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Mino8423's Avatar Mino8423
Level 45 : Master Gent
Mino8423 here and i just want to know if anyone has any mod ideas for me to try to make.

I can make quite a few mods but not intense things like millenaire if you've heard of it.

I can do ores, items, armor, weapons, tools, blocks, and mob and i could possibly learn more soon

Also! checkout my wall you might like some of my recent mods

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02/11/2020 9:18 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Luis_Ur's Avatar
An idea I recently had was for more enchantments for the unloved hoe, mainly having potion buffs applied to farmland and ergo crops that grow on them. Nothing crazy 10-15sec buffs but would then make some strategy of crops, more interesting utility of the hoe. And could even add an enchantment that gave a no-cool down buff for combat or animal breeding applied to crops.

Weapon wise an enchantment or means to give a hoe some combat fun, "Reaper Enchantment" I think I've seen something like it floating for older than 1.14, Basically gives a hoe Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Sharpness, and Chopping (normally exclusive) and bumps its attach to a 5.
05/21/2017 4:34 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MoreCraft Vanilla Expansion Mod

totem of teleportation
at low health teleports you to safe location

Obsidian Armor and Tools
Better and Faster than diamond but less durability can walk through lava at foot level

Shulker Armor
same as iron
Less fall damage
when you hold shift and jump you fly for as long as you press shift

Heavy Potion
50% more fall damage

Elytra Chestplate
All Chestplates can be put in a crafting table with an Elytra to make it. You can Glide with it

Levitation Dust
Every time you block a shot from the shulker the projectile it drops the dust, used to make levitation potion

Nether Brick Fence Gates

Torpedo Arrow
shoots easily through water

Prismarine Armor
same as chainmail but you can swim quickly, breath, see and walk quickly underwater

9 slots of storage

Iron Bricks
iron 2x2 in crafting table

Emerald Tools and Armor
Better than diamond

Cuts through leaves and vines easier than shear but not collecting the 1 less damage than sword

Get rid of items easily

Multicolored Glowstone
Different colors of light

Slimes leave behind trail of slime can be harvested to collect 3 slime balls

Emerald coins
1 emerald equals nine Emerald coins trades for emeralds are now for emerald coins

Hireable Villagers
can hire villagers for emerald coins

Exp Hopper
Collects Exp

Invisible until attacked gives you blindness
10/03/2012 1:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheOneWithk's Avatar
Can you make a doctor mod?

Syringes, Drugs, antibiotics, Medicene, Vitamins, etc?

It would be very interesting! :).
10/03/2012 5:15 am
Level 45 : Master Gent
Mino8423's Avatar
yes and i assume you want them to be able to heal and have interesting affects?
10/03/2012 5:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheOneWithk's Avatar
Yes! Like somehow some medications or pills...or something will give you some kind of power up, kinda like a potion.

General Steroids would be a great one. Gives you more strength
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