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Jack Fade! A Minecraft Story!

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[Fade]'s Avatar [Fade]
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Once upon a time there was a boy...
His name was 'Jack Fade', he was 14 years old and lived in the jungle biome with his family.
About a year ago he did live in a village in the plains biome but it got raided by criminals.
When it happened the raiders placed TNT all around his house but luckily his family was out working.
Jack was hunting with his dad (Chris Fade).
His sister (Jackie Fade) was with their mother (Tina Fade) tending to the baby cows.
When the Fades saw the raiders they ran away and have been hiding out there since.
For the first few days they were paranoid and thought one of the raiders saw them and was going to come hunt them down..
They seemed to have repressed the thought after a few months and started to make a new town.
Then one morning Jack woke up to a sound out in the farm, he walked out there.
"Ma, you out here?" he asked cautiously.
He saw a flash and then he saw a man about to hit him over the head with a shovel.
Then bam lights out.
He woke up a few hours later in a dark room.. no a mine?
He couldn't tell his vision was blurred and his head was killing him.
He heard voices..
2.. 3 people?
"He's awake." said one of them, maybe a woman?
"I'll go talk to him." said the same person, yeah, definitely a woman.
"Who are you?!?!" exclalimed Jack.
"That doesn't matter right now what does is that the raiders are coming for your family."
"What do you mean? How do you know about that?" Jack questioned.
"They saw you and your family running away." she said.
"Why would they care if we did survive?" he asked.
"They were hired by someone to kill everyone in that town, NO survivors or they wouldn't get paid." she said.
There was a moment when no one said anything, he knew it was for only a few seconds but his mind was spinning so fast that it felt like hours.
"I'm gonna go back there and help them, let you be alone and think." she said.
Oh yeah he thought... about everything.
He remembered the day it happened.
All the families crying, burning, trying to get away but if they survived the explosions they got shot with bows.
He tried not to think of it, he had to focus on escaping these people first.
He tried to find a way out of the ropes, he was tied down by the hands to his chair arms.
What am I gonna do? he thought whilst looking everywhere to try to find a way out.
He started to pull the ropes with all his strength, he tried to think of something that mad him really mad and it would help..
All he could think of was the raiders, killing all those innocent people, and trying to kill him and his family.
He could feel his face start to burn red and he was blinded with fear and anger.
He ripped his hands.
He freed his left hand and tried to do the same with the right.
He tore it out just as they were coming to see what all the noise was..
Apparently he had been grunting and wasn't paying attention.
Jack looked up and just stared for what felt like minutes.
Then he just ran.
He picked up the chair and threw it at them to maybe stop them but they just dodged it and kept on runnning.
He heard screams, some of them were towards him and the others were toward the men stil working, he could make out one thing..
"Seal off the exits and don't let him-" it was the woman, he quit paying attention to what she was saying and kept on running.
He saw a door and above it read a sign in all caps 'EXIT'.
He smiled and started to run faster.
He saw a gate closing it in and ran as fast as he could and he made it out the door.
Then he ran for what he thinks had been about 30 minutes and took a break.
He knew they weren't following him or they would've caught up a long time ago.
He started to look around at where he was and what biome he was in..
Out in the middle of nowhere in the desert, great.
No water.
No food.
No shelter.
Only a few hours till night and if he wasn't dead by then he would get blown up by a creeper, shot by a skeleton, devoured by a zombie, or the people would find him.
He sat there for a moment, reviewing what happened since the raiders did what they did..
They got away.
They built a new home in the jungle biome.
They collected crops, killed mobs and passive mobs for food and supplies.
Pretty much just lived in normally.
I wonder if they've noticed if he is gone yet or do they think hes out exploring in the jungle like usual.
I hope they atleast noticed he was gone.
Maybe they could find him?
No, the jungle biome was hundreds of kilometers away.
It would take them atleast a week to even get to the desert let alone search for him.
He would be dead by then even if they did find him.
He sat there for hours.
He felt like he was about to starve.
He saw a creeper and started to run, he tried to get into a plains biome atleast so he could wait until the morning in a tree.
He started to see grass.
A plain biome?
No wait, yeah, a plains biome!
He starts to see a house.. no, a villge!
He sees people and they see him.
They see hes dirty, covered in blood form when the man hit him in the head, and tired.
"Who are you?" a man asks, a miner definitely.
"I'm Jack." he says while letting a relieved breath slide out.
"Well, are you hungry Jack?" he asks.
"Starving." I say trying not to sound desperate.
"Follow me." he says.
I follow him to what I think is his familys house, he has a whispered talk to his wife and I could make out a few things.
"We can't just turn him away, he looks as if he hasn't eaten in-" he say
"I don't care, he could be a raider or a theif." she says staring at Jack
"He looks 14 Sarah." he says with a annoyed tone.
"Fine, but I'm watching him." she says not whispering anymore.
The man tells him to sit down at the table beside his son and they will make him a plate.
He sits there for 5 minutes waiting.
They have two kids, both boys, one looks 9 and the other 13 or 14.
So then the man brought him a plate of cooked porn and a potato then asked that he leave when I was done eating.
So I ate and left without anyone ever noticing.
It was still night time and no one would let Jack stay the night so he left the town.
Then he got tired and just gave up, he lied down on the ground and went to sleep.
Well you may think he is gonna find his family and live happily ever after but no.
When you lie down on the ground in the middle of the night in MC, you will die.
So he got blown up by that creeper that was chasing him..

Jack Fade has been blown up.

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10/03/2013 10:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
Eeirail's Avatar
The story itself is very choppy and you used to much spacing where space wasn't needed, you have no paragraphs in it at all either. Least the grammar isn't terrible.
10/03/2013 10:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
[Fade]'s Avatar
Yeah not that much of a writer.. ;-;
I hope you at least liked the story.
10/03/2013 10:14 am
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
Eeirail's Avatar
Yeah, it wasn't bad, just keep writing.
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