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XxCryeWolfxX's Avatar XxCryeWolfxX
Level 1 : New Explorer

These questions may be a bit EMBARESSING to answer, but I will answer them first.

Have you judged someone?
Good or bad, just have you?
"She is cute" "he is weird"

Have you gossiped?
Good or badly, have you?
"Did you know he picks his nose...?"

Have you called someone a mean name?
Cussing, rude, different language?
"You are fat"
Have you ever stole from someone?
You know that popular saying...
"The bully stole the kids lunch money!"

Well I'll answer first
I'm pretty upset I've done these things but, I have judged people. Not out loud normally but sometimes. Sometimes I can be rude, in my mind or out loud. I have talked about people in mean ways and I've called people mean names... I haven't taken anything from anyone but I'm not a tad bit proud of myself for this.

We have all had our wrongs, but words can hurt.

I've learned that from my own personal expirence.
I've been a bystander sometimes.I've been a bully sometimes.
And sometimes, IVE been the victim.

We all have been a bully in some way. We all have been bullied some way. We are all judged and we are all judger's,
Yet sometimes, it takes more than a few insults to make yourself feel better.
I have been a bully because I have been bullied for many years.

I want that to change.

Together we can try to fix humanity.

Bullying has caused many suicides. Teenage mainly, but this can happen to kids and adults too .
A couple of words can kill someone.

You have 10 people, for example. 7 out of every 10 people have been bullied
7 out of 10 people face depression or not as severe sadness.
Most teenage suicides are ignored. Yet here, the world feels sorrow for those who go through hard ships still, and those who have given up.

You are you.
Maybe you think, you isn't the best.
But no one can replace YOU.

Dear boys:
Many of you feel like a wasted space or unwanted.
Like you are ugly or dumb, fat or weak.
But you don't need a jersey or good grades to be amazing.
You are handsome and amazing just the way you are.
Chubby, or skinny, smart, or not as smart, you matter.
Every puzzle needs all the pieces. Maybe you don't fit in one puzzle,
But surely, you fit in another. You Belong here. Without your puzzle piece,
The puzzle would be... Boring.. Incomplete.

Dear girls:
Many of you feel self conscious.
This I know.
If you weren't born with it, you go out and find a few....
You are beautiful just the way you are.
You can be fat or thin, tall or small, you
Are perfect just true way you are. If someone doesn't love you
For who you are, you know they don't deserve your loyalty.
Don't worry about your pretty face, body, hair, etc.
You are beautiful no matter what ;) yet there is
More to girls then beauty. Like the puzzle piece message,
You belong.

Yeah yeah, this is Minecraft not therapy....
Say that all you want.

Over 18 people attempt a suicide every day.
Over 14 proceed a suicide every day.

If you happen to have been a bully, let's try to change this!
Our words can KILL an innocent life.
Let's grow as one and live on, trying to fight bullying.


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04/15/2016 5:55 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Eyedea_'s Avatar
A lil cringey tbh
04/15/2016 4:33 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
starcatcher77's Avatar
Good blog, but I don't thin 7 out of 10 is accurate.
04/15/2016 6:27 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
maximebrx's Avatar
Thank you for taking your time to write this man! :) A very good blog for everyone to read!

- from a student who is studying to become a psychologist. :D
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