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HardCore Reality

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-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-
Level 42 : Master Fox
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Chapter One: The Sun
Steve opened his eyes. Bright rays of sunlight beamed across the sky, dashing his face with the bright rays.
He sat up and looked around. It was a cheery place. The trees reached for the sky, dark brown wood, and deep green leaves.
It was a beautiful place. Where was this place, though? Steve pulled his hand across the green, tall, wavy grass.
When he lifted his hand, there were bright green seeds. Wheat. How did he know what these seeds were?
He pocketed the seeds, and got up, and walked around. When he turned a corner, a cream yellow rabbit passed by. He jumped, and then he turned, and saw yet another animal. A brown, white cow. It looked a bit sad. He heard a chicken, and the cow made a long moo. It was a beautiful, and bright summer morning. I should make a house, to live here. He instinctively walked over to a tree, and started hitting it. He was about to move, so the tree would fall, and he would collect the wood. 
He broke a block. Also, he stepped back. After about ten seconds, he realized that the tree would not fall. Steve waved his hand in the empty block. Nothing moved. Strange, it was almost as if it was stuck there by magic.
He continued to break the deep brown blocks. After some time, he looked in his bag. A lot of room was left. The sun was at mid height in the sky. He made a crafting table after about thirty minutes of wondering what to do. He was becoming very hungry.
He took an apple from the ground, which had fallen after the leaves were gone.
He tossed the core. Afterwards, he made a wooden sword. A stick, and two wood blocks. Then a pickaxe. Two sticks, three wood blocks. Steve went to work building his house, and a mine. After breaking a few blocks, an arrow flew past his head. He yelped, and watched as a skeletonanized body walked closer to where he hid.
Chapter Two: The Moon
Oh, no. A monster. A skeleton. He thought. He held his sword at ready. The skeleton shot another arrow, which wizzed past his face. The skeleton went around the corner, after seeing him. Click, click, click. Clatter, clatter, clatter. The skeleton made noises with it's bones. Steve shot his sword out, and slashed at the skeleton, in the rib cage. It clattered to the floor, after four hits. Steve picked up the bones and fit them in his bag. When he looked out, he saw that the glistening moon was out, high in the sky. It had glowing blue coloured shadows, which lit the wavy blocks of grass, and made it just bright enough to see. Steve walked out, and made his way over to his house as fast as possible. When he ran though, he passed a strange green humanoid like monster. Scary. He thought, and shuddered as he ran. His hut, which was small, had a strange green monster, which was speckly green, no arms, and was hissing. It lit off and on.  It was walking to the hut, and it looked ready to blow. It was creeping slowly over.  He decided to call it a Creeper. 
He didn't care if he got hurt, that thing was going to do something to his home. 
Steve ran as fast as he could, and hit the thing. This time, the house didn't get blown. He did.
He flew six blocks, felt a headache, and his vision was blurry. Steve went up to his feet. He stumbled over, and felt a burning smell. His beard was singed. He sighed in relief, and saw a small crater in the soft lush grass. He rushed in his house, and slammed the door. He heard several bangs, and he hid against the door, keeping the things out. He kept quiet, and decided that he would make a castle. 
A castle which would keep those monsters OUT.
Steve, or Steven, stayed the night against the door, hearing bangs, and moans.
Chapter Three: The Dawn
Steven munched another apple. After that, he went to work. He built a tower out of cobblestone, and made a bed. He was able to catch a rabbit, and he cooked it for dinner.  After hours and hours of work. He went to sleep. 
His night was rough though and he struggled to fight off monsters. He ran from five skeletons, a type of creature he called "zombies" , and a strange, disappearing reappearing seven foot tall black monster. He decided to call this thing a Shadow. After several thoughts, he came up with "Enderman". Because he would just end up being there. He also looked like a man which was tall, and wearing a suit.
When Steven found himself in his tower again, after placing an iron door, a rat like creature jumped out and started attacking.
He grabbed it by the tail, and it started trying to bite him. After quite some time, the creature blew up, and he was slumped onto bed. He got back up, and looked out the window. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. The trees rustled in the wind, and monsters slipped back into the dark caves. The moon was gone, for the time being, and the dawn had appeared.
Such pretty rays shot forth, dashing the shadows, and fears away.  Steven had a bright smile. He was happy that was all over.
He ran outside, and bumped into something. It tipped its' hat, and disappeared. An Enderman. Such strange creatures.
While he was breaking leaves, he saw a zombie, in a white shirt, and blue pants pass by, playing a videogame. Did I hit my head? He thought, and walked home. He worked on his castle, finishing the third tower, and building walls around it.
He felt like he accomplished so much. 
Chapter Four: The Storm
Steven woke up that morning, he was so dreadfully hungry. He tumbled over to his chest, and pulled out last night stew. After heating it up, he slurped it down. He hadn't looked out the window, until afterwards.

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10/17/2014 4:36 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Weee! I've been busy, so I'll finish the story later. :3
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