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How to make an adventure map without modding experience!

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Panda Gamer's Avatar Panda Gamer
Level 23 : Expert Toast
If you are reading this, you probably want to make an adventure map! Well great! This tutorial will teach you the basics, how to make some basic buildings and roads, and some tips and tricks! I have divided this into five parts:
Part 1: Starting/Basics
Part 2: Spawn/ First Buildings
Part 3: Mood and tone/ Story
Part 4: Ending your map and or story
Part 5: Uploading/Tips and tricks

We will begin now, so settle down, and have fun!

PART 1: Starting/Basics

  1. Your first step is determining what type of adventure map you want to do. Adventure is pretty easy, parkour is somewhat difficult, and puzzle is down-right hard. Decide one of these or think of a very unique genre of your own!
  2. Now that you know what you want to do, now it is time to prepare. You will need Too Many Items (easy to install) or single-player commands ( difficult). I will go over how to install Too Many Items later on in this tutorial.
  3. Now that you have those installed, you can move on to starting a new Minecraft world. Give it a unique name please! You may use whatever seed you want. If you don't like the world, delete it and make a new one and hope for the best. Or you could just use a seed.

PART 2: Spawn and first buildings.

  1. Now that you are in your world, mark the exact point of the spawn. Now you must decide if you want to have a spawn inside or outside. If you choose outside, make sure to make a building nearby just in case it turns to night.
  2. Make sure the spawn building looks good, so people think that you actually spent some time making it look good. To make it look good, try adding depth, such as pillars or glass panes. And make sure it is not just one solid color or block.
  3. Now it is time to make a road to the next part of the map. To achieve a broken road type affect, put a single road block of your choice every once in a while.

PART 3: Mood and tone/ Story

  1. Now it is time to set the mood and tone. The mood is the way the maker of the map is expressing his/her attitude of the story. So if it is a dark, gloomy story, then don't make the world bright and colorful. Take this into account when you actually start to make the buildings.
  2. If you haven't come up with a good and interesting story yet, do so now. Or you could skip this step and go on and come back later. When telling a story, use signs and or books if you are reading this in Minecraft 1.3+. Make sure each and every character you introduce is unique, like if you are trying to make a cowboy, you are not gonna write his text like, "Hello. I am a cowboy. You should go to the castle.", it is better like this, "Well howdy! I am the toughest cow wrangler south of the Dixie line! I hears there's a goblin on the loose in the city! I would go there myself, but I gotta attend to the cows! See ya partner!" Now that is a cowboy voice!
  3. When you put down the signs, make sure to hint where to go next, but try not to specifically go out and say go to the castle. Try to hint it with context clues, like, I heard the citadel is a nice place, I wish I could go there one day. Unless it is a first person view.

PART 4: Ending your map or story.

  1. Well done! You constructed a good map! Now your just have to add an ending! Think of a good ending to your story, and this might be hard based on how complicated your story is. Make sure to tie the loose knots, unless you plan on making a sequel.
  2. Go back to the spawn first and put down the rules if you haven't already. Rules could be, DO NOT BREAK BLOCKS EXCEPT WOOL. Things like that. And just in case, either place a bed or kill yourself to make sure that the spawn is correct.
  3. Now find where you want the momentous ending! Wrap up your story, and sign the map! Heck, if you want to add some tnt and redstone torches so the players can blow up your map when they are done! I always love to do that.
  4. Guessing that you successfully installed Too Many Items, change the game mode to survival and run over to the spawn. Make sure you have no items at all! Kill yourself one more time just to make sure!
  5. Now go into your Minecraft saves folders, ( I'll go over this in the next part ), and copy the world onto your desktop. Now make a copy of your world in the saves folder so you can test it out! Make sure there is no way the player can get trapped or run out of the map!
  6. After your tried it, and determined if it is ready, you may move onto the next part!

PART 5: Upload and how to install/ tips and tricks

Congrats! You made an adventure map! Now it is time to upload it to the world to download! I recommend using MediaFire as the file sharer. Now make an account on Planet Minecraft (*wink*) and submit your project. Just copy the url of your project from MediaFire and give a good description! Good job!

HOW TO INSTALL TOO MANY ITEMS! (PC), First, click the windows button and go into all programs. Type this into the search bar, %appdata%, and click on Roaming. Find the .minecraft folder and open it. In the folder, click on bin. Find the Minecraft.jar. Open it with 7-Zip or winRar. Now, open the .zip file of too many items. Drag the contents into the Minecraft.jar. Make sure to delete META-inf folder inside of Minecraft.jar, or it will not work. Now, test your minecraft to make sure it is working. If not, contact me in the comment section below.

HOW TO FIND THE SAVES FOLDER! (PC) First, click the windows button and go into all programs. Type this into the search bar, %appdata%, and click on Roaming. Find the .minecraft folder and open it. In there, find your saves folder. In there, find your maps name and copy that onto the desktop, which I hope you know how to do.

Sorry I do not have a Mac so I don't know how to install it. :/


If you install SPC, you have access to Worldedit, so you can type in,

//wand, and it will give you a wooden axe. If you left click, you will notice that it says marking position 1. Now, if you right click, it will set position 2. Now, type in //set (block of choice), and that space will fill with that block! You expand the area by //expand (north, south, east, west, up, down) (number).

Everyone likes redstone powered contraptions! If you know how to use redstone, make sure to incorporate some of that skill into the map.

Don't add too many cliches. And make sure your map is unique!

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05/08/2013 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ninjadude147's Avatar
you said in the title "without modding". then you said i needed to download too many items which is a mod . how do i do this without modding?
05/11/2013 12:13 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Panda Gamer
Panda Gamer's Avatar
Well I made this before you could do cheats so just do /gamemode survival.
05/11/2013 2:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ninjadude147's Avatar
how does that help?
05/11/2013 7:19 pm
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Panda Gamer
Panda Gamer's Avatar
To switch to survival so that the player of the map plays the map in survival mode.
12/14/2012 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xiiCreeeep's Avatar
After i click bin I can't find the Minecraft.jar file (sorry i'm new at this). Also is it necessary to install "TOO MANY ITEMS"?
12/15/2012 1:45 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Panda Gamer
Panda Gamer's Avatar
It might just be called "Minecraft"... it might not show the .jar extension. Don't click on the files with the numbers next to them. And DELETE META INF. Also, you will need 7-Zip.
07/25/2012 2:46 am
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
Gromm1608's Avatar
FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa You stole my idea, I wanted to do this 5 minutes ago.
Although, diamond for you :)
07/25/2012 12:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Panda Gamer
Panda Gamer's Avatar
Thanks! Sorry about that!
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