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Minecraft vs COD: The Facts.

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angeluscaligo's Avatar angeluscaligo
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Warning! Read first!

We've all seen them and met them, some on Youtube, some on the official forums and some are friends: COD-defenders. Now, their claims are that COD is so much better than Minecraft, mostly using the 'excuse' that Minecraft has bad graphics and that it's boring. Now, when they're talking in this 'bullshit'-mode, some of us give in to their trolling and fierce discussions ensue and sometimes erupt into mean and terrible online-wars (Kinda like very small versions of the Boxy-phenomenon). Well, I'm here to present the hard facts, to see what game is better according to the numbers.

Call Of Duty is a franchise, encompassing up and around 12 games. The total revenue is 3 billion dollars, with 55 million copies solds between 2003 and 2012. The franchise has 40 million monthly active players, with 7 million Elite-players and 1.5 annually active players.

Now let's translate that into percentages. 55 million copies sold over a decade, with an average of 5.5 million per year aka 10% copies sold per year en total.
About 3% of the players pay per month and only 1.5% of the players pay each year, giving a hardcore group that makes up for about 2% of all the players.

Minecraft is a indie-game, having sold its first million copies with PR-stunts whatsoever, relying only on mouth-to-mouth advertising. Total revenue is about 23 million dollars, as of april 2011. It has sold 6.4 million copies between 2009 and 2012, with about 100.000 in Alpha and 1 million in Beta. It has 32.9 million registered users and 6.4 million users have bought the game.

Let's translate that into percentages. 6.4 million copies sold over 3 years, with 100.000 between 2009 and 2010 and 1 million between 2009 and april 2011. This translates into roughly 0.5% in Alpha, 5% in Beta and 94.5% in the final game.
About 20% of registered users have bought the game.

Now, in comparison, COD has received between 3 and 30 million dollars per year and Minecraft has received between 2 and 7 million dollars per year. We can say that for an indie-game, Minecraft has had more stable sellingrates than COD has had. These sellingrates have also drastically increased in the last year. If we were to translate that growth over all three years, then Minecraft would have received about 18 million dollars each year, which almost half of that of COD. We must also remember that most revenue of COD is gained through monthly payments, which only about 10% of all registered COD-players pay every month or each year.

We must also keep in mind that COD has about 18 'different' games, that's including the expansions. Minecraft has only 3 'different' games, namely PC, Pocket Edition and XBox. Also, note that Xbox had sold 400.000 copies in the first 24 hours and that profit was being made after the first hour of sales. SOmething that can not be easily said of COD.

Also, as far as users go, Minecraft outnumbers COD in percentages: 20% against respectively 6% and 1.5%.

Now, I'm not saying anything in particular. I'm just stating the facts. And the facts state that Minecraft's sellingrate is as good (and sometimes better) than those of the COD franchise. Also, Minecraft has a much more stable sellingrate and revenue, together with a more coherrent and stable community.

Take these numbers as you want, but I dare to say that these numbers say that both are about equal, each with its own positive and negative parts.

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07/08/2014 11:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1575399's Avatar
06/01/2013 5:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Nerd
WJdash's Avatar
Trying to compare this is like saying, which color is more red, green or blue?

And I like Both equally for different reasons!
06/02/2013 7:11 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
angeluscaligo's Avatar
You obviously didn't read the text than.
06/02/2013 7:27 am
Level 31 : Artisan Nerd
WJdash's Avatar
No i read it but I'm trying to say it is hard to compare them because they are the most different form of game from each other that they can be. A sandbox creative game versus a shoot em up game, they are hard to compare
06/02/2013 6:11 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
angeluscaligo's Avatar
Well, the comparison was in terms of sales and paying users, as many favoritists like to say that 'their' game is better than the other game, an opinion mostly based on favoritism, popularity & sales-figures. By this comparison, I try to say that for an indie-game, Minecraft has had phenomenal sale-rates and that - if it were to have been produced by a 'big' studio, it would have surely surpassed COD on sale-rates and review-rates.

It's my own cheeky way of saying "Say what you will, but Minecraft sells better and has a more devoted & paying consumerpool than CoD has". And with the latest CoD-announcement, I think Minecraft doesn't have to try outsell them anymore; It's a given fact by now and the bad decissions made by Microsoft, the Xbox-comany and the CoD-producers ain't doing any of them good.
06/02/2013 6:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Nerd
WJdash's Avatar
Okay... Probably the longest comment I've ever seen.....
05/20/2013 5:45 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
KiddShadow's Avatar
I think minecraft and Call of Duty are just two game franchises for two different kinds of people. Arguing over that is like saying "Your opinion is wrong". Nice thumbnail by the way!

I am one of the 5% who bought the game in beta!
06/25/2012 4:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Your forum gets locked, so you make it into a blog? Thats smart... .__.
06/25/2012 5:00 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
angeluscaligo's Avatar
Facts are facts. I can't help it when people start bitching about the truth :/
The forum was locked to prevent flaming. So if anyone starts flaming this blogpost, I'll delete their ass out of here D:
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