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Journey to the center of PMC. (SPEAK CONTEST)

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Set_46-Give_51's Avatar Set_46-Give_51
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Everyone knows Minecraft as one of those lax games, simply, but to new players, they're not quite experienced. No one can join Minecraft then say "The block ID for 69 is lever! You can use a wooden axe to spam them everywhere!"
Well at least I hope they can't. So, for the FIRST competition for SPEAK, inexperienced me a couple years ago.

"Where's all my luscious diamonds!" I shoved head first into another chest to look for glittering blue. None. I turned my head slowly, as I knew I had to head back into, there. That dark, stony, tunnel. DOWN, down, down, into the depths of my mine. I hop into my minecart, press the button, and off I go. On my way, I look at the various strip tunnels I made, but no. I was gonna spelunk it today. I cautiously step out of my minecart and start placing torches. Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Lapis Crapis, Redstone. Tunnel after tunnel, pitch black nothing. As I step over some stone I see a gaping triple mesh mosh ravine. I started to run over to it. And there was some diamond! But, of course over some lava. I walked carefully over to the diamond. I smothered the lava with stone and proceeded retrieving my loot.
After I mined I only reaped one diamond. This really sucks. I saw a lit up passage near the top of the ravine, with DIAMONDS! I pillared up their (But not "nerd pole", I didn't know what that is.) and at the surface there was 8 diamond. I looked to the right and there is a ENORMOUS gaping area. Its was around 250x250x50 with caverns poking out with all sides everywhere. This enormous monstrosity completely scared me as I've never seen this before, it couldn't be man made for I'm on SSP. In fright, I ran back home.
For some reason this scared me as a newbie. I soon came to realize this was a extremely rare formation. I also made a second scary story. Okay?
(i ws crfting a pck and a creper come to me and xplded! It wuz lke so scry!)

Couldn't resist!

Cause Jobo Hoe wants me to, He said anywhere
I also got this, it's 2nd or just a sexy 2 in a speech bubble.

Hey looky Poppy Really
CreditThe creeper that killed me. Grotta Gigante, that Big cave.

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06/07/2013 10:07 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
HumbleHobo's Avatar
I liked your story :). Is that Carlsbad Caverns?
06/07/2013 10:08 am
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
No, Grotta Gigante, it says in the credits, YUP!
06/07/2013 10:12 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
HumbleHobo's Avatar
Oh, I gotcha. Congrats in pop reel :)
06/07/2013 10:15 am
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
I'm there? O:
You are competing in the contest also, right?
06/07/2013 10:18 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
HumbleHobo's Avatar
What contest?
06/07/2013 10:20 am
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
This is for a contest, The SPEAK organization the hobo joe made. He welcomed you to join, didn't he?
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