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Be nice to the Noobs!

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Skullduggerycain's Avatar Skullduggerycain
Level 33 : Artisan Geek

Hello everyone, Skullduggerycain here with a new blog! I was going to write this with Jetra, but in the end, sadly, things didn't work out as we had planned. :(

Anyway, while in chat, and popping up all over the site, Io ve noticed a lot of anti-noob-friendliness. And this inspired me somewhat.

Leto s face it. We all started out as noobs. I remember the day that I joined PMC. I had no clue about anything, and my first post was an illegal one! Of course, I didno t know what they meant by projects. Basically, my friend got griefed with a lot of lava, so I thought project could be like, something participated in to clean something up. So I posted the details with a server IP in it, etc. Io ve never gotten around to removing it.

But moving on, weo ve all been there. Weo ve all been clueless. Weo ve all just simply needed help. And the new people to PMC should be able to come to the more experienced members of PMC, and say: o Hey, ____(Name)______, could you help me with something?o To which the member should reply with: o Of course!o But normally, the member pretends not to see their chat message, or just answers with o No.o Both of these are unhelpful, and unfriendly to the user.

Io ll have more about this later in the blog. Read on if you wish to see more.

Anyway, before we take off on our writing adventure, I hope you enjoy, and maybe even learn a little from this blog.

The meaning of a Noob.

There was a time when the word o Noobo barely had any meaning at all. It was just another word for someone who was new to something. But as time developed, and texting and internet slang developed, o Noobo got a lot more meaning. It started to become used as an insult.

This made it a lot more offensive when one was called a Noob. Io m not saying that it isno t alright to say it jokingly to a friend or something, but honestly, I dono t think ito s very nice to call someone whoo s new to something that.

I mean, everyone starts somewhere, right? You cano t be an expert without being new to what you have expertise at. So ito s not the new persono s fault that theyo re new. So why throw an insult at them for something that isno t even their fault? I honestly have no idea.

A Noob is only skin-deep.

The thing that I think sometimes people forget on the internet is that when theyo re in a chat room, the people on the receiving end are real people somewhere in the world. Basically, people can forget their manners as well on the internet. Sometimes people call someone a noob when they areno t as smart as the person on the delivery end is. Again, not their faulto ¦.

But o Noobso are real people, and if you dig down deep enough, youo ll find theyo re just like you. You wouldno t treat yourself like that just for not being extremely good at grammar, or math, or reading. Or for having questions about things that are fine to be curious about!

I suppose that the repeating concept of this blog is that you were a o Noobo once as well. And you shouldno t beat people like you up about doing the same things you probably did when you were new and inexperienced in the ways of the great Planet Minecraft.

So I guess what Io m really trying to say with this section is that in a way, you should treat the new people like you would want people to treat you when you were new. Ito s pretty much exactly like that golden rule you learned in Kindergarten.

o Noobyo questions.

Okay, dono t pretend that this doesno t happen, or hasno t happened to you, and if youo ve done it in your early days, dono t deny it. Weo ve all had some guy with a Steve head walk into chat, and ask some question that some would consider o Noobyo . Such as: o How many diamonds does a submission need to reach the pop reel?o Or o How do you install ______?o etc.

Honestly, users should help one out when asked questions such as these. Yet many dono t. Why? Well, usually because some users choose to consider the questions as o Noobyo .

Well trust me, theyo re not! Theyo re questions that one asks plainly out of curiosity or out of pursuit of knowledge to gain success on the site.

However, there are the questions that everybody hates, and sadly, 50% of new people ask. And the dreaded questions Aaaaarrrreeee: *Drumroll* o How do u get moderator?o o Can i plz have mod????o o OMG IF U DONo T GIVE ME MOD I WILL SUE UR SITE AND IM NOT KIDDING I WILL DO IT I WILL TAKE THIS TO COURT UNLESS YOU GIVE ME MOD RIGHT NOW Io M SERIOUS.o (That was a direct quote from a while ago that I laughed my head off at.)

I think ito s always good when a user or a moderator explains to this user why they cano t just be a moderator, even though some consider it mini-modding. I cano t deny that whenever I see these questions asked in chat, I get quite unnerved. But this is a topic I must address, because this is where one would get called a o Noobo a lot.

In situations like these, ito s important for one to keep their cool, and remain respectful, and not fling insults at the person. (Such as sometimes calling them, you guessed it, a Noob.) Ito s honestly okay that theyo re asking these questionso ¦. Most of the timeo ¦. The threatening to sue and I want mod demands areno t as okay, but they areno t really questions. Again, the other mod status questions are ones one might ask out of curiosity, or out of desire to be respected by the community. Dono t pretend you dono t notice it, people tend to act a lot more respectful to people with colored names. But remember, these questions are questions that the person would like answered, and is not really to blame sometimes for asking.

[more to be added in later editing. Hopefully a lot of by you, I want you to be able to make contributions too! :D]


Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading! Maybe this changed you a little as a person, maybe it didno t. I hope that after reading this, youo ll maybe think more about how you talk to PMCo s newbies, and maybe how you can take this further than what Io ve said, and become a better person in general.

Thato s all for this post, and ito s been a pleasure writing for you. Bye!


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02/14/2014 9:06 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
redstonenoob's Avatar
Whaddup with the crap all over the place? it's really distracting and i can barely read it
02/14/2014 10:45 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
What in god's name..... that stuff was never there before. Idk what happened.
07/24/2013 1:46 am
Level 46 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TwilightWarlord's Avatar
actually, i believe newb is someone new to something. They say Noobs dont learn :3
07/24/2013 8:44 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
True, but Noob has somewhat the same definition. It's just a little more offensive to some.
07/24/2013 4:45 pm
Level 46 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TwilightWarlord's Avatar
Yah i guess :3 awesome blog, I admit when i started minecraft i sucked xD
I wasnt posting the comment in a negative way :D Daimond
07/23/2013 8:25 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
FloatingZebra3's Avatar
You just got your self a diamond from me, a new person! Oh and can someone please check out my skins?
07/23/2013 5:23 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
XD Ty for the diamond.... it is precious to me.... 030*

*Daddy Yankee's Sexy-Face.
07/22/2013 9:43 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Bunny
XxNyan_CatxX's Avatar
Oh poo! you stole my idea T^T great blog though have a diamond :D
07/23/2013 5:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
XD Thanks. :D
07/22/2013 9:40 pm
Level 43 : Master Bunny
IamPetz's Avatar
I iz still noobs, plz b3 nicez to meh!
Heh but no really, this was a good blog. I was a complete noob 2 weeks ago, and had a lot of questions. I still remember those who were nice to me and answered all of them =)
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