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How to add sounds to your resourcepack.

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quadmoo the hooman's Avatar quadmoo the hooman
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
Hello there! I assume you're here because you just know there's a way to add sounds to your Resource Pack. You are correct! There is. It's really easy too
I don't know about you, but I scoured the internet, looking for a tutorial to add sounds to the game. I'd find a promising one, open it, and the next step would be "Now find a sound you want to change!" and I would go "No! Not again!" and cross that one off the list.
I pinkie promise you, your search has finally come to an end. This is what you're looking for.

Let's begin, shall we?

Now, first thing's first. I assume you have an idea of what you want to add, for this tutorial, I'll be adding a text-to-speech voice to the game.

This tutorial works for 1.16 versions, and Windows 10. It will probably work on Windows 7 too, so don't hesitate to try.

Press your Windows key, and type "%appdata%", press enter. You should be in a folder, locate a file named ".minecraft" and open it. From there, I suggest you pin .minecraft to your Quick Access bar, as it will come in handy later on.

You have a folder in there called "resourcepacks", you need to open it. From there, many tutorials would tell you to copy some versions thing from another pack, but we're not doing that here. You get to create your very own pack.

Create a folder inside the resourcepacks folder, and call it anything you want, that is your resource pack name.

Inside your resource pack, if you happen to have an icon ready to go for it, just move it in, make sure it is a png file format, with a square aspect ratio (You can look up a website to convert an image to be a square), and name it "pack".

You don't actually need an icon if you don't want one, so don't stress! Now here is where it gets slightly more tough, so stick with me.

You need to create a text file inside of your resource pack. Don't worry about the name yet, just open it up, and you need to paste this in:
{ "pack": { "pack_format": 6, "description": "YOURPACKDESCRIPTIONHERE" }}
You can change "YOURPACKDESCRIPTIONHERE" to what you'd like your resource pack's description to be. Now when you go to save this file, you need to go up to the top of Notepad, and at the very top left corner, you'll see "File". Click it, then click "Save As", you'll need to navigate to your resource pack folder, and then next to the option "Save as type:", you need to select "All Files". Then, rename the notepad you're about to save to "pack.mcmeta". Once you have done that, save it into your resource pack. Make sure to delete the original unnamed text file.

Great work so far! I apologize about the lack of picture guides, but I do hope this tutorial makes sense to you.

Now, you're in your resource pack's folder, you might see your pack icon, but you should see your pack.mcmeta file is just a white icon, instead of the notepad's lined paper icon.

Create a new folder called "assets".

Inside "assets", create a new folder called "minecraft".

Once you're inside "minecraft", create a text file, but then leave it there for later.

Inside "minecraft", create a new folder called "sounds".

Inside "sounds", create a new folder called "custom".

Congratulations, you've made it! Your resource pack is nearly completed!

If you know what sound you'll be adding, and you have it handy, that's good! If not, this tutorial is not going to explain how to collect any type of sound you want, but stick around! This will still help you.

Now, you may be familiar with the name mp3, or mp4, or mkv. mp4 and mkv are video and audio files. You just need audio files, so that leave mp3. But, Minecraft is strange, it does not understand mp3 files.

But thankfully, there's a solution! There's a type of file called "ogg", and Minecraft knows it! Now, if you're using Audacity, you can "Export as ogg", and be good, but if you already have another type of file, you have to find a converter that can convert your file type into ogg files.

There are countless converters out there, but one I know of which works, and it can be found here!

At the very end of this tutorial, I'll explain how to capture text to speech voices as ogg files.

Place your files into your "custom" folder. Make sure to name them something easy to remember, and without any capital letters, and remember not to have a number at the very end of the name.

Remember that text file you created and left alone? It's time to go back to it!

Open the text file, and paste this in:
"sounds": [
After "custom/", you need to type in the exact name of your ogg sound file. (By the way, your file names can't be something.ogg, they just need to be something)

After "custom.", you need to type in what you want to type in-game to hear the sound. (/playsound minecraft:custom.yourwonderfulsound)

This only adds one of your sounds to the game, so let's add more! Copy everything (including the spaces) from the second line to the sixth line. Put a comma right after the "}" on the sixth line, press enter, and paste. Don't forget to change the second sound to your file name and your in game command.

So you're ready to save that text file, click "File" "Save As", and then navigate to a folder where you see your unnamed text file you just edited, make sure to select "All Files" again, and then name it to exactly "sounds.json". Click save, delete the original unnamed text file, and you're good!

If you want to add more sounds after you've already saved your sounds.json file, double left click on it, and click "Open with Notepad", once you finished editing, click the X button, and click Save.

Go into your beautiful Minecraft World, put on your resource pack, and test out your sounds with /playsound minecraft:custom.YOURSOUNDNAME master @p ~ ~ ~

If this did not work, there's a big change you did something wrong, but please leave me feedback and I will try to get back to you and edit my post to be more clear.

If you think this would have worked if it had pictures, I really apologize, you should try showing this post to someone else, and see if they can help you add sounds to your game. Everybody learns differently!

Would you like to add Text-To-Speech voices to your world? Read further. This requires a program called Audacity (I know, Audacity can be confusing, but this is extremely simple) You can look up Audacity to download it.

Firstly, you must find a text to speech voice you like, probably from a website. I suggest vocalware, or naturalreader. Type something in, and find a voice you like. Open Audacity.

Under the Pause button, there's a dropdown which should currently say "MME". Click it, and select "Windows WASAPI". There's another dropdown to the right of that one, click it, and select an option which includes "Speakers" and "loopback". (You may not be able to see loopback, as it is in parenthesis and at the very end).

There should be another dropdown to the right of that one, which likely says (Mono) at the front. Select the option that says (Stereo) at the front.

Now Audacity will pickup only your desktop audio, not your voice, and not your clicking. But if you're in a game, it will hear that too.

Have your browser open just behind Audacity, prepare your mouse movement to press the big red Record button and then quickly press play on the TTS website.

Press Record, switch tabs, and click play. Quickly switch back to Audacity, and when it ends, click the big square button. Highlight any large empty parts by dragging across it, and press the small scissors icon near the big buttons.

Click File in the top left corner, then click Export, Export as OGG, save it to your desktop as unnamed. Click OK, then you can just click the small X button on the top left corner of the audio recording on Audacity.

Move your ogg file into the folder you put your sounds in, and then name it, and follow the instructions previously to add it.
CreditFlashTeens (helped me learn how to do this)

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05/01/2021 10:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Reggy_Two-Bit's Avatar
Thank you! But you forgot to say that the number of the pack.mcmeta file depends of the version you are building the resource pack to!
06/29/2022 10:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
steven_thesteve's Avatar
This should help you:

1: 1.6.1 to 1.8.9
2: 1.9 to 1.10.2
3: 1.11 to 1.12.2
4: 1.13 to 1.14.4
5: 1.15 to 1.16.1
6: 1.16.2 to 1.16.5
7: 1.17.x
8: 1.18.x
9: 1.19.x
03/13/2021 8:15 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
stanthesand's Avatar
i've been looking for a way to add the femur breaker sound effects to my personal minecraft 1.16 world, thanks quad
03/13/2021 8:42 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
stanthesand's Avatar
the results are perfect
quadmoo the hooman
03/13/2021 7:51 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
quadmoo the hooman's Avatar
Hey! Please let me know if this worked for you or not, and any feedback you may have!
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