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Fallout 4 - Is it good?

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Level 33 : Artisan Mage
Lets start!


Its just awesome! I cant explain how much work they put into giving you ability to make your character look exactly like you, to edit even single detail on a face. Default preset and other 15 presets are awesome too! If someone is about to take role playing into really serious matter this game has it all. You can make some really neat looking characters while some people tend to play a game on unrealistic way making their character look like a totally messed up thing from 7th world.


Awesome! Shooting, walking, talking and everything feels so fluid and active even in the emptiness of the wasteland! Stimpaks are a lot harder to find right now, ammo too! Power armor has been changed completely too! Instead of you walking in the wastelands like a truck now you have to fuel this truck with power, if you loose this power in the middle of the fight, well you gonna have a bad time. Awesome thing about it is that you can customize each of body part of armor to be different thing and have different stats.


This is totally new. There is no repairing, once you craft a gun you crafted it. If you craft another one nothing would happen and you could only give it to your companion or sell it since there is no more repair in the game. But the thing I like is the "sandbox" mode. It gives you those "little parts of towns", your own freedom to shape wasteland the way you like. You can edit and call them your own, but this time with people who work for you. But be aware if you don't build defenses you will have a hard time defending against attacks. First few attacks will be okish but another one will be always harder than previous one!


Pure enjoyment! I enjoyed exploring locations on Fallout 3 and NV but this, oh my God, Fallout 4 makes it heaven! Lots of beautiful locations to see, to explore, to find out what happened to them. Lots of fights to get into, to sneak out from and to just pass by because you don't have equipment to fight them group you found. Many vaults to see, yet there are more above ground locations too! You can never have enough of exploring in this game and when mods come out it will be endless!

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Enjoy those nice pictures I took while playing Fallotu 4! :)

Preston and an old lady! :)

The citizens of one of my town:

And of course, face peek trought enemies, gota love em! :)

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11/15/2015 10:28 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Deactivated2017's Avatar
Tell me Lies- Toddy Boy

The game is mediocre.
-Same engine,
-outdated graphics
-Pointless voiced name since only your Mr.Handy will say it.
-slightly better gun play which has drawn it away from it's RPG mechanics
-Un-needed Settlement mechanic (Ripped from Real Time Settle and Wasteland Defence and took away from actually building a better map)
-FOUR OR LESS ambiguous dialogue options. (a.Yes b. No c. Sarcastic)
-Skills removed and SPECIAL made pointless and confusing (Charisma allows you to carry 50 pounds more?)
-Role Play element gone (You can play as Concerned Father or Concerned Mother)
-Mediocre Story line
-Smaller map size than Fallout New Vegas (New vegas even had large chunks unaccessible but somehow they managed to make Fallout 4 smaller)
-Pandering to 14 year old COD and "Fallout 3" fans instead of the actual fans of the series since Fallout 1 and 2 came out.

I really wish Bethesda had never gotten it's hands on the Fallout Franchise and that Obsidian hadn't become so cucked. 


Reminder that Fallout: Brotherhood of steel remains the worst game in the series and is folowed by Fallout 3 and now Fallout 4
11/15/2015 10:57 am
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
DailyTuber's Avatar
- Creation itself was actually an upgraded and modified version of Gamebryo, the same engine Bethesda used for Fallout 3, and Oblivion before it.
- Outdated graphics? I cant care less about graphics, if the game is good at care graphics are just a + to it.
- I have no opinion on this one.
- Guns are really better, I really enjoy shooting more from those than ones in F3 and NV.
- Why is this a bad thing? If minecraft didn't took ideas from mods we would still have no horses nor rabbits nor many other things.
- Those 4 dialogues expand into way more talking than you think, I would suggest you play it further more than playing it for 5 minutes and than talking random things.
- I agree on this one but I like how they designed it instead of tons of scrolling text, now you can just click it and see what it is about.
- What about being a city mayor? What about being explorer? What about being gun slinger? Crafter? Brewer? Beast hunter? There is still lots of role play into it, you just didn't find it.
- Because its 2015 and that really appeals to this time? Also I find it cooler than just trying to be Gordon Freeman 2.
- Story line is, yeah meh.
- Yes small map but here you can go behind map boundaries which as far as I know is called "Glowing sea" where are enemies a lot tougher.
- Why so? Game isn't for 14 years old at all and what would a 14 year old do on a singe player game where he cant um jump on other moms? Would he no scope deathclaws in power armor? I don't think so.

I liked Fallout 3, NV and no 4. I didn't enjoy playing a game for so long and now I have that feeling that I didn't have. Anyways opinion is an opinion, I said mine too! :)

I wouldn't agree but again that's your opinion too and we could argue to tomorrow of pros and cons but we wont as everyone has their opinion! :)
11/12/2015 11:50 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
tobbestark's Avatar
What, what never changes?
11/12/2015 3:54 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
DailyTuber's Avatar
11/15/2015 7:33 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
lmao perfect.
11/11/2015 2:12 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
TastyYoghurt's Avatar
I watched a little bit, and the faces of characters and animations look like they come from a 2011 game. I hope at least everything else is great.
11/12/2015 1:25 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Graphics and animations are not very good. I agree on them being about 2011 quality. Rest of the game makes up for it, for me personally, though. 

From what I understand a bunch of people are really upset about it, but I don't really pay attention. Game's fun for me so I don't mind.
11/12/2015 1:47 am
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
DailyTuber's Avatar
Might sound wrong but download pirated version and see for your self. Game is just awesome, YouTube compression makes it look a bit dull since I compared YouTube video quality and game and I can tell that game looks really different than on YouTube. :)
11/11/2015 12:55 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
ThrifteX_ZNK's Avatar
The map sucks though.. but i have to agree that the locations are beautiful.
And dont even get me started on people who say this game looks ugly.

Bethesda is by far. The best game studio.
9/10 for me.

And a nice review btw :3.
11/12/2015 1:48 am
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
DailyTuber's Avatar
Thank you! I am not the best review but this was my personal view, I just cant get over it how enjoyable this game is, didnt have this feeling for a game long time ago! :)
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