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Lawful Stupid ~ D & D story ~ Prolouge

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Crois's Avatar Crois
Level 49 : Master Zombie
So while I was pondering what on earth to do, I decided what if all my favirote (i've made like 50 dont judge) charcters met each other ????

So I did it, The story you are about to read is made of charcters I have actually put a bit of my soul into, so ENJOY.
~ swear warning ~

The day was a genuine bright day but the clouds in the sky indicated a rainstorm was definitely going to fall soon, Roywyn, A small forest gnome knew that, hence she brought a cloak, she was traveling and buying a few items to uh burn an elf character theif who we shall call Abby help plant her garden, anyway while she was buying flint and steel seeds she noticed a bill-board saying - NEEDED ADVENTURER, I TOTALLY WONT ROB YOU.

another rouge? Jeez, why the hell not at this point.

Roywyn payed for her flamethrower seeds and decided to investigate the poster *ROLE FOR INVESTIGATION* (17) okay Roywyn doesn't seem to notice anything sus about the poster and it seems like a genuine WANTED HELP poster, so she decided to go to the location in which you can be hired in the party.

She knocked down the door, screaming like a maniac - "WHERE THE FUCK DO I SIGN UP". She notices three figures in the room, *ROLL FOR PERCEPTION* (8) Roywyn looks at the figures in the room, she sees what looks like a half-elf, A teifling, And a human, She can't tell who summoned her but she dosn't really care that much either.

The human says "Can you fight"

*flashbacks to previously campaign"

"does killing alien man-lizards and a water dragon elemental count as me knowing how to fight?" She asks
"yup, your in, Meet Zil & Nix, I'm Zai and I'm the leader of this charade."

"Cool, cool, fun, fun, what the hell are we doing?" Roywyn asked, impatiently (look I rolled low charisma with her okay).
"there have been a few...issues in kingdoms I need your help to take care of em'." Zai replied, unnerved by Roywyn's rude manner.

"Just to be clear, this isn't gang crap you have to deal with?" Nix said from the shadows.
"shut up Bloodstring!" Zai snapped

Nix sighed but kept her cool. *ROLL FOR INSIGHT* (18)

Roywyn could clearly tell there was some history going on between Nix and Zai, since she could see the viol on Nix's back she could tell that she was a Bard, And Bard's don't lose there cool unless their is some bar-fight going on, then maybe they fight, maybe the go up to the highest surface and tell everyone to shut up, it really depends on the bard.

Roywyn decided it wasn't her issue and asked what Zai meant by 'issues' in the kingdoms.
Zai simply said - "I need you to kill some assholes."


Roywyn, used to this focused her attention on the half-elf, Who clearly noticed her and started dropping everything.

Damn she was clumsy.

A full blown fight had happened, and considering Roywyn had done this with a elf rouge named abby, she really didn't mind the explosions going on in the background.

"What are you doing this for? You do NOT look like you should be doing this." Roywyn said.
"Wh - Oh me, Um, Me? Oh, Um - I, am, uh studying Arcana and I need to see different lands to study it, I, was, uh hoping, that, uh, this could help, but, i'm, erm, rethinking it." She said

*ROLL FOR INSIGHT* (15), Roywyn belived the Half-elf, Zil just seemed like a very introverted half-elf who had no idea what she was doing. As soon as Zai was about to bash Nix on the head with a chair, Roywyx used wind wall to smash them both into diffrent sides of the room, "ARE WE GONNA DO THE DAMN QUEST OR NOT?!"

I'm stopping because if I don't imma be writing until tommorow morning, I hope you enjoyed this, and I actually did have my charcter fight someone in one of my campains as a side thing going on in the background when it wasn't our turns (it was on zoom) it was quite funny actually, and the elf WAS NAMED ABBY.

anyway I hope you enjoyed the story, maybe I'll write agian, this was kind just cuz I was bored.

do not steal.
I have copyright rights >:)
CreditPicrewの「harvey's picrew pt 2」

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01/09/2022 4:32 pm
They/Them • Level 46 : Master Dinosaur Necromancer
Rakkitatoru's Avatar
I've done something similar with my cousins where every single one of our characters went on a mini quest together.

It was an experience x)
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