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The grand PVP guide

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samsor10's Avatar samsor10
Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn
Hello everyone, I'm here with a new post, The grand PVP guide, I hope this blog will be helpful and well, hope you enjoy it!

Getting started

Before you go PVP you need to know what your doing... You can get better with experience and training. And by experience I mean your experience with fighting not the experience to enchant weapons and stuffo ¦ The best way to gain experience is to simply bring a lousy stone sword or a bow with a couple arrows in a warzone and fight others. You will rarely win since, you wono t have a good sword or just a bow with no armor but, you will gain much experience. You can also, gain experience by going on raids or defending your base from raids. If you are a complete newb, training is a good method, there are many ways to train; I will explain the ones I think are the best for melee weapons & ranged weapons.


The best way to train with melee weapons in my opinion is the o run and hit". To do so you need to build a small 2 blocks by one tower, after, make a square on the ground that surrounds it but, each side must be 2 blocks away from the tower. Once you have done that, the training begins, run around the tower as fast you can while hitting it but, dono t go inside the square you must always be out of it. You must be facing it in all times, try to go as fast as you can, it might take a few days before you get the hang of it or it might take only a few seconds it all depends. The key to this training method is speed and precision you must go as fast as you can and miss the least as you can the target. This training method will help a lot with one of the tactics Io ll explain later.The best way to train with ranged weapons is rather simple, build a two by one tower and try to hit the top blocks from multiple distances and even while moving or falling. Once, you get pretty good practice on moving targets such as; sheepo s, cows, pigs, and creeperso ¦ any mob that moves.

The Basics

Before you go out and fight, you should know the basics. Now the most important thing in a fight is to ALWAYS MOVE, unless you are using the o defending killo tactic, other than that, staying immobile will make you an easy target and probably get you deado ¦ The most efficient melee weapon is the sword but, most tools do more damage than fists so dono t under estimate them; axes, pickaxes, shovelso ¦ Never fight without armor unless, ito s just for fun or for training, if youo re going on raid, defending or doing a serious fight always bring armor. You die very fast with no armor, try iron or diamond armor gold isno t worth it and leather isno t very efficient. Stone swords, wooden swords and gold swords areno t the besto ¦ try getting an iron sword or diamond. In case you didno t know gold is rarer then iron but, is less good then iron for armor and tools.


Now that you know the basics and skill, ito s time for you to learn tactics. There are many ways to begin a fight, if you begin a fight you will be in advantage, theirs 2 good ways to begin a fight in my opinion. The first one is with a bow, you shoot the target at a distance until, heo s near then you take out your sword. Note, some player may run away when you to so, use this tactic at your own risk. The 2nd way is to go near him silently and when he doesn't expects it... You come out of no where and start the fight ! Once the fight has began, There are many tactics you can use some easier than others and some better than others. I will share with you 3 good tactics I know, o run and killo , o Defending killo and o stealthy killo .

Run and kill

As I said earlier the o run and hito training method well help a lot in one of the tacticso ¦ well it helps for this one, as the tower was representing the player. To do this tactic you must run around the player will hitting him. The objective is to follow his back so he cano t hit you but you can. The distance between you and the player doesno t matter as long as you can hit him. You can sometimes finish a fight without losing any hearts with this tactic. It is very efficient on new players as they rarely move in pvp fights (some new players, not all of them). This tactics gets a bit harder when the opponent moves around if he does always follow his back. Note, some players sometimes manage to always be face to face with you when youo re doing this tactic, if he does, change side, instead of going right, go left and vice versa. You might need a bit of practice before you get the hang of it. This is tactic is often used, using it against another using it to is rather difficult.

Defending kill

This tactic is not often used, or known (edlest, I think :3), but is very good. As you probably already know, you can hold the right click button with your sword to block hits and get less damage. The objective is to hit the opponent while simultaneously blocking every hit done from the opponent. To do so you must quickly right click (hit) and then left click (block). To know if your doing it right go on f5 (the view you see the front, not the back) and you should see you sword going threw your head :3. This is rather hard at first, but try doing slow at first and then faster, if your able to do this at max speed you will do many more kills. The downfall, when doing this you cant move around fast since its like if your blocking, so this is recommended when you can move like in a corridor.

Final tips

Fighting with a mix of all skills depending on the situation is the best way to win a fight, and knowing when to use them. For exemple Run and kill is meant for open field combats and defending kill is for closed fields like a corridor...

The Archer skill

I don't use ranged weapons to much, but I still no a good way to fight with them. The requirements for this skill is a bow with punch 1 or 2 (preferably)The objective is simple, you must push back your opponent at every shot, so he can't hit you. This is not effective against teams since you could only push one back at the time. If you do it correctly you can end a fight with out losing any health.

Adequate Gear

Now, the final aspect of the guide is the gear, to start off, as you probably know diamond is the best (diamond sword and armor). But, I will go more in detail in enchanting, enchanting is what can give you the advantage is battle. To start off the only effective enchantments on a sword against players are: "sharpness", "fire aspect" and "knockback" the other enchantements are good for monsters or durability. Sharpness, makes your sword do more damage, there is up to 5 levels. Fire aspect, makes your enemy go on fire on every hit, doing more damage, this enchantements can go up to 2 levels. Finaly, knockback threws your opponent away, it is good to trap him in a cornor, this enchantement can go up to 2 levels also. Now, the effective enchantments on a bow against players are: "punch", "flame", "power" and "infinity". Punch, knocks back the player, there are 2 levels of this enchantement. Flame, Puts your enemy on fire, only 1 level avaible of this enchantement. Power increases the damage, up to 4 levels and infinity, makes it so you only require one arrow to shot, it doesn't help with damage but, with this enchantement you can shot as much arrows as you want... Finaly, the effective armor enchants against players: "protection", "fire protection" and "thorns". Protection, decreases the damage taken, 4 avaible levels. Fire protection, decreases the fire damage, 4 levels avaible. Thorns make it so the opponent gets damaged when they hit you, 3 avaible levels. Lastly, god apples (golden apples crafted with gold blocks) is one of the best item to give you the advantage, it gives you regen IV for 30 secs (heals you very very fast).

I hope this guide helped you,

thanks for reading,


And why not diamond?

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