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[Very Detailed] How To Be A Good Staff Member On A Server

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VGDoesMC's Avatar VGDoesMC
Level 40 : Master Creeper
So im going to post a blog on how to be a good server staff member will will include many tips and tricks to please the owner to hopefully get you promoted if you are applying for staff member on a server i will also include my own personal staff application i used to get staff on a highly populated server i am to show you the detail i went in to get the staff application , if there is anything i miss out in the plog feel free to post it in the comments and i will add it to the blog as soon as possible okay heres the blog

So You Are Applying For Staff On A Server Here Is My Staff App To Ensure You On Detailss

Minecraft in game name: vGEffectzz
Staff Position: Helper
Age: 17
Past Donations: I Havnt Donated On This Server As Of Yet But Im Thinking Of Getting A Rank And Maybe Some Commands
Staff on other servers: Im Currently Trial-Moderator On RoxyCraft
What makes you different/ What can you contribute to JustFactions:
I Would Like To Be Staff Because Ive Never Been On The Server With A Comminuty As Nice As Ive Seen On This Server , As Soon As I Got On i Got Welcomed By The Owner And About 10 Other People You Dont See The Fact That The Spawn Is Custom Build Makes It More Inspiring To Play On I Play Factions Alot So I Can Spend Time Getting To Know The Community And Have Some Fun And Do A Youtube Series On here To Grow My Channel And To Help Grow The Population Of Your Server , I Used To Run My Own Server ( NGCRAFT.mcpro.co )
Which Was Quite Succesfull Have 40 People At A Constant And At A Peak We Got 60 People , I Ran All The Plugins And Did Most Of The Permissions So When It Comes To Fixing Plugins When They Have Bugs I Can Quickly Find The Source Of The Problem , Being A Staff Member Is Good Because Your Supporting The Server By Helping The Members When A Owner Or Admin/Co-Owner Isnt Online So If Any Bugs / glitches Come Along And An Owner Isnt On You Can Quickly Sort It so the players can get back to playing
i Would Like To Apply For Trial-Moderator Because I Want You To See My Potential Before Promoting Me To A Higher Level Which Means I Would Earn The Level Without Being Directed Straight To It. If Someone Was Hacking I Know How To Deal With The Sitation : Either Ask For Proof Of Evidence Of Them Hacking Or Ask Them To Upload IT To The Forums , If The Person If Saying He Doesnt Hack I Would Ask Him For A Gyazo/ScreenShot Of His Minecraft Versions FOlder Or Ask Him To Add Me On skype So i can get a screenshare of his folder ( Without him closing his minecraft so he cant quickly remove his hacks ) . if someone was spamming in chat i would warn then if they persist on spamming i would kick them if they joined back and kept on spamming i would temp ban them for 10 minutes . if someone was being ratially abusing to someone it would be a straight mute or a temp ban , if someone was adverising there server it would be a straight ban.
I Know How To Code Plugins I Can Use Pex and GroupManager For Example
Pex : pex group helper create /pex group helper set rank 7 pex group helper rank set 7 pex group helper add modifyworld.* ( All Other Essential Nodes ) , /pex user (name) group set helper /pex group helper set parents (Group name) pex group helper prefix &f&l[&2&LHelper&f&l]
Group Manager :
/<manuadd> <player> <group> /<manudel> <player> /<manuaddsub> <player> <group> /<manudelsub> <player> <group> /<manpromote> <player> <group> /<mandemote> <player> <group> /<manwhois> <player> /<manuaddp> <player> <permission> / <manudelp> <player> <permission> /<manulistp> <player> /<manucheckp> <player> <permission> /<manuaddv> <user> <variable> <value> /<manudelv> <user> <variable> <value>/<manulistv> <user> /<manucheckv> <user> <variable> /<mangadd> <group> /<mangadd> <g:group> /<mangdel> <group> /<mangdel> <g:group> /<mangaddi> <group1> <group2> /<mangdeli> <group1> <group2> / <listgroups> /<mangaddp> <group> <permission> /<mangaddp> <g:group> <permission> /<mangdelp> <group> <permission> /<mangdelp> <g:group> <permission> /<manglistp> <group> /<manglistp> <g:group> /<mangcheckp> <group> <permission> /<mangcheckp> <g:group> <permission> /<mangaddv> <group> <variable> <value> /<mangdelv> <group> <variable> <value> /<manglistv> <group> /<mangcheckv> <group> <variable>
How long have you played JustFactions for: I havnt Been On Here For Long But I Know Im Going To Continue To Play On This Server For Along Time , The Spawn Is Great The Players Are Friends The Owner Actually Communicates With The Players Which Is A Bonus Because Most Owners Are Ignorant He Also Listens To What You Have To Say Which Is Why I Like this Server And Is why Im Gonna Help Out As Much As I Can To Grow The Server
Why do you think you should be staff compared to the others who have applied:
Well im 17 So Im Very Mature , i spend 7-8 hours of my day everyday dedicated to playing on minecraft im a loyal person i dont join a server and leave straight away i get to know the roles and ways of a server before leaving im a nice guy i dont like to get into arguments i like to controll the sitation and find ways to relolve them im tollerant when it comes to arguments so if i have my opinion im gonna say it without hesitating. i try my best on server to get along with people and also try to increate the community as much as i can . i can do basic coding of html and java so that will help if u need any help , i can code plugins and find bugs and glitches so that will also help. I Have College 2 and A half Days A Week So I Can Be On Alot Working On The Server recording on The server and helping others whever its commands or whatever there needs fulfill. im not a aggresive person so if someone is swearing at me giving a bit of gob im not gonna retaliate and swear back im gonna play it cool and tell them to stop swearing or theyre gonna get muted/kicked. Im Can Also Do Coding For HTML And Java Examples
//This Is An Example
Public Class Example {
public static void main(Stringp[] args){
//This Is Main Sub It Will Run On Main Startup
// Will Say Hello World On Startup
string text = 'Hello World'
system.out.println(Hello World!')'
<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>
Knowing I Can Code Java And Html Using Eclipse Is Greate Because I Can Create My Own Plugins And Blocks and Armour And All Sorts To Do With Minecarft And Hopefully You Can Put Me To Some Use depending On What You Need As I Have Not Been Coding Java or HTML For Very Long

