Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview | duke_Frans

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GuitarMasterX7's Avatar GuitarMasterX7
Level 33 : Artisan Musician
LyleJoinerVA: So, Duke, how'd you find PlanetMinecraft?

duke_Frans: I always has known of it (somehow, dont ask) , but I joined to post a skin and a really cheap mod (oh god why)
I started to like it alot, so I tried to make better stuff and be involved in the community. I slowly improve and I still am.

LyleJoinerVA: That sounds awesome!

LyleJoinerVA: So what inspired you to Skin, Mod E.C.T.

duke_Frans: I played tekkit and other mod with friend and such, I had always liked mods, so I decided to learn how to do it myself. My first mods were really bad, but I improved to make something more acceptable :P. My mods that mainly inspired me to make a mod were:
-Mo creatures

These were the ones that influenced me to make something of my own, that I would enjoy as much as i did those mods.

As for skins, yuk, I suck and have no inspiration.

LyleJoinerVA: Well, that is just amazing.

LyleJoinerVA: Have you ever encountered and maybe even hung out with the developers of some of your favorite mods?

duke_Frans: I have noppes (creator of Mo Player Models, Custom NPC's etc) on skype, otherwise I sit #foreveralone waiting for DrZhark and Eloraam to notice me :P
LyleJoinerVA: That sounds sweet! I'm really happy for you dude!
Why PlanetMinecraft? I mean have you ever considered other websites like "The Minecraft Forums"? And if you have why?

duke_Frans: I have posted 1 mod on MCF, but i just dont really like it,
-It is hard to make a post look good
-VERY hard to get noticed
I prefer PMC because I know people there, and the community is generally alot nicer and friendlier.

LyleJoinerVA: Awesome, also, what do you think of the community? Nice, fun, E.C.T?

duke_Frans: 9/10 are nice, I know alot of people and i can derp around with them in chat.
Apart from 1 or 2 ''noobs'' everyone is nice and constructive.

LyleJoinerVA: And what do you think of the 1/10? and the "Noobs"?

duke_Frans: The 1/10 are moslty the ''FREE GIFTCODE'' spammers and rude people, and people who post really, really, really low quality stuff. <

LyeJoinerVA: Cool, who do you think is one of the most inspirational people you've known in your life?

LyleJoinerVA: What's your favorite mod so far?

duke_Frans: Equivalent Exchange 2
I had so much fun wasting hours and hours and months to get some armour in tekkit, I loved all the machinery and alchemy it introduced, not to mention the reward it gave you after spending 10's of thousands of diamond and coal to get something

LyleJoinerVA: What's your best mod so far?

duke_Frans: My best mod so far is most likely Kingdoms of Amalur, but Realms of Atharia will be my best (coming soon :P)

LyleJoinerVA: Very exciting! :)

LyleJoinerVA: What was your favorite moment of your childhood? Was there ever one?

duke_Frans: Playing games with my dad, DOOM, Duke Nukem and others.
Or stuff like moving houses, going to Europe and Euro-Disney :3 Trying to drive and failing into a bush (I was 6 leave me alone)

LyleJoinerVA: And how was your relationship with your dad?

duke_Frans: Well, I am only 14, so ummm, really good....

LyleJoinerVA: Oh, I did not know that! sorry man

duke_Frans: Lol!

LyleJoinerVA: So what's it feel like knowing you have tons of fans to be there and support you?

duke_Frans: Its so great having people supporting me if I make something, I'd never thought I would come this far

LyleJoinerVA: Well, don't worry about waking up because your here and qu- Sorry, Joking XD

LyleJoinerVA: What advice would you give out to people just starting on Modding, Skinning E.C.T?

duke_Frans: Dont be discouraged, people WILL say something bad once in a while, ignore it and carry on.
Dont make something you hate but others will, you should make somethiing and enjoy it.
Learning the basics is essential (Java for modding, stuff for skinning), a good foundation is important.
Improve, dont be shy to break your comfort zone when experimenting with new ideas

LyleJoinerVA: Cool! Truely inspirational! Also, I'm sure there's a lot of people wondering. How do you do it? How did you get the talent?

duke_Frans: :3
I learnt Java, looked through MC code, and started, anyone can do it, you just must be vigileant and stuffs. Just try and try, you will succeed.

LyleJoinerVA: Awesome man, is there anything you wanna say to the fans before we go?

duke_Frans: Keep fabulous.
Creditduke_Frans sniffs butts for diet coke ;) nah you're cool bro

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05/26/2013 3:08 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
No, thank you both!
05/25/2013 2:42 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Thanks :P
05/25/2013 3:03 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Musician
GuitarMasterX7's Avatar
No! Thank you!
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