw4's Avatar
The implication is that Jeremiha died and his parents ghosts brought him back, at the end he realized he's dead.
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