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Girls vs Boys — Is One Better?

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VanillaBukkit's Avatar VanillaBukkit
Level 42 : Master Sweetheart
Girls vs Boys
Why the Issue?
Have you ever wondered why many people say that girls are better than boys, or that boys are better than girls? One of the main reasons is that there is a very big difference between boys and girls, therefore people think that one is better and the other is worse.
     Another reason is, can I say it? Like The Dress, people see what they want to see, girls often want to see themselves as better, and so they do. The same usually goes for boys. There is also the third reason, which is Mankind likes competition, they like fighting, arguing and stating their own opinion and looking "right".

There has always been an obvious difference between boys and girls, and not just physically but emotionally. Boys were usually built to be stronger and girls were built to take care of the family and home. Then people decided that girls weren't as important and that they shouldn't learn, be seen in public, read, write and talk about their opinions.
     But this changed, which isn't bad. Girls got more privileges but they took it a little too far, so far that today they seem to think they're better than boys, which isn't true. See, we were wrong before, so they changed, now we're all just wrong in a different way!

Girls vs Boys
So girls used to be treated wrong, now they're treated better, but too good almost. Face it, we've all seen those jokes. The guy doesn't something dumb, the girl does something genius, why? Well, maybe society feels bad for the way girls used to be treated so they try to make up for it by making guys look bad.
     Girls are considered "smarter" even though they just think differently. Guys want to fix things and are stronger, girls want to talk about it. So people think girls are smarter even though they just talk more than guys. It's true, girls are often better at speaking than guys.
     Often people will notice that there were no "great women" in history, but have you considered why? Mainly it's because girls weren't allowed to be great. They weren't allowed to learn, say their opinions, etc. So even if they did something great, nobody would care, they would ignore her or try to make her stop being great.
     Computers. Gaming used to be a "guy thing." Fortunately, now there are tons of girls on Minecraft and many other games. It's not odd to find a girl on an electronic anymore, which is definitely a plus or I wouldn't be writing this right now.

Most girls are natural caretakers, good with other people and better at multitasking. Taking care of children is something most girls love, and it's definitely not a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with being most passive or quiet. Of course, some girls love sports, working, building, etc. But it's true that the majority of girls prefer shopping, babies, reading, etc.
     Most boys are strong, natural defenders and very focused. None of these things are bad. And there are guys who are quiet, bakers, multitaskers and good with small children. That's ok too.
     We're all different.

Fair doesn't mean equal. And Equal doesn't mean Identical. Girls and Boys are Equal, but not Identical. We're different, but neither of us is better.

So . . . umm, that's my few thoughts on Boys vs Girls. If I missed a point just Comment below. If you liked you can just hit the little Diamond button up there and if you loved be sure to leave a Favorite. You can also just hit the Subscribe button for and my submissions will pop up and bug you on your home page! That's it peoples, I hope you enjoyed, have a very nice life!

—VαπiΙΙα βυkkiτ

P.S. Before you comment to complain about the title or whatever, please make sure you've actually read my blog, I never said once that boys/girls are better, the whole time I said the opposite, please keep that in mind, Thank You!

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05/27/2015 10:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
+ Overture +
+ Overture +'s Avatar
/slinks into comments to give my own thoughts on this topic because i'm trash and can't internalize it

girls and boys aren't equal yet in my opinion.

it's still bad enough to the point that saying 'no' may mean you wind up dead, or that you start to get scared when you walk alone in the streets, praying a man doesn't catcall. and it's still not equal because on a global scale, women are still objectified and treated harshly, not just in america (where you might even experience harassment based on your gender).

and then we discuss standards, and even those aren't equal. are both men and women given unrealistic expectations by the media? yes. but for men it's less common than with women.

it's kind of sad that to be viewed as acceptable in this country you must be cis, heterosexual and heteroromantic, look attractive, and be willing to be treated like an object or an animal instead of an actual, decent human being.

i'm not agreeing with your points but i'm not disagreeing either; you point out some good things and make a valid argument as to why males and females are equal and different but i like to look on a bigger scale.
05/28/2015 7:43 am
Level 42 : Master Sweetheart
VanillaBukkit's Avatar
I'm not saying that both genders are treated eaqually, I'm saying that they should be treated equally because neither is really better.

Sorry, I didn't quite understand everything you said, are you saying that one gender is actually better than the other?
05/30/2015 4:03 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
+ Overture +
+ Overture +'s Avatar
1. understandable, must've misread at some point, but my comment is about why men and women not treated equally.

2. no i am not, i'm saying that it's sad that a large portion of this country doesn't see it that way. i think we're equal but not quite, because there's still some points that are not fair. women aren't treated fairly, sometimes men aren't treated fairly - so, no, not equal yet. going back to the fact that i misread and commented on treatment, i'll change course and say that i agree with your statements that, in skills, plenty of men and women are equal.
05/19/2015 11:34 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
This... is so true. Thanks for answering that age old question. Great blog. I approve.
05/20/2015 4:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Sweetheart
VanillaBukkit's Avatar
Thanks! :)
05/20/2015 5:09 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Of course ^.^
05/08/2015 8:42 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Destroyer1999's Avatar
i fully agree. btw, i  think girls are better at minecraft and they also have a better taste of skins :P (sorry guys [though i am a guy])
05/08/2015 9:28 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
Gaarafan14's Avatar
A man does not judge his own gender. No gender is better in anyway or in any aspect. I understand where you are coming from, and I respect your opinion but at the end, "better" doesn't exist. Everything is equal and balanced, except our perspectives.
05/08/2015 3:25 pm
Level 42 : Master Sweetheart
VanillaBukkit's Avatar
Well, when I think about the people around me I find that girls are often more artistic, not always but often.

And again, there is such a thing as better, some things are better for us than other things.

Also, if you think about it, this world isn't very balanced either

Those are mostly my opinions though, I don't mean to start an argument
05/08/2015 4:39 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
Gaarafan14's Avatar
I disagree. A good example would be Osama Bin Laden's death. A lot of people were happy that he was dead, in fact the man did terrifying things. But, there might be relatives of him which were very sad. When somebody kills someone on the street it is considered crime. Yet if somebody kills a terrorist or criminal it is usually considered good. Do you see where I'm going? You might think it's better if someone who did terrible things would be dead but other people might think differently. 

Let me tell you once again.... "better" only exists in your own perspective or that of others. But in reality, everything tends to be equal. People often confuse perspective with reality and somehow this might even turn into ignorance.
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