Do you have Skype/ Teamspeak: Yes My Skype Is vGEffectzz. And I Also Have TeamSpeak
Describe your personality: Well Im A laid Back Person If I Need To I Will Input My Opinion If Needed If Someone Decides To Take Stuff Out On Me I handle The Situation As Best As I Can Without Causing Any more Hastle As Im Not The Type Of Guy To Argue , I Dedicate My Life To Minecraft As Its Fun And It Keeps Me Entertained And Away From Trouble .
I Hope You Enjoyed My App And I Hope You Consider Me As Being Apart Of Your Staff Team
That Is The Size Of A Staff App That Would Really Get You Staff On A Server As I Have Tried And Succeded Everytime


Time Spent On The Server
If you are currently staff and you are on alot the owner will see you as a loyal person to the server and after he sees your potential as being a staff member he will generally think you are suited to your position and end up promoting you to the next state of level , as if  you was not on much he will think that you are not very loyal and wont see any point in promoting you as you are not watching over the server as much as you should be

Using Your Powers Correctly
if you are staff members and you have powers normal players dont please insure you use them correctly what i mean by this is , if someone is spamming in chat warn them about spam if they consist on spamming then you kick them if they join back and keep spamming you mute them dont ban them unless the rules of the server says so , banning people for something so small is pointless and the owner will see you dont have much tolerance to players , muting them means they can still play on the server but cant talk , the owner will think you made the right decision. If you have powers to fly dont go flying around in pvp or flying to peoples bases and raiding this will get players very annoyed and will end up quiiting the server or telling an admin or the owner that you are abusing this will mean you will get demoted or banned for staff abuse and we dont want that to  happen. using you ban powers correclly is very essential for you and the owner , if someone is hacking and someone tells you they are hacking dont go straight in and ban them if the player has no proof or evidence dont ban them , keep an eye on them and if you personally see them hacking go ahead and ban them ensure you have evidence to post onto there forum , this will show the owner you ban with proof so you gain his trust with future bans that dont need evidence. if you are staff and you are opped dont use donator kits this will get players very annoyed as they had to pay for there kits and you get the priority to get them for free use default kits or your own items.

Server Rules
if you are a staff member ensure you read the server rules correctly , breaching the server rules will end up getting you banned , just because you are a staff member doesnt mean you can breach the rules they are set there for a reason , For example if the server sais No Hacked Clients Are Permiited , just because you are staff member doesnt mean you can go ahead and use hacks because players will think well he/she is a staff member they wouldnt use hacks , ive personnaly been there and seen staff members use hacks and they got demoted , dont go down that path if you are on a small server and you are staff , stay staff you never know the community might grow really big and there you have it you are staff on a big server , thats an oppertunity that not alot of players have.

Dont Annoy Players
one thing players hate in a server is to be annoyed they want to play on the server stress free dont abuse your powers and annoy them say if you have /tp on a factions server and they are in there base dont tp to them kill them and raid them , you will get reported and you will get demoted , ive had this happen to me before and i was quite annoyed but then again its only a game , also in chat if someone is getting mad at you swering at you calling you names this and that dont retaliate thats the worst option you can choose , warn them for language if they persist ban them , its as simple as that this will show the owner you dont bite back and yet again you might get promoted.

Knowing Your Powers And Commands
if you are a helper for instance you need to know your commands and how to use them properly if you are farely new to miencraft and you dont know essentials commands go read them up because you are going to need them to be staff member , if you get admin or co - owner this is a much bigger area of powers, if you are running permissions plugins like pex or group manager you need to know you permission nodes and commands, knowing your commands will gain you trust because if a owner is not on and you are the only one on you a can fix bugs ingame and fix general things that players want you to , yet again gaining trust from the owner is very essentials even in becoming staff , dont join a server and expect staff straight away play on the server for a few days get to know the community , make some friends and help players out in game so when you do come to apply for staff and you make a good staff application people will comment and reccoment you for staff

This Has Been My Blog On How To Be A Good Staff Member If You LIke The Blog And Think It Helped Smack That Diamon Button If I Missed Anything Post It In The Comments And Ill Ensure To Add It In Thanks

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02/20/2015 7:54 am
Level 40 : Master Creeper
VGDoesMC's Avatar
Thankyou Dude if there is any other tutorial / blog you want me to do just let me know in comments and ill get to it
02/20/2015 7:48 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
TuMatar's Avatar
Well written, you obviously put lots of thought into it.
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