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How I play Hunger Games (non chest) and have a 20% win rate on a server in which 100+ players play on in each match

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Aulic's Avatar Aulic
Level 1 : New Explorer

1. Before each match begins, I like to explore the map to find swamp biomes or jungle biomes where I can make soup type items, or maybe even find a village or temple. I also like to try to get a team going to increase my chances of winning.

2. Every match, I always use a kit which has a reliable supply of food: such as the "Cultivator" or "Green Thumb".

Invincibility and In Match

1. As soon as the invincibility portion of the match begins, I make sure to break a few blades of grass until I obtain two seed.

2. After I get the seed that I need for planting wheat, I run as far away as possible from the spawn. (Near the world border corners if possible, or to a swamp biome that I come across.)

3. If I manage to find a swamp biome before I make my tools, I cut down a few trees so that I can begin to make the tools. [I usually only need to cut down two trees in the entire match. (8-10 bark blocks)

4. I first make my wooden pickaxe for collecting stone, sword for defense, then my pickaxe, then my hoe (All after wooden pickaxe are stone to save wood).

5. I then make about a stack and a half of wheat with my instant growth of seed planting kit, and make around thirty bread.

6. Once my food supply is complete, I collect half a stack or so of each type of mushroom from the biome.

7. I then make a few bowls with the leftover wood, and have about four ready in my toolbar for easy access in case I am ambushed.

8. As soon as I get my soup, I start mining for Iron and Coal. I try to get about ten coal and at least twenty six iron ore. I make sure to have the ore smelting as I am mining so that I can make it to the feast if I am geared enough.

9. If possible, I try to make two buckets (One for lava, one for water).

10. If by the time the five minute feast marker pops up, I already have full iron armor and a sword, I will most likely go to the feast. If I have not even started on the armor crafting process, I usually decide not to go unless the rest of the players are sky basing. If in case I do not go, I usually create a trap in the place that I am staying in, for example an obvious chest surrounded by trees, where I could easily ambush them, or set pressure plates on a probable path toward it on top of one block of TNT (sand block on top).

11. If I do end up going to the feast, I make sure to make my presence unknown. I usually wait for a group of people to jump out first and hopefully get into a brawl, and while they are busy fighting, I take some items, and wipe out the winning side so that I can kill the others with ease.

12. At this point, there are usually less than ten people remaining once the feast is over, so I sort of just pick them off as I find them with my compass.

13. If I come across a team that is camping in a sky base, a lot of the time I will take my water bucket, and tower up a little ways away to see how many people are in the base. If the opponents look beatable, a lot of times I will go back down and taunt them to jump off if they are stompers, then kill them if they miss.

14. I also like to create a roof over my head to protect myself from stompers right as they are falling, so that the block above me takes the fall instead of me, and I can just move to the side and kill them with ease since they already had taken the falling damage from missing the jump on me.

15. Usually, only those who aren't stompers stay up in the sky base at this point, so I just tower up into their base with my water bucket ready in case I am knocked off. If not, I will rush inside and kill everyone pretty quickly, since most of them are just naked with a stone sword.

Thanks for reading! I hope you learned something from this monstrosity of words.

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08/01/2013 2:57 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
MockingJay263's Avatar
08/01/2013 2:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Duckhero's Avatar
This was really helpful, thanks for sharing! You deserved my diamond :)
08/01/2013 2:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Aulic's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback!
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