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Guide ~ PvP Mastering!

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Kranyson's Avatar Kranyson
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

This is my tutorial on how to be PvP Master.

In this part blog I will teach the basic skills of using the Sword.

Before Starting...

It is the strongest weapon for a close up battle, and it does high amounts of damage. It can also block attacks if you use the RCB (Right Click Button). It won't block the damage completely, but it will reduce it. However, you are not going to be able to deal damage to others while you are reducing the damage you get. The sword is also a close fighting weapon only.

Now The Technology!

** For just beginners, I'll give tips. Since this is my first tutorial on PvP, and I'm going to make it for just beginners. I'll add a tutorial for more skilled fighters, or for those who finished this tutorial.

ST I. Front to Back.
~~~ Front to Back allows you to confuse and damage your enemy at the same time. First thing to do is jump in front of your enemy and be attacking him at once. Then, when you are back to back with him/her, turn around as quick as you can and just start going crazy. Do that several times until your opponent sees it. Change the strategy when he does.

ST II. Back Up Hits.
~~~ Ever gotten hit over and over again while escaping an enemy? Get Kill Aura and hit as you run away. That can be easily edited. Instead of running away with your back left to your enemy, step back as you look at him. As you do so, hit him. As he gets a bit far away, quickly turn around and sprint for half a second. After so, turn around and hit him again. It best works if you are fast at your movement and have knockback on the sword.

ST III. Fire Works.
~~~ If you are in a cave escaping someone and good you are good at parkour, find a place able to be jumped over easily with lava. Before it slow down and jump over it. Your enemy may help you by hitting you over. As he jumps, hit him into the lava and collect some blocks quickly. As he is bathing, place the blocks at the very edges of his pool and start hitting him. If you get knocked off, try to make a staircase as you go up the wall again and again. If you have a bow it could work out much better.

ST IV. Hole's Corner.
~~~ My favorite kind of PvP is with 10 sets of diamond armor Protection 4 Unbreaking 3, a sword, and 64 gapples and maybe potions. Well, the main part of it is not to get cornered. If you get in a corner, your enemy has to do nothing but to just hit in it without any aim. The cornered future corps person has to aim though, or at least if his enemy is smart and jumping all over him.

This may be updated from time to time as more PvP strategies appear!


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Frosty Dude 333
04/21/2016 12:06 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
Frosty Dude 333's Avatar
It's quite excellent. But a little more details and more hints, include even the smallest of tips just to slip in that extra crit and the like. But otherwise, it's fine.
04/21/2016 6:32 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Kranyson's Avatar
Thank you for the advice. I'll be sure to listen and try to put in more details!
Sergeant Sarcasm
04/11/2016 10:52 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
How to master PvP:
Don't, do something better with your life, get a girlfriend, have a wife and kids, settle down, get a 9-5 job and don't come home until 1 in the morning because you've been getting drunk at a bar regretting your decision to spend the rest of your life with someone you no longer love, wondering how you're going to tell the kids, let your emotions cave in and loose the court battle with your divorced wife over custody, become addicted to the prescription drug your doctor gave you for your diagnosed terminal depression, let your crippling alcoholism take over as you show up to your ex wife's house at 3 in the morning drunk wanting to see the kids you gave away, get in a fight with her new boyfriend because your lack of rationality clouded your judgement over men because he is a much better father than you will ever be.
04/11/2016 11:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Kranyson's Avatar
You aren't the only person old here, but there are kids here. They want to enjoy their time of being a child and have a moment on learning what they want. Also, I do not get what do you mean by "drunk". It is completely off the topic.
Sergeant Sarcasm
04/12/2016 8:46 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
Sorry, let me make it up for you.
Hey kids, don't go down that path I described in my graphic story. Alcohol is bad, and it makes you do bad things. Instead, invest your whole life into competitive online player versus player video games like Minecraft and Call of Duty, because if you never get to love someone, you'll never get to hurt them. </3
04/12/2016 1:50 pm
Level 40 : Master Electrician
-WaffleKing-'s Avatar
Comedy Central needs to find you.
Ash Craft Em
04/12/2016 5:51 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
Ash Craft Em's Avatar
What the heck man
04/12/2016 4:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Kranyson's Avatar
Ikr. His name makes up his actions. Except he is the General of Sarcasm.
04/11/2016 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
Makko's Avatar
"pvp master"
Planet Minecraft


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