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JAZI Server Update 1: Railway Rants and Sky City Beginnings

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JAZIGaming's Avatar JAZIGaming
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
So I (Sean/ZippyLaBallin) decided that I'd create a little blog/journal thing about the Jazi Public Server and the various projects we are currently working on. I have no idea if people will be replying to this, let alone reading it, but oh well; it gives us something to look back on and say: "Holy crap! Remember when there was like...nothing there? Look at the cool things we built!" If anyone decides to follow this bloggy thing, hopefully you'll have the same reactions too.

Today I worked on more of the underground railway system. It's become such a tedious project as it stretches so damn far across the map, linking village to village that I sometimes want to slam my face through my monitor! But I think it will all be worth it in the end...hopefully. I had the realization today that if I don't have the rail system linking EVERY village to one another, there would be no point to it and it will have been a complete waste of time - people could walk to the cities and villages faster than the railways could get them there.

They take FOREVER to build too, as I'm making them look pretty badass (especially when you're flying through them on a minecart). I'm totally encasing the rails in a really cool looking tunnel, otherwise the railway project would have been done a good while back.

I also began work on the sky city today. There should be a screenshot of the very beginnings of it attached to this post. I have only some very minimal, basic framework done on it right now, but it will grow into something fantastic. I just know it.

Anyway, I've started it out with a large tower in the center of the city. It has a HUGE fountain inside which flows out into these 4 ground-aqueducts. That way, if you need water, you just have to go to one of the main walkways to get it! I also created 4 large waterfalls that fall to the earth from the ground-aqueducts. They look rather dorky right now, but they'll look a lot better when I've created the rest of the landmass the city will sit atop.

I haven't really decided what I'm going to do with the land the city will be on, but I have several options: I can make it look like the sky-city in "The Empire Strikes Back" (which is actually where I kinda got the idea from), or I can make it look like the city literally ripped right out of the earth....but that would require a LOT of terraforming, and considering I've been creating the entire server without mods....terraforming's a bitch and a half to do. So I'm not really sure...if anyone else is reading this, what do you think would be a cool idea for the structure the city will be on top of?

Alright...well I guess that's about it. I didn't really get to do much in the server today, but then again, a lot of these posts will pretty much be about nothing until the railways are all complete. God I wish I knew a faster way to build those damn things.

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