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How to be a pvp Assassin

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DeadSpaceDUde's Avatar DeadSpaceDUde
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Getting wasted, or pwned on PVP servers? Why not kill them, and scare the living crap out of them while raiding there base, and make it out of there base undetected?? All is possible, and being an assassin is one of the hardest paths but the most rewarding. Mastering it will be hard but this guide will help you get the basics down, real fast.

First thing is, you do not need armor! If you want, you can have some but if you want to add to the scare factor, go in there bare. The idea, is every kill is gonna be fast, and you can be vulnerable because they won't hit you and if they do, you will kill them.

Second thing is, you need epic weapons. To become the assassin you so truely desire, you are gonna need quick kill weapons or OP weps. Almost all PVP raiding servers allow you to enchant these calibur of weapons. Here is a quick guide as to what is acceptable.

Sword enchantments : +4 sharpness, Flame +1, Knockback 2+, Power +4. This is op. They will burn alive, while trying to wack wildly at you but they won't wack a thing because you would have knocked them back too far to reach you.

Bow Enchantments : Power +4, Sharpness +4, Knockback +2. Although flame is epic in a bow, it is unnecessaryfor this item. It will kill them in about 3 arrows.

Carry healing, and slowing potions while raiding them, if you can get some damage health that would help to, but that is optional.

Okay now that, that is done. We are going to move onto to combat. This is fairly simple, as you should be trying to avoid direct confrontation. Let me give you an example of what combat should feel like. The guard is using a crafting bench to make something. You are way to far, to use swords. So pull out your bow, 2 arrows in him instantly. Then if you can make the third, do it. If not use your slowing potions, to make sure he does not touch you. Then either take him out with the sword or bow. This will take some time to fight, so run away afterwards, more will be coming for you.

Now let me tell you about an op weapon. Spider webs. Take like 32 or more with you, and place them where your enemies are going to run into. They get stuck, and you can give them a couple shots with the bow before they break free, and once they do. Use your slowing potions, and finish them with the bow. Once you are sure they are all dead. Run to there base, in most occasions they can't spawn in there base because you are in it. Raid it, and if you have tnt finish it off. Then transport to your base.

Alright lets talk about your base. This is all you want, honestly. Go out in the middle of nowhere, and dig a hole, and make enough room. Put some torches down, and fill the hole so that the only way in, is to tp or find it which will be difficult.

A very important note, confrontation with 5 or more players. This is tough because they cansurroundyou, now DO NOT swing your sword like a maniac. Put down some spider webs, and shoot some poison potions to slow them down. Then run, once you are far enough try to hit some with the bow, you will have to continuously place spider webs, and shoot slow and poison but they will eventually know that they are outmatched and either run or die.

Lastly, trapping your exit. Make some simple traps before entering there base, like tnt pressure plates, or 4 iron door trap. Also place some more spider webs but remember the sequence, so you do not fall into it. Once you are running like mad across the plains as 7 faction members are chasing after you, they will fall into your traps. DO NOT ATTACK. Just keep running until you can hide, and safely tp to your base.

Well that is it, I hope this helped. Its a great strategy. Thank you for listening. A Goodbye.

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11/24/2015 3:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AssassinCat43's Avatar
This helped so much! Thanks for the tips! ^^
08/31/2013 4:50 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
08/31/2013 5:25 am
Level 21 : Expert Toast
vivalearchie's Avatar
Me and my friend are making a mini-game involving assassins... perhaps you would like to play when it is ready?
08/31/2013 7:21 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
DeadSpaceDUde's Avatar
Ya, that sounds really fun. I will subscribe to ya, so I can see it when it comes out.
09/08/2013 6:44 am
Level 21 : Expert Toast
vivalearchie's Avatar
I have a map up as a project, if you could check it out, that would be awesome.
08/31/2013 12:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Toast
vivalearchie's Avatar
I have the first map about 75% done, I'm just waiting for my friend to get a server. I would upload it as a project, but when I try to upload pictures on projects on PMC (god that's a lot of p's) Planet minecraft crashes :(
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