Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to give and take constructive criticism and why it is important.

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yumenightfire27's Avatar yumenightfire27
Level 46 : Master Unicorn
Constructive criticism is not only important for the artists on this site (Noob and veteran alike) to grow and improve, it is important for the website as a whole so that more and more of the submissions are good, quality, thought out content.


I feel like this should be a no-brainer, but the more I see it in the comments section, (even in some of my own work) I realize that a lot of users either don't know what constructive is (and at the extremely young ages I see in the world of Minecraftia, I'm not surprised) or are just too lazy to do it (in which case, shame on you. You are the reason artists on here are not growing)

Rule #1 - Don't be a troll

This is the biggest (and most obvious) rule. If you're not sure if your comment falls into this category, just follow two simple guidelines that (hopefully) was taught to you already by a parent/guardian/grandparent/anyone

  • Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated
  • If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all

Think about if someone was saying what you are about to say on one of your submissions. Would it make you feel bad for someone to say that to you? If the answer is yes, chances are it will probably hurt their feelings to have it said to them.

And no, being a troll does not make you look cool. It makes you look like a child and a noob.

Rule #2 - A negative opinion without elaboration is just a polite version of trolling.

If someone uploads an elaborate dirt house, or a skin that's so poorly done you can't really tell what it is, don't post a comment that says
"This is a really ugly house"
"I can't make heads or tails of this skin. You have so not nailed it"

All this will accomplish is making the creator feel very bad about themselves and their ability to create anything good. Instead say something like
"This is kind of a cool structure, but you need to use a variety of materials to give it more life and make it stand out"
"It's a little hard to tell what this skin is supposed to be. You might want to play around with the colors/shading some more. Here's a [link] to a tutorial with some great tips in it"

Rule #3 - Please (for the love of god) use proper grammar!

This is important ALL THE TIME!!!
Whether posting comments, submissions, forum posts, in the chat, even on servers (and hopefully everywhere else in life)

Now if you speak English as a second language, or have some sort of learning disorder like dyslexia, this rule does not apply to you. There is a big difference between

"This mod is very helping me! Thanks you!"
"ZOMG dis mod iz frAcking AwEsUmMmM!!!!"

When you type like that it makes people want to beat you over the head with a dictionary. You're not a baby, please don't type like one.


This is just as important as giving constructive criticism. If you don't know how to gracefully take advice, what was the point in them giving it?

Rule #1 - Don't feed the troll!

If someone is trolling you, or just generally being rude, don't give them the satisfaction of an angry response. That's exactly what they want. Everyone loses their cool once in a while (I almost did in the comments section of one of my projects, but I got more stern than angry)

Just remember one important thing when dealing with trolls:
Nothing will piss them off more than not giving a crap what they have to say, and the bigger the troll, the more true that is.

Rule #2 - Advice is something that is given. Say thank you!

If someone gives you a compliment or advice, say thank you! They liked what you made enough to want to help you improve it, you should appreciate that. You don't necessarily have to take their advice, it's your creation, you have final say. But maybe at least think about what they had to say next time you are working on something.

Rule #3 - If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

People will ive you constructive criticism because at least part of their opinion is negative. That's why it's called "criticism". but the people who are doing it are just trying to help you improve your work. That's why it's "constructive"

If you can't deal with people not liking what you have made, you're in the wrong place. It's pretty much impossible to make something EVERYONE will like. If one person likes what I've made, I consider that a win in my book.


Have you ever heard the phrase "learn from your mistakes"? This is something everyone does pretty much from the day they are born. If someone messed up, tell them. If you don't, they may never know. But remember to be constructive when telling them they messed up, otherwise they won't know how to not mess up next time. The more advice someone gets, the more they will think about what they are creating, and the more they think about what they are making, the better their overall content will be.

If you expect everyone to love everything you make, you are in for a big disappointment. Planet Minecraft is a huge divers community of people with different tastes and opinions. Not everyone will love everything, but we ALL have one thing in common that brings us together. We all love the blocky pixelated world of Minecraft.

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02/04/2014 8:08 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
OceansRythme's Avatar
wonderful blog :3
02/06/2014 3:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Unicorn
yumenightfire27's Avatar
Thank you! It's something that I found a lot of people needed to hear once I started becoming more active here.
02/28/2013 4:28 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
morg555's Avatar
This is a great blog was thinking about writing one just like this. I believe more people should look at this because there are some people who give no helpful tips when they say your work is bad.
02/10/2013 7:21 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Great! someone has finally done it! I'll make a reference to this page, so more people will see it. I don't need it myself, but I have seen plenty people who do. this is worth a diamond.
02/10/2013 8:36 am
Level 46 : Master Unicorn
yumenightfire27's Avatar
Thanks for spreading the love! This kind of thing starts lots of drama when people don't know how to use/take this kind of advice. I hope more people find this page that need it. Thanks for the diamond :D
06/14/2013 4:30 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Well Fantasymaster did his job good, I found it thorough him.
Although I did found it a while back thorough him, it did help me.
So thanks!
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