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Levels / Ranks / Experience Points on PMC

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SourC00kie's Avatar SourC00kie
Retired Moderator
Level 45 : Master Blob
Levels and ranks are a great way to show how much a person has posted, how good the submissions are and how much effort they put into their submissions.

I personally love the level aspect of this site, it promotes people to keep uploading to get a higher rank. However truthfully I think people should care less on what rank they are and instead worry about their submissions in general. Level ranking is great but there are some bad aspects that I will list out here.

First off, people just want to be a higher rank. Users see other users that are over level fifty and they think to themselves, "I would do anything to get to that rank." So a huge thing that people do is create back-up accounts and use those accounts to like, favorite and recommend their main account's submissions. This indeed adds on to the experience a player gets. They think the more they do this the more their submissions will be seen by others. Which is true however it isn't legit and it is unearned experience. The Rules & Guidelines clearly states that creating multiple back-up accounts is a violation of the rules on PMC.

Second, people think that when they have a higher rank they will get more respect. Honestly that isn't true. You get respect by helping other people, being nice and not being harsh to anyone. THAT gets you respected and a good reputation. However some people think that because they are a level forty as an example, they should get more respect. I very much dislike that. You can be a level one and still be fully respected by people. Just post in the forums, which is a non-experience point giver to prevent spam, and people will eventually respect you and you WILL have a great reputation with the commmunity.

Thirdly, ranks are just for fun. The main reason Cyprezz added ranks into PMC is because it will indeed promote users to keep on uploading submissions to unlock new titles, levels, classes etc. Ranks are not meant for respect and are not meant to cheat for. Just keep uploading submissions and you will rank up with experience.

I know that most people don't even care about their ranks, they just post for fun. That's what I love. PMC is mainly for posting, you shouldn't be worried about how someone is twenty levels higher than you, or has a much cooler title than you. Like your teachers say or have said, "Worry about yourself."

I do agree that getting titles and new classes is awarding however once again, not to be cheated for though. Hopefully this has added to your thinking and I would be interested to what you think about this.

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09/29/2011 7:15 pm
Level 23 : Expert Cake
Mallentadro's Avatar
I would add one thing to this people make crapy skins and upload them. You have no idea how many skins ive seen that are solid color.
09/30/2011 3:40 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
U_T@lkin_T0_ME!!'s Avatar
lol very true they 're all shit
09/30/2011 8:48 pm
Level 23 : Expert Cake
Mallentadro's Avatar
There more than shit there sarah palins shit.
09/29/2011 2:38 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
Exactly what i've been trying to tell people,just MUCH longer and detailed :3
09/29/2011 2:55 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
carvine1's Avatar
ive never seen u say anything:D
09/29/2011 1:35 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pirate
Bleyd's Avatar
"Levels and ranks are a great way to show how much a person has posted,

how good the submissions are and how much effort they put into their


I respectfully disagree. There are many fantastic skinners and builders that go unnoticed or get drowned out by the spam submissions. Three or four comments and favorites by the few people who see and appreciate their work isn't going to propel them into success.

Likewise, there are also some users that produce unoriginal and gimmicky content, and yet are popular because they whore themselves out for attention or shamelessly self-promote.

The only way the creative users get noticed is by making something that captures the attention of enough people in enough time to get on the popular reel. From there, it avalanches, and people will start subscribing and noticing their work more.
09/29/2011 1:42 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Well you have to understand I never said that levels will get you noticed. What I said is that it shows how much someone has posted and how much effort people put into their work. I agree with you that there are more than 90% of the community who don't put any effort into their work and yet get noticed more than others who DO put effort into their work. However, the people that DO put effort into their work WILL get noticed. So far I haven't found more than one submission that has an incredible amount of effort put into it that didn't get in the highlight reel at least once. You look at users such as Studnicky, Scuttles, MightyPork etc. that put effort in their texture packs, mods and skins and get quite noticed. Even smaller users with less subscribers that put effort into their submissions will at one point get noticed. Like you said, something that captures someones attention. That's precisely what I'm getting at.
09/29/2011 3:16 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
xeroxthemachine's Avatar
No, I disagree.

There are people out there who make amazing work and put lots of energy towards making something only to have it not noticed. Sure, in the examples you've given they all get noticed. In fact, they get noticed a fair bit.

I'm pretty sure every Studnicky skin gets it's fair bit of attention, and nearly every one makes it to the Highlight Reel. You say that's a good thing, but maybe it isn't. Maybe the fact that all of Studnicky's skins get on the Highlight Reel is preventing people who are working hard from getting on there.

Not to say that Studnicky doesn't work hard to make his skins, but it doesn't really affect his points if he gets on the Highlight Reel or not. Whereas, for a skinmaker who's just setting themselves up and beginning the journey towards making excellent skins, a position on the Highlight Reel would really affect them, personally and points-wise.

So positions of the Highlight Reel tend to be given to those people who it will affect least (the ones with higher levels and more subscribers), while they are not often given to people who it would really give motivation to.

I think that such a thing would work better if the higher level you are, the more likes/views/comments you need for your submission to be featured. But that's just my 2p.

(By the way, I am not suggesting in any way that Studnicky is a bad person. I personally think he's an awesome dude. I'm just using him to represent people with high levels because he just happened to be the first of your examples of users)
09/29/2011 3:24 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
And I respectfully disagree with you.

Studynicky worked hard for where he is right now. His skins are exceptional and he puts a lot of work into them. You saying that he doesn't deserve to be on the highlight reel because he "doesn't need it" it completely false. First off, he DOES need it. Any person on PMC needs XP to rank up. Second, you cannot expect someone new, who recently joined PMC to post a skin and automatically be on the highlight reel. They have to get known in the community, post a lot of skins, be active and over time they WILL be quite popular and be on the highlight reel and then the cycle continues. It requires a lot of patience which most of the users on PMC do not have.
09/29/2011 1:22 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
SourC00kie's Avatar
Also, should mention (I know I can edit, just too lazy :) ) that people STEAL content just to get experience points based on how good it is. That REALLY bugs me.

I vowed that anytime I see any type of stolen content I will flag/report it. You mainly see this in the Skin section...
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