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How to make a book - Dozentorials

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Diamonddozen's Avatar Diamonddozen
Level 55 : Grandmaster Baconator
Many people have asked me what my tips and tricks were on making marvelous books (not really). So today I thought I would make a tutorial of this. I have great experience with writing books and I wish to share my knowledge with the unknowledgeable.

Chapter 1: Preparation
As always you gotta start with preparing. It's always going to be one of the key factors of, well, anything! I said it in my tutorial How to Build Big, Beautiful Things, and I'll say it again. You aren't going to get anywhere without first preparing.

Choose Your Style
What I mean by this is how you plan. There are many different ways to plan out a book lists, webs, interventions, focus groups, whatever. My favourite way to plan is by a web. It shows you what you are going to do, in the smallest space possible.

Start Away From Your Computer
This may sound odd. Why do I need to go away from my computer? That's simple. I find it easier to make a web or any kind of planning sheet when I'm writing on a piece of paper with a pencil or pen (if you can use pencil, much better then a pen). So take your time and let your hands guide you with blessed strokes of carbon graphite against the flat paper.

Don't be Afraid to Walk Away
Writer's block. We all get it. Even I, the master of writing himself, gets writer's block. If you do happen to get this when you are in the middle of writing just walk away. I looked at a few websites and books about writing and they all say the same thing: Never quit writing. Guess what. They are wrong. It takes much less effort to write a good story when you have the mind to do so.

Chapter 2: Plot
I had to put this as it's own category. The moment someone finds out the plot is when they get really drawn into a story. If you have a bum plot then you have nothing to back you up. No amount of writing and expressionism can save a horrible plot. So you can't be afraid when you a plot.

Read Lots of Books
Reading helps your writing in every way possible. If you're like me you will get inspiration from a book. Inspiration that you can use to right the perfect book. Some authors take the exact same idea and make it better. There's a difference between unoriginality and inspiration. Plus if you never end up actually writing a book then at least it will help you in school. So go to a library, sign up for a library card, and read read read. Everything from comics to dictionaries will help you.

Be Creative
Like I said before you can use the same idea as another author. There is one thing, however that you must refrain from doing. You can't use the same exact plot. This is unoriginality. So when you are thinking about your plot don't be afraid to express your most inner feelings. The good thing about writing is that usually your friends won't know it's you who wrote it. When you are sitting and thinking say to yourself "Don't be afraid".

"Express to Impress"
-Diamonddozen, Planet Minecraft, August 29th, 2012.

Chapter 3: Characters
The worst thing in a book is when the characters are irrelevant, unoriginal and undesirable. Please, when you are writing refrain from creating boring characters. Oh wait that's why I'm here.

Explain Every Detail
Readers want to know who the characters is. His back story, his look, the way he walks, the way he talks, everything. So don't hold back when you are designing the character. Forget everything you heard about Less is More (unless you are talking Charmin toilet paper. Then regard what I am saying). It doesn't matter how many pages your book has. Avid readers will love you. Just think about Harry Potter.

Model Them After Someone
Lots of authors base characters off of actual people. If you aren't very imaginative or creative then do just that. Pick your best friend, a dog, your 4th cousin 8 times removed, it doesn't matter. Readers won't know, and in fact they won't particularly care.

Think of a Back Story
I already touched up on this with the first category. If you want someone to be hooked on a certain character then you have to make up a back story. Without one they aren't complete. Everyone has a different back story. For instance, I am from a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada. My grandpa's a farmer, my dad's a farmer, and my uncle's a farmer. I live in a German community in Central Saskatchewan and I love to write. Don't forget any details when you are writing a character's back story.

Chapter 4: The Set
The set is a crucial part. It's where the story takes place. Without a set there is not story. The set goes with the plot like peanut butter goes with jelly. If you miss one, you won't have a good sandwich, or rather, story.

Where is it? A forest outside of the Himalayas? A deep, dark cavern in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? How about a small village, west of Berlin? Where your set is can set a path between cheerful and gloomy. You can't mix the two together or you will get mixed reactions.

"Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what your gonna get."
-Forrest Gump

Fairy tales are usually set in around the 1600's. Futuristic books are usually set somewhere around 200x. Just choosing your time is how you can depict the genre of a book. So when you are creating your set create the era first.

Detail always shows up in my tutorials. It's hard to make anything worth checking out if you don't have any detail. So when you are describing a place make sure to use a lot of detail. Describe how it looks, sounds, even smells.
Chapter 5: Beginning, Middle, and End
Every story has one. You to introduce the problem, carry on the problem, and then solve the problem. There is always a problem and solution. Pick a good one.

Find Your Problem
Sometimes Jimmy's best friend gets swopped away by some creepy old guy. Or Billy's pet lobsters gets murdered, by a Walrus who's name is Jack. Sometimes even the good guy is the problem. Like Jason when he finds out he sleep-kills. Good books always have their own personalized problem that sometimes don't get discovered until the end. Like in the Book Scorpia By Anthony Horowitz.
Chapter 6: Writing
So you've god everything planned. Every last detail from characters, to sets. You're done right? No of course not. The other part of writing a book is actually writing it. Use as much detail as you can. The more detail, the more likes.

"Detail is like a mother's love. It has to be there."

There isn't much else to say. Just remember to not forget any details.

Thank you for watching. I had a great time creating the tutorial. If you happen to use this tutorial to make your own book then send me a copy. I'd love to read it. If you want a specific tutorial done then just ask. I may not do it, but that's par for course. I have to actually be knowledgeable about the subject.
Tutorial or not I can't forget the shout out. Today's shout out goes to Assassinnick713. Do you want to get a shout out? Do you like my stuff? Do you wish for the shout outs to not waste, because I don't have enough fans? Then subscribe! It would help us both out dearly.

As always here are the precious links to contact me away form PMC: @DiamondBlogPMC (Twitter), DiamondBlog (Facebook), and Diamondblogifacation (Youtube). I am dearly sorry about linking you to the wrong twitter account all this time. I forgot that I had a PMC after the DiamondBlog.

